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TOWN OF LEXINGTON 70 <br />or otherwise, or act in any manner relating thereto. <br />Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Chief of the Fire Department to install a Fire alarm <br />box at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Oak <br />Street and appropriate money for same. <br />Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, <br />with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before <br />the time of said meeting. <br />Given under our hands, at Lexington, this twenty- <br />third day of September, A, D., 1924. <br />ALBERT H. BURNHAM, <br />J. CHESTER I-IUTCT-ITNSON. <br />FRED H. MOULTON, <br />THEODORE A. CUSTACE, <br />CHARLES H. MILES, <br />Selectmen of T,e•cin 't..a <br />Lexington, Mass., September 27, 1324 <br />To the Town Clerk:—• <br />I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by post- <br />ing printed copies of the foregoing Warrant in the Post <br />Office, in the vestibule of the Town Hall and in.six one!' <br />public places in the Town, and by mailing a printed cony of <br />the same to. every registered voter in the town, ten days be- <br />fore the time of said meeting. <br />Attest: <br />PATRICK MAGUIRE <br />Constable of Lexington <br />80 ANNUAL REPORT <br />TOWN MEETING <br />October 6, 1924 <br />The meeting was called to order by Moderator Robert <br />H. Holt at 8 P. M. <br />Article 2. On motion of Albert H. Burnham. it was <br />unanimously: "Voted, that the Town rescind the vote <br />passed under Article 8 at the Town Meeting, October 8, <br />1923, which vote is as folows: "Voted, That the Selectmen <br />be authorized to install a six inch water main subject to <br />the usual guarantee on a private way know as Cedar Street <br />about 1100 feet and that Thirty-eight hundred and fifty <br />dollars be appropriated for the purpose and for raising the <br />mcnev so appropriated the Town Treasurer be and hereby is <br />authorized to sell under the direction of and with the ap- <br />proval of the Selectmen, bonds or notes of the Town of <br />the sum of Thirty-eight hundred and fifty dollars bearing <br />interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent issued and <br />payable as provided by law," <br />Article 3. On motion of Albert H. Burnham. it was <br />unanimously: "Voted, That the Town amend the (vote; <br />passed under Article 8 of the meeting of June 26, 1924 by <br />adding at the end of the vote the words. "any bonds or <br />notes issued under this vote are to be under authority of <br />nd 'n accordance with the provisions of "Town of Lexing- <br />ton Sewer Loan Act of 1913" so that the vote as amended <br />w;il read as follows: "Voted: That the sum of :0.000 be <br />appropriated for an extension of the sewer from the man- <br />hole near the R. R. crossing in Meriam Street to the corner <br />of Meriam and Stetson Streets. a distance of 776 feet and in <br />Stetson Street 375 feet, making a total distance of 1151 <br />feet, the money to be raised by the issuance of bonds or <br />notes in accordance with law, any balance to be applied <br />to construction of same in Oakland Street. Any bonds or <br />notes issued under this vote are to be under authority of <br />end in accordance with the provisions of "Town of Lexing- <br />ton Sewer Loan Act of 1913." <br />Article 4. On motion of Albert H. Burnham, it was <br />voted to indefinitely postpone this article. <br />Artiel" 10. On motion of Henry M. King it was voted <br />to take up this article. <br />