HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-02-06 BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING
FEBRUARY 6, 1931.
A meeting of the Board of Appeals was held at the
Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, at 8 o' clock P.M.
Messrs. Custance, Baldrey and Glynn were present.
In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. Arthur N. Maddison,
Mr. T. A. Custance acted as Chairman pro-tem. Miss Evelyn
M. Small, Secretary pro-tem was also present.
At 8:10 P.M. hearing was declared open on the
application of John Lamont, Cary Avenue, for permission John Lamont
to construct and operate a miniature golf course in the golf course.
barn situated on Cary Avenue, owned by the Ryders Stock
Farm Inc. The Clerk read the notice of the hearing
as advertised in the Lexington Times-Minute Man. t.
Mr. Robert J. Fawcett, Marrett Road, stated that
the members of the Mohawk Club would like to see the
petition Tanted as there were no amusements in that
section of the Town and that a golf course of this nature
would supply a good time for the residents in-that
neighborhood. He stated that it was located away from
the street and-would disturb no-one and he was very much
in favor of the permit being granted.
Mr. John Lamont appeared and stated that the golf
course was originally started for the Mohawk Club but
• their financial conditions were such that they could not
continue the proposition. Mr. Lamont had invested
sufficient money in the golf course and rather than see
his investment lost, he continued constructing the course
himself. He thought it would be better to have a golf
course constructed in the barn than have it full of cows.
When asked about the facilities for parking, Mr.
Lamont stated that there were excellent facilities, three
hundred cars could be parked without getting into anyone' s
way, and they could be parked off the road.
Mr. Lamont stated that he did not intend to have any
large signs, and if the Board objected to any signs, he
would abide by their ruling, but he stated that he would
like to have a small sign erected on the State Road telling
where the golf course was situated.
Mr. Clyde Steeves stated that there was not one
person in that district who objected to the permit being
granted. He stated that it was no business proposition -
it was just a project for a good time for that community.
Mr. Steeves stated that he was very much in favor of
11 the petition being granted.
Mr. Glynn reported that he had received a telephone ray
call from Neil McIntosh stating that he had no objection
to the permit being granted.
Mr . John P. Gorman, 104 Glenhill Rd. , Mattapan,
stated that he owned some property on Cary Avenue
approximately 4001 away from the barn, and when he
purchased the land he thought that it was restricted
to a residential district, and he felt that if the golf
course permit were granted, it might develop into
something more than just a golf course. He was under
the impression that the Zoning Law was to be changed
in order for such a petition to be granted.
Mr. Qynn explained that the permit, if it were
granted, would only be granted for a year at a time and
that it did not change the zoning restrictions on that
Mr. Howard W. Robbins, York Street, appeared
representing Mr. Charles Hayden. He stated that Mr. Hayden
was opposed to the granting of the permit inasmuch as he
felt that if the permit were granted for a golf course,
it might later develop into something more objectionable,
perhaps a dance hall. He stated that Mr. Hayden had the
impression that it was a question of lifting the Zoning
Law, and he objected to that.
When Mr. Glynn explained the situation, however,
Mr. Robbins stated that he did not believe Mr. Hayden
would have any serious objection to the granting of the
permit and he was given a copy of the Zoning Laws to
take to Ir. Hayden.
When asked if the golf course belonged to the
Mohawk Club, Mr. Lamont replied that it did not.
The hearing was declared closed at 8:30 P.M.
The Board in private session then discussed the
application and voted to grant the petition. The
following is a copy of the order:
The Board of Appeals, acting under General Laws,
Chapter 40, Sec. 27, having received a written petition
addressed to it by John Lamont, a copy of which is
hereto annexed, held a public hearing thereon of which
notice was mailed to the petitioner and to the owners of
all property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby
as they appear on the most recent local tax list and
also advertised in the Lexington Times-Minute Man, a
newspaper published in Lexington, which hearing
was held in the Selectments Room, in the Town Office
Building, on the 6th day of February, 1931 at 8:10
otclock P.M. , at which three members of the Board of
Appeals were present at the hearing. A certificate of
notice is hereto annexed. At this hearing evidence was
offered on behalf of the petitioner tending to show
That it is his desire to construct and operate a
miniature golf course in the barn owned by the Ryders
Stock Farm Inc. on the northerly side of Cary Avenue,
and that there is sufficient parking space on private
lands, and that he will use every effort to prevent
parking on public ways, and that he will erect no
objectionable sign.
Objections were offered on the part of two property
owners in the neighborhood based on the belief that any
exception grant-d might become permanent and would tend
to impair the status of the neighborhood.
At the close of the hearing the Board in private
session gave considerati..n to the subject of the petition
and voted, at the meeting held February 6, 1931,
unanimously in favor of the following findings:
1. That in its judgment the public convenience and
welfare will be substantially served by the making of
the exception requested.
2. That the exception requested will not tend to
impair the status of the neighborhood.
3. That the exception requested will be in harmony
' with the general purposes and intent of the regulations
in the Lexington Zoning By-law.
4. That the enforcement of the Lexington Zoning
By-law as to the locus in question would involve unnecessary
hardship and the relief requested may be granted without
substantially derogating from the intent and purpose of such
Lexington Zoning By-law.
Pursuant to the said findings, the Board hereby
unanimously decides that the application of the said
Lexington Zoning By-law is hereby varied so far as may
be necessary to permit John Lamont to lay out and operate
for the purpose of financial gain, a miniature golf course
in the present barn on the northerly side of Cary Avenue,
and owned by the Ryders Stocrc Farm Inc. for a period ending
December 31, 1931, subject to the following conditions:
1. Ample provision for parking of automobiles is to
be provided so that there shall be no parking of automobiles
on Cary Avenue, Shade Street or other ways.
2. That no sign shall be erected off the premises.
The Board hereby makes a detailed record of all its
proceedings relative to such petit on and hereby sets
forth that the rea ons for its decisicn are its find_ngs
hereinbefore set forth and the testimony i.resentec at the
said hearing, including that herein summarized, and directs
that this record i7nedi•3tely following this decision shall be
filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Lexington and shall
613 �.
be open to public inspection and that notice of this decision
shall be mailed forthwith to each party in interest.
(Appointed under G. L. Ch. 40, Sec . 27)
Arthur N. Maddison
Theodore A. Custance
Roland W. Baldrey
C. Edward Glynn
Curlys L. Slocum
I, Roland 1 . Baldrey, Clerk of the Board of Appeals
of Lexington, a pointed under General Laws, Chapter 40,
section 27, hereby certify that I sent by registered mail
on the 22nd day of January, 1931 to John P. & Martha A.
Gorman, Charles E. IcLaughlin, Charles W. Ryder, Robert L. Ryder,
Lillian L. Stimson, Neil McIntosh, Catherine F. Magurn,
Alexander Holmes, Saunderson H. Dun'op, Anna E. & Mary J.
Marshall, Charles Hayden, Elisa Lamont, Clyde C. Steeves,
Charles 0. Nichols, Jeannette McLaughlin, John Lamont, and also
published in the Lexington Times-Minute Man on January 23,
1931, a notice of which the following is a true copy.
Roland W. Baldrey
Clerk, Board of Appeals.
Lexington, Mass.
January 22, 1931.
Board of Appeals
I hereby petition for permission to construct and
operate a miniature golf course indoors on the property
owned by the Ryders Stock Farm Inc. and situated on
Cary Avenue, Lexington, Mass.
John Lamont
II 1
Lexington, Mass. January 22,1931.
The Board of Appeals will hold a hearing on the matter
of varying the application of the Zoning Law by permitting
the use of the property situated on Cary Avenue,
Lexington, owned by Ryders Stock Farm Inc. and operated
by John Lamont of Lexington under Section 9 G of the
Lexington Zoning By-law for a permit to construct and
operate a miniature golf course indoors on the said
premises, and in accordance with Chapter 133 of the Acts
of 1924.
The hearing will be held on February 6, 1931 at
8 o' clock P.M . at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office
Arthur N. Maddison, Chairman
Board of Appeals.
After discussing the application of Roy A. Ferguson
of Lexington on which a hearing was held January 30, 1931,
the Board signed the p rmit granting him permission to
subdivide his lots on Bertwell Road into lots with less
than 75 feet frontage. The following is a copy of the
The Board of Appeals, acting under General Laws,
Chapter 40, sec. 27, having received a written petition
addressed to it by Roy A. Ferguson, a copy of which is R.A.
hereto annexed, held a public hearing thereon of which Ferguson
notice was mailed to the petitioner and to the owners order.
of all. property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby
as they appear on the most recent local tax list and also
advertised in the Lexington Times-Minute Man, a newspaper
published in Lexington, which hearing was held in the
Selectmen' s Room, in the Town Office Building on the
30th day of January, 1931 at which all members of the
Board of Appeals were present at the hearing. A certificate
of notice is hereto annexed. At this hearing evidence
was *offered on behalf of the petitioner tending to show:
That he owned a lot of land on the westerly side
pp of Hertwell Road between lots of Holmes and F.N.Champlin
itith a frontage of 180 feet on Bertwell Road and a depth
of about 147 feet, and being shown as lots between lots
11 & A on plan of Lexington Building Trust, July 8, 1924,
and that practically the entire subdivision was laid out
with lots of 30' frontage; and he tequested that he be
permitted to subdivide his lot into lots of not less
than 60' frontage.
No one appeared in opposition to the petition.
At the close of the hearing the Board in private
session gave consideration to the subject of the petition
and voted, at the meeting held January 30, 1931,
unanimously in favor of the following findings:
1. That in its judgment the public convenience
and welfare will be substantially served by the making
of the exception requested.
2. That the exception requested will not tend to
impair the status of the neighborhood.
3. That the exception requested will be in harmony
with the general urposes and intent of the regulations
in the Lexington Zoning By-law.
4. That the enforcement of the Lexington Zoning
By-law as to the locus in question would involve practical
difficulty and unnecessary hardship and the relief requested
may be granted without substantially derogating from the
intent and purpose of such Lexington Zoning By-law.
Pursuant to the said findings, the Board hereby
unanimously decides that the application of the said
Lexington Zoning By-law is hereby varied so far as may
be necessary to permit the petitioner to subdivide his
said lot of land into lots with less than 75 feet frontage
but no building shall be erected on any lot of less than
60 feet frontage.
The Board hereby makes a detailed record of all
its proceedings relative to such petition and hereby
sets forth that the reasons for its decision are its
findings hereinbefore set forth and the testimony
presented at the said nearing, including that herein
sum arized, and directs that this record immediately
following this decision shall be filed in the office of the
Town Clerk of Lexington and shall be open to public
inspection and that notice of this decision shall be
mailed forthwith to each party in interest.
(Appointed under G. L. Ch. 40 sec. E7)
Arthur N. Maddison
Roland W. Baldrey
C. Edward Glynn
Theodore A. Custance
Curlys L. 'Slocum
I, Roland W. Baldrey, Clerk of the Board of Appeals,
of Lexington, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40,
Section 27, hereby certify that I sent by registered mail
on the 14th day of January, 1931 to Paul W. & Mary A. Olsen,
Theresa M. Valente, Almeda E. Philbrook, Arthur C. Goss, Jr.,
Roy A. Ferguson & Eva M. Ferguson, William W. Ferguson,
Roger W. Brown, Frank N. & Christine M. Champlin, Norman C.
& Martha M. Hooper, Margaret A. Hussey, A. Irving &
Frances M. Dodge, Anra H. & Hans P. Hanson, Abbie W.
' Fuller, Leone M. Northrup, Theresa H. Neugebauer,
Marguerite L. & Elton B. McCausland, Roy A. Malcolm,
Franklin P. S mmob, c/o Edwin B. Worthen, Irene H.
Pring, Edward W. Taylor, William E. White, Charles F.
Bertwell, and also published in the Lexington Times-
Minute Man on January 16, 1931 a notice of which the
following is a true copy.
Roland t. Baldrey,
Clerk, Board of Appeals.
19 Bertwell Rd.
Lexington, Mass.
December 29th, 1930.
John F. Tibbetts, Esq.
Building Inspector
Town of Lexington, Mass.
Dear Mr. Tibbetts:
I have a prospective customer for sixty feet of
the so-called "MeNultyn land which I own on Bertwell Road.
The block of land referred to has a frontage of one
hundred eighty (180) feet on Bertwell Road and lies
between the Holmes and Champlain lots.
Will you, when proper application is made by the 1
purchaser, issue him the necessary permit for construction
of a house on the above-mentioned sixty-foot lot?
Please advise me as soon as possible your answer
as this prospective purchaser wishes to start on his
house immediately if proper arrangements can be terminated.
Very truly,
(Signed) Roy A. Ferguson.
Lexington, Mass. , Jan. 14, 1931.
The Board of Appeals will hold a hearing on the
matter of varying the application of the Zoning Law by
permitting the use of land on Bertwell Road owned by
Roy A. Ferguson of Lexington, to be subdivided into lots
of lees than 75 feet frontage, in accor Bance with C./
section 6 and section 9 of the Zoning Law of the Town CIO
of Lexingtn., and Chapter 133 of the Acts of 1924.
The hearing will be held January 30, 1931 at
8 o'clock P.M. at the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office
Arthur N. Maddison
Chairman, Board of Appeals.
The Board then discussed the application of
John L. Pichette & Maurice P . Ahern for permission to
erect and maintain a twenty car garage and repair shop
and to keep, store and sell petroleum products and
volatile inflammable liquids in connection therewith,
and to use the premises as a public filling station for
the storage, keeping and sale of gasoline in five one
thousand gallon tanks with pumps, located at 847-855
Mass. Avenue.
Mr. Baldrey reported that he had canvassed that
neighborhood and the general sentiment of the neighbors
was that they had no objection to anyone making a
living, but they were not all in favor of the filling
station, as it would decrease the value of their
property, but they did not come to the hearing to
object as they liked Mr. Arthur Field and wanted to
maintain a neighborly spirit.
The Board discussed the matter at some length
and decided to think the application over and report
their decision at a later date.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
A true record, Attest:
l .