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MAY 1, 1931.
A regular meeting of the Board of Appeals was held
at the Selectmen's. Room, Town Office Building, at 8 P .M.
Messrs. Maddison, Baldrey, Glynn, Custance and Slocum
were present . The Secretary was also present.
Mr. Pichette of Pichette and Ahern whose application
for a public garage and filling station is being considered
by the Board, appeared and presented a plan of the proposed
garage with some changes made as suggested. The plan
Pichette presented showed a flat roof, and Mr. Baldrey ofjected to
& Ahern the flat roof and made suggestions of various changes that
Applica- could be made. He suggested instead of having, all floor
tion. space in a square block that perhaps something could be
worked out whereby cars could be parked in an open space.
Mr. Pichette felt that was exactly what they wanted
to get away from.
Mr. Baldrey felt , however, that the cars could be
in. an enclosure like a rear yard. He stated tat there
was a new garage in Harvard Square from which he could get
some suggestions.
After Mr. Pichette had retired, the Board voted on
the matter of the application of Pichette and Ahern to
reconsider same and on motion duly made and seconded,
action in relation to this matter at a meeting held March
20, 1931, was rescinded.
It was then voted that the Pichette and Ahern application
be laid upon the tarle until further information was re-
A copy of the letter written by Frederick L. Emery,
Chairman of the Planning Board, to Mr. Ernest R. Rowland
was before the Board of Appeals. The letter advised
Mm. Rowland to proceed to apply to the Board of Appeals,
and that they recommend that the Board of Appeals grant
him a non-conforming use suitable for his store.
Rowland Mr. Glyhn explained that at the hearing held on
Applica- Mr. Rowland's petition, everyone in that section was in
tion. favor of ,r ranting the petition. The Planning Board nee
not in favor of establishing business zones fof a small
area and they feel that that pa-ticular section has not
yet been developed so that it could be decided where the
future business will be, especially when the roads are
being considered connecting Winchester and Lexington.
Therefor, they felt that if the Board of Appeals desired
to give Mr. Rowland permission to move back his store
and enlarge it that the premises could still be held in
the residential area.
Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that what
Mr. Rowland desires to have is a permit for gasoline tanks
and that both he and Mr. Traak viewed the premises and
measured it up with this in mind.
Mr. Glynn stated t4zat gasoline tanks were not
considered at the heating of the Planning Board.
It, was decided to request Mr. Longbottom, the new Roadside
Building Inspector, to check up the roadside stands in Stands .
the town and to request them to apply for permits.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
A true record, Attest :