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JUNE 26, 1931.
A meeting of the Board of Appeals was held in
the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 8 P.M.
Messrs. Maddison, Custance, Slocum and Glynn were
The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M. by
Chairman Maddison. C. E. Glynn acted as Clerk pro-
On theti ion of Frank Dias for a roadside stand
pe t
on the premises owned by Isabella Fardy on Waltham
Street, near Concord Avenue, it was moved and unanimously
voted that same be denied.
On the petition of Mary A. Whelan for a tea room
and accommodations for tourists at 259 Bedford Street,
it was moved and unanimously voted that same be granted
for a term of 2 years beginning July 1, 1931, provided
the business is conducted by said Mary A. Whelan and
on the further proviso that no additions or structural
alterations are to be made to or in the premises.
The Board voted to pass the following order refusing
permission to Frank Dias to operate a roadside stand.
The Board of Appeals, acting under General Laws
Chapter 40, sec. 27, having received a written petition
addressed to it by Frank Dias, Concord Avenue, Lexington,
a copy of which is hereto annexed, held a public hearing
thereon of which notice was mailed to the petitioner
and to the owners of all property deemed by the Board
to be affected the eby as they appear on the most recent Dias
local tax list, and also advertised in the Lexington order.
Times-Minute Man, a newspaper published in Lexington,
which hearing was held in the Selectmen's Room in the
Town Office Building on the 5th day of June, 1931 at
8:15 o'clock P.M. A majority of the members of the
Board of Appeals were present at the hearing.
After hearing the widence offered by the petitioners
and such other evidence as was offered, the Board in private
1 session at a meeting held June 26, 1931, gave consideration
to the subject of the petition and a majority of the Board
votedthat in its the public
welfare will not be substantially served by the
use of the premises described in the petition and that such
use may tend to impair the status of the neighborhood.
1.32 c�
The Board therefore determines that the rri
application of section 9 F of the Lexington Zoning
By-law does not permit the use of the premises
described in the petition and instructs the Inspector
of Buildings of Lexington not to grant a permit
Board of Appeals of Lexington,
Arthur R. Maddison
C. Edward Glynn
Theodore A. Custance
Curlys L. Slocum
Roland W. Baldrey
I, Roland W. Baldrey, Clerk 'of the Board of Appeals
of Lexington, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40,
Section 27, hereby certify that I sent by registered
mail on the 21st day of May, 1931 to John Dias, Marga et R.
Wright, John Ricci, Salvatore Ricci, John F. Hoidway,
Jeanette M. Lawrence, Anthony Lima, Alfred L. Short,
Louis H. Lawrence, Adm., Frank Dias, Robert L. Goinsalvos,
John F . & Ethel L. Daly, Isabella Fardy and Harry A. &
Irving W. Penniman, and also published in the Lexington
Times-Minute Man on May 22, 1931, a notice of which the
following is a true copy.
Roland W. Baldrey
Clerk, Board of Appeals.
May 20, 1931.
Lexington Board of Zoning Appeals
Town Office Building
Lexington, Mass.
The undersigned hereby petition the Lexington Board
of Appeals, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40,
Section 27, to vary the application of Section 9 F,
of the Lexington Zoning By-law with respect to the
premises at Waltham Street, owned by Isabella Fardy of
Lexington by permitting the following: Roadside stand
for the sale of farm products grown on Concord Ave.
Lexington and in Lincoln.
Frank Dias
Concord Avenue.
4 n
Lexington, lass.
May 20, 1931.
The Board of Appeals will hold a hearing on the
matter of l'arying the application of the Zoning Law by
permitting the use of the property situated on Waltham
Street and owned by Isabella Fardy under Section 9 F
of the Lexington Zoning By-law for a permit for a road-
side stand on the said premises for the sale of products
grown by Frank Dias of Concord Avenue, Lexington, and
in accordance with Chapter 133 of the Acts of 1924.
The hearing will be held June 5, 1931 at the
Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 8:15 o'clock P.M.
Arthur N. Maddison
Chairman, Board of Appeals
The Board voted to pass the following orddr granting
permission to Mary A. Whelan to permit a tea room and
tourist accommodations:
The Board of Appeals, acting under General Laws,
Chapter 40, sec. 27, having received a writ en petition
addressed to it by Mary A. Whelan, 259 Bedford St.,
Lexington, a copy of which is hereto annexed, held a
public hearing thereon of which notice was mailed to M. A. Whelan
the petitioner and to the owners of all property deemed order:"
by the Board to be affected thereby as they appear
on the most recent local tax list, and also advertised
in the Lexington Times-Minute Man, a newspaper published
in Lexington, which hearing was held in the Selectmen's
Room in the own Office Building on Friday, the 19th day
day of June, 1931 at eight o'clock P.M. A majority of
the members of the Board of Appeals were present at
the hearing.
After hearing the evidence offered by the petitioner
and such other evidence as was offered, the Board in
private session at a meeting held June 28, 1931, gave
consideration to the subject of the petition and a
majority of the Board voted that in its judgment the
public convenience and welfare will be substantially
served by the use of the premises described in the
petition and that such use will not tend to impair
the status of the neighborhood.
The Board therefore determines that the application
of section 9 G of the Lexington Zoning By-law permits
the use of the premises described in the petition,
subject to the following conditions, and instructs
the Inspector of Buildings of Lexington to grant a
permit therefor.
1. Petition to be granted for a term of 2 years
beginning July 1, 1931.
2. That the business be conducted by said Mary A.
3. That no additions or structural alterations
are to be made .to or in the said premises.
The Board therefore determines that the use of
the premises described in the petition is in harmony
with the general purposes and intent of the Lexington
Zoning By-law.
Arthur N. Maddison
C. Edward Glynn
Theodore A. Custance
Curlys L. Slocum
Roland W. Baldrey
Board of Appeals of Lexington.
I, Roland W. Baldrey, Clerk of the Board of Appeals,
of Lexington, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40,
section 27, hereby certify that j sent by registered mail
on the 5th day of June, 1931 to `"yrs. Mary A. Whelan,
Neil McIntosh, Ethel F. Bean, et al Eugene & Agnes M.
Comions, Leicester I . Smith, Grace M. & Arthur L. Smith,
Mary E. Thaxter, Mark T. Nesmith, Trustee, Samuel
Burgoyne, and on June 10, 1951 to Eliot F. Kendall,
Edmund I. & Mona H. Ayres, Eugene E. Loupret, Herbert F.
Shannon, Frank Johnson, et al, Adm; William A. Graves,
Edwin B . Worthen, et al, Trs. Mary E. Shea, Hallie C.
Blake, George V. & Gertrude W. Benoit, Jere T. & Mary E.
Sanborn, Walter G. & Mable A. Bryant, and also pdbltshed
in the Lexington Times-Minute Man on June 5, 1931 R'
notice of which the following is a true copy.
Roland W. Baldrey
Clerk, Board of Appeals.
June 1, 1931.
Lexington Board of Zoning Appeals
Town Office Building
Lexington, Mass.
The undersigned hereby petition the Lexington Board
��. of Appeals, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40,
section 27, to vary the application of Section 9 (g)
of Exceptions and Sub-section 2 of R.1 Districts of
the Lexington Zoning By-law which respedt to the
premises at No. 259 Bedford St. , Lexington owned by
ary A. Whelan of Lexington by permitting he
following: Tea room and tourists.
Mary A. Whelan
259 Bedford St. , Lexington, Mass.
Lexington Board of Zoning Appeals
June 3, 1931.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeals
of Lexington appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40,
Section 27, will give a hearing in the Selectmen's
Room, Town Office Building on the 19th day of June
1931 at 8 o'clock P.M. on the petition of Mary A. Whelan
of 259 Bedford Street, Lexington, that the Board vary
the application of Section 9 (g) of Exceptions and Spb-
section 2 of R.1 Districts of the Lexington Zoning By-law,
IIand under Chapter 133 of the Acts of 1924, to permit a
tea room and tourist accommodations on the premises at
259 Bedford Street, Lexington.
Arthur N. Maddison
Chairman, Board of Appeals.
A true reootd, Attest]
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Clerk, pro-te