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10-14-58 <br />Read to the Board was Mr. Mark Moore Jr.'s <br />September 29s 1958 letter to the Planning Board in <br />regard to matters concerning the Hancock Heights <br />and Burnham Farms developments and proposed acquisi- <br />tions by the Town. <br />OPTION FOR In regard to the proposed Vine Brook -North <br />LAND FOR Street recreation areas Mr. Jaquith was authorized <br />RECREATION to negotiate with Mr. Willard P. Grush for an option <br />PURPOSES for the Town to purchase from the trustee of the <br />Reginald W. Ellis property the remaining portions <br />of lots 3 through 7 not taken for the construction <br />of State Route 3. <br />STREET With further reference to Mr. Moore's letter <br />ACCEPTANCES and one from the Selectmen, dated October is 19581 <br />Mr. Snow was asked to draft for the Chairmants sig- <br />nature a reply to the Selectmen's letter, said <br />reply being based on the Planning Board's discus- <br />sion of the situation in regard to street accept- <br />ances in the Moore Realty Trust developments named <br />above. (See addendum.) <br />TOWN DUMP The Board considered next the October 7s 1958 <br />letter from the Selectmen in regard to the possible <br />use of the Reiss land between Hinchey Road and West- <br />view Street as a town dump. Mr. Snow was asked to <br />prepare for the Chairman's signature a draft of a <br />letter incorporating the -main points of the Board's <br />discussion in regard to the communication from the <br />Selectmen. (See addendum.) <br />ZONING The attention of the Board was called to the <br />BY-LAW Town Counsel's October 10, 1958 letter to the Town <br />AMENDMENTS Clerks copy of which letter was sent to the Boards <br />in regard to the amendments to the Zoning By-law <br />adopted under Articles 2, 3s 4, 8, 9, and 10 of the <br />warrant for the special town.meeting held September <br />151 1958. It was noted that these amendments were <br />approved by the Attorney General on Oct. 8, 1958s <br />and that the Attorney General had not acted as of <br />said date on the amendment to the Zoning By-law <br />adopted under Article 7 of the warrant. <br />WORTHEN The Board considered next a preliminary plan, <br />ROAD dated August 15, 1958, and prepared by the planning <br />staff showing a proposed location for Worthen Road <br />between Waltham Street and Marrett Road. Dis- <br />cussed particularly were the possible locations of <br />said road across the land of Vine Brook Realty Trust <br />and Colonial Development Corp., and of Swenson and <br />Baptistes the latter property being located just <br />southerly of Marrett Road. Consideration was also <br />WZ <br />1 <br />C <br />i <br />