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JUNE 19, 1931.
A regular meeting of the Board of Appeals was held
at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 8 P.M.
Messrs. Maddison, B aldrey and Custance were present.
The Secretary was also present.
The Clerk read the notice of the hearing upon the
application of Mary A. Whelan. Mary A. Whelai
Mary A. Whelan appeared at the meeting in favor of
her application, and no other persons appeared for or
against. She stated that she wanted to have a tea room
and overnight tourists and intended to serve breakfast
for them. She has three rooms that can be let to tourists.
The house that she owns, was formerly the Warren Dais
property and is almost opposite the Smith Bell Farm.
She has two or three other small rooms that she did not
intend to rent inasmuch as she felt that if she operated
a tea room she may need these rooms for the help. She
wanted to have a special lobster and chicken dinner. She
already put up a sign advertising to accommodate tourists
just to see how much business she could get on that road.
She has not as yet had any business. She purchased the
house on or about April 15th of this year from Mr. Neil
McIntosh. She made quite extensive repairs to the house
inside to make it more convenient but she has not added
anything and did not intend to add on any more rooms.
Hearing was declared closed, and the Board laid the
matter on the table until such time as all the members
of the Board considered the application.
The records of the meetings of May 28 and June 5
were read and approved.
The Board discussed the application directed to the
Board of Selectmen by Frank Perkins for permission to
install two 1000 gallon gasoline tanks as an accessory F. Perkins
use to his automobile repair business operated at the application
corner of Mass. Ave. and Oak Street. The Board discussed
the matter and felt that Mr. Perkins need not make an
application and pay the fee of ten dollars inasmuch as it
was not the intention of the Board to grant any permits
in a residence district.
1 The Board voted to hold a meeting on Friday evening,
June :6, at which time the application of Mary A. Whelan
for a tea room are tourists at 259 Bedford Street would
be considered and also the application of Frank Dias
for a roadside stand on Waltham Street.
Letter was received from the Building Inspector
in which he called attention to the plans for the
Bldg. Insp. proposed Pichette and Ahern garage, in which the
re Pichette Board of Appeals recommended covering the outside
& Ahern front wall with wood siding. He took this matter up
garage with the State Fire Marshal, and was informed that
this could not be done.
He also stated that he received an application
from Mr. John Baskin of Adams Street, to erect a green
John Baskin house on East Street. This is in an R.1 District and
application calls for a hearing. Mr. Baskin asked that the Board
waive the hearing. The Board did not see any way that
they could waive the hearing on this case.
The Building Inspector also reported that
Ricci road- Mr. Ricci whose roadside stand permit expired June 11,
side stand would apply for a permit as soon as he opens up the
Mr. Boinay offered to pay the fee of $10, but
Boinay refused to file an application for a permit. He has
roadside not moved his stand back as ordered, and refused to
stand. do so, saying that if he did so, the sun would ruin
his produce. All other roadside stands are operated
in accordance with the Zoning Law.
The meeting dissolved at 9:05 P.M.
A true record, Attes .