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APRIL 3, 1931.
A meeting of the Board of Appeals wqs held at the
Seleetments Room, Town Office Building at 7 :30 P.M.
Messrs. Maddison, Baldrey, Custiance, Glynn and Slocum
were present. The Secretary was also present. The
Board organized with Arthur N. Maddison as Chairman and
Roland W. Baldrey as Clerk.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which
he enclosed new forms of application for the variation
of the Zoning By-Law; also new form of notice for ap-
plications, calling for the variance of the Zoning Law,
and a lengthy letter explaining that in cases similar
to the case which the Board now has before it, the appli-
cation from Pichette and Ahern for a garage and filling
station, that the unanimous opinion of the Board was
not necessary; that the Board may vary the application
of the Zoning Law on items stated under exceptions
without the unanimous approval of the Board.
The Board again considered the application of Pichette
& Ahern, and Mr. Baldrey still offered the same objections
that he offered at the last meeting. He objected to
this project chiefly as a matter of preserving residential
real estate values in the neighborhood as a matter of
Town Pride.
He felt that any permit for any project granted
Pichette by this Board should be in the nature of a Town better*
& Ahern ment and not an aid in defacing any locality through
Applica- the appearance or activity of any such project. Other
tion. than this , the zoning by-law is nullified, and this sent-
iment was shared by the Board. He felt that here was
a pure case of the .appelantts wish to erect the cheap-
est possible structure without regard to appearance or
effect of its activities upon the neighborhood.
Mr. C. Edward Glynnoffered the followingmotion•
"That the Board of Appeals instruct the Building Ins-
pector to grant a permit to Pichette & Ahern to erect
a garage and repair shop on the property at #847-855
Mass. Ave. together with one gasoline tank in the
capacity of 1000 gallons to be used in conjunction
with the repair business and not as a public filling
station, and that seed tank be located as near to the
main building as the Statutes permit, and provided that
they remove the old building, now used as a repair shop,
within two years; that the design of the building be
submitted to the Board of Appeals for approtal; that
the two houses now on the lot be moved prior to the
erection of the garage; that the premises shall be kept
in neat condition and shall not be used for the display
or sale of second hand automobiles."
Before taking action on this motion, the Board decided
to request Pichette & Ahern first to present other plans
' of the building for the approval of the Board, and
the Chairman agreed to communicate with Attorney Joseph
R. Cotton, representative for Pichette & Ahern.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
A true record, Attest :