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MAY 8, 1931. '
A meeting of the Board of Appeals was held at the
Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 8 P.M.
Messrs. Maddison, Custance, Baldrey and Glynn were present .
The Secretary was also present.
The Chairman declared the hearing open at 8 P.M.
on the application of George William Bean for permission
to install two 1000 gallon gasoline tanks with three pumps
at 241 Bedford St. Mr. Roland W. Baldrey, Clerk, read
the notice of the hearing .
Mr. C. A. Prior, Attorney, with offices at Park Square
Building, Boston, represented Mr. Bean, and called attention
to the Hearing held before the Selectmen on Tuesday
Mr. Prior presented plan showing the area and frontage
and proposed location of the building which Mr. Bean
intended to build.
The Chairman inquired what the number is of Mr. Bean's
residence, and found that it was 241, Bedford Street.
Mr. Bean stated that the lot which was changed into a
business district is un-numbered.
Mr. Prior stated that Mr. Bean intended to put up a
building of cement construction, but upon looking into
the cost, he would prefer to have something cheaper,
but which would look just as well, namely a metal building .
G.W.Bean This is what he desired, but if necessary he would put up
hearing. the type of building required. He intended to locate
the building about 100 ft . away from Mr. McIntosh 's
land and 114 ft. back from Bedford Street, and to have a
separate building for the refreshment stand, both
buildings to be of the same construction.
Mr. Bean was asked whether or not he intended to set
the pumps back also, and he stated that he did.
The persons present in favor of the permit were as
Charles L. Wells , 79 Gleason Road, William H. Thaxter,
291 Bedford St. , Mary E. Thaxter, 291 Bedford St. , Florence
M. Coscia, Ivan St. , W. D. MacDonald, 232 Bedford St. ,
Z. Taylor, 232 Bedford St . , E. Whitaker Bean, 241 Bedford
St. , Sanford Taylor, 253 Bedford St. , William Andresen,
50 Harding Road, and William B. C. Hall, 23o Bedford St.
Mr. Eugene G. Loupret of 205 Bedford St. stated that
he opposed the petition. He stated that at the time he
purchased his home in the Town, he desired to locate in
this particular section, inasmuch as it was zoned against
business . He signed a petition for Mr. Bean a while ago
when Mr. Bean stated that he wished to have a golf course
and Mr. Bean stated then that that was all he wanted; that
ahgasoline-filling stationnandeadroadsidot estand Mr.
i$ean had
He felt that a number of persona in the neighborhood disliked
to express their opinion agalaist it, but that all of the
property in the neighborhood will be damaged by the presence
of a gasoline station arc 'a roadside stand. Mr. Loupret
stated that he would fer stores to a filling station,
inasmuch as he rep. zed that the property is now in a
business distric He stated that the Smith Bell Farm is
a mad house.
Mr. McIntosh stated that he was at the hearing the
other evening, and that he was agreeable to the gasoline
station provided Mr. Bean made some arrangement with him
or the Town to have 20 ft. right of way granted leaving a
place for a street 40 ft. wide leading from Bedford St.
connecting with Ivan Street. He stated that this
agreement should be made a part of the condition of
granting the permit, so that if the property passed on
to someone else there would still be the obligation to
give this 20 ft. for that purpose.
Mr. McIntosh stated that he would like to see everyone
get a living. He did not object to the gasoline station
but he did not live in that locality; he might object to
it if he lived there. He felt , however, that Mr. Bean should
build a building of substantial material and one that would
look well. Mr. McIntosh preferred to havd a filling station
rather than stores. He felt that if Mr. Bean puts up a
better looking building, he will have a better class of trade.
Mr. Prior stated that Mr. Bean was perfectly willing
to deed this 20 ft . strip of land tb the Town providing for
a 40 ft. street.
Mr. McIntosh was asked khhether or not the filling
station would have any effect upon the sale of his lots ,
and he stated that inasmuch as the district has been
established as a business district, the danger is already
there. He stated that a thorough study- should be made
of the rear land Of the business section, so that in
locating a street parallel to Bedford Street this would
not open up another business area.
Mr. F. K. Elbertson of Harding Road registered as
opposed to the granting of a permit for a filling station.
He felt that it might be -)ossible to build stores on the
back end of the business lot est blished by Mr. Bean if a
street were put through in that section, and that is the
reason he objected.
Mr. Piior asked Mr. Loupret through the Chairman, how
far from his house the proposed gasoline station woald be,
and he stated about 1/8 of a mile . He also asked whether
or not he recognized any of the individuals present who
lived between his house and the proposed filling station,
and. Mr. Loupret stated that he did not. Mr. Prior also
inquired whether or not when he purchased his place, if there
were any gasoline stations on Bedford St. , and he stated
that there was one at the corner of No. Hancock Street
and Bedford Street, and the one at Smith Bell Farm.
Letter was received from Elizabeth M. and James Smith,
62 Albion St. , Everett in which they objected o the
application of Mr. Bean for gasoline tanks .
The hearing closed at 8:55 P.M.
After considering the facts presented at the
hearing, the Board in private session passed the
following order:
The Board of Appeals , acting under General Laws, Chap-
ter 40, sec. 27 , having received a written petition addressed
to it by George William Bean for a permit to sell gasoline
a copy of which is hereto annexed, held a public hearing
thereon of which notice was mailed to the patitione:' and
to the owners of all property deemed by the Board to be
affected thereby as they appear on the most recent local
tax list, and also a vertised in the Lexington Times-
Minute Man, a newspaper published in Lexington, which
hearing was held in the Selectmen's Room in the Town
Office Building on Friday the 8th day of May, 1931 at
8 o 'clock P.M. A majority of the members of the Board of
Appeals were present at the hearing.
It developed at the hearing that the petitioner erron-
eously st ated that he desired a permit for 241 Bedford St.
which is in an R. 1 district, whereas he should have
petitioned for a gasoline permit on the adjoining lot which
is now in a C. 1 district .
After hearing the evidence offered by the petitioners
and such other evidence as was offered, the Board in
private session gave consideration to the subject of the
petition and a majority of the Board voted that in its
judgment the public convenience and welfare will not be
substantially served by the use of the premises described
in the petition and that such use may tend to impair
.the status of the neighborhood, and this decision is based
upon the intended location in the C. 1 district.
The Board therefore determines that the application
of Section 6 ( c) in C. 1 districts of the Lexington
Loning By-law does not permit the use of the premises
described in the petition and as corrected at the
hearing and instructs the Inspector of Buildings not to
grant a permit therefor.
Arthur N. Maddisdn
Roland W. Baldrey
C. Edward Glynn
Theodore A. Custance
I, Roland W. Baldrey, Clerk of the Board of Appeals
of Lexington, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40,
section 27, hereby certify that I sent by registered mail
on the 30th day of April, 1931 to gdmund D. and Mona H.
Ayres, Eugene E. Loupret, Herbert F. Shannon, Walter J.
and Mabel A. Bryant , Hallie C. Blake, Jeremiah T. and Mary
E. unborn, George V. and ier. rrude N. Benoit, Edwin B.
' Worthen, et al, Trustees , David J. Harrigan, Anna L. Culbert-
don, Ernest V. LaRose, Lexington Trust Company, Charles A.
and Alice M. Stone, James H. Reid, Althea B. Woodman, Mary
E. Shea, William A. Batts, Ethelinda Morrill, Bertha M.
Bradbury, Mildred L. Morrill, George W. Bean, James and
Elizabeth M. Smith, Maud L. and Walter F. Cove , John D. and
Jessie F. Polley, Charlotte E. Rouillard, Thomas J. and
Catherine M. Dickson, Carl F. Ashton, Theodore A. Custance
Lawrence and Myra E. Beardsworth, Leonard M. Kieley, Elliot
K. Kendall, Frank Johnson et al, William A. Graves , Neil
McIntosh, Smiths Bell Farm Stores Inc., and also published
in the Lexington Times -Minute Man on April 24, 1931
a notice of which the following is a true copy.
Roland W. Baldrey
Clerk, Board of Appals.
April 22, 1931.
Lexington Board of Zoning Appeals
Town Office Building
Lexington, Mass .
' Gentleman :-
The u nde»signed hereby petition the Lexington Board of
Appeals, appointed under General Laws , Chapter 40, section
27, to vary the application of section 6 ( c) in C. 1 Districts
and Section 9 of the Lexington Zoning By-law and _wider
`'hapter 133 of the Acts of 1924 with respect to the premises
at No. 241 Bedford Street, Lexington, owned by George W.
Bean of Lexington by permitting the following :
The installation og two 1000 gallon gasoline tanks with
three pumps on the premises at 241 Bedford. Stteet, Lexington.
(Signed) 'G. W. Bean
241 Bedford Street
Lexington Board of Zoning Appeals
April 22, 1931.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeals of
Lexington, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40, Section
27, will give a hearing in the Selectmen's Room in the Town
' Office Building on the eighth day of May, 1931, at eight
o' clock P.M., on the petition of George W. Bean of Lexington
that the Board vary the plication of Section 6 (c) in C. 1 -----
1 9
_11 CZ
districts and Section 9 of the Lexington Zoning By-Law and
under Chapter 133 of the Acts of 1924, to permit the instal-
lation of two 1000 gallon gasoline tanks with three pumps
on the premises at 241 Bedford Street, Lexington.
Arthur N. Maddison
Chairman, Board of Appeals .
Mr. John L. Pichette of Pichette & Ahern appeared before
the Board, together with his architect, and presented plan
showing changes made in the proposed garage located on his
property on Mass. Ave . near the corner of Curve Street.
The Board studied the Ilan and made various suggestions Pichette
of changes to be made, and requested Mr. Pichette to again & Ahern.
p'esent plans with the changes thereon. The plan as
presented showed two units, one to be built at the
present time, and the second to be built at a later date.
After didcussing his application, it was decided
that Mr. Pichette is trying to cooperate in presenting
plans that will fit the lot , and also not be so expensive
that he will not receive any return on his money expended,
and the Board was in favor of granting a permit providing
the plans presented are agreeable.
Letter was received from Mr. F. Longbottom, Building
Inspector in which he reported having notified Mr. Frank
A. Napoli of Marrett Rd. that his permit for a roadside
stand expires on June 11, 1931, also Salvatore Ricci of
Waltham Street.
He reported also that Mr. Peter Canessa operated a
roadside stand on the property of Mr. Sweetland last year,
without a permit , but that he does not intend to operate
it this year.
The Board decided to request Mr. Longbottom to report
on the Boinay application.
The meeting adjaurned at 10:45 P.M.
A true record, Attest