HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of Committee on Town Office Building, 1966TOWN OF LEXINGTON TOWN OFFICE BUILDING 1 , P r 1 I Y 9 COMMITTEE Robert Cataldo, Chairman y Albert Gray, Jr. C John Blaisdell Mark Moore r1 John McSweeney !lf Richard M. Perry I Otis Brown, Jr ARCHITECTS Perry Dean and Stewart Boston, Massachusetts U ti REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON TOWN OFFICE BUILDING 4 1I iPersuant to Article 36 of the 1966 Annual Town Meeting held ments in detail; 2. show how the proposal meets those require- on March 21, 1966, the Selectmen appointed a Committee on Town ments and indicate if there are alternative ways of meeting the Office Building to assist the Board in obtaining preliminary requirements; 3 include cost estimates for the different 1 plans and specifications for alterations and /or additions to the aspects of the proposed plan; and 4. show how the office complex existing Town Office Buildings An appropriation of $2,000 was could be expanded if future needs indicate a requirement for ad- voted in conjunction with the above article ditional office space 1 The Committee, working with the Boston architectural firm of Hopefully, the details provided in this brochure will convince Perry, Dean and Stewart, made in-depth studies of Town office the Town Meeting of the wisdom of immediately initiating the pro- nposed Town Office Building development program as recommended to space requirements to serve an ultimate population of 45,000 p P g I_ Detailed facade and floor plans were developed by the Architects insure adequate space and efficiency of operation for all affected 1 ` Li and a proposed office space development program presented to the Town departments 1969 Annual Town Meeting Warrant in Article 37 In 1965 the Committee on the Public Works Garage conducted a The Town Meeting, by a motion amending Article 37, appro- month long pedestrian traffic survey in the two Town Office Build- 1 I priated $8,000 for the preparation and presentation to a future ings Every person entering the buildings was interviewed as to Town Meeting of a definitive proposal for Town Office expansion. the departments visited on that particular trip In addition, In addition to providing necessary preliminary plans and specifica- each department was surveyed as to the number of interdepartmental J tions, the proposal was required to 1 establish the require- visits made by employees which could not reasonably have been r] conducted by telephone The results of these surveys clearly mental office space requirements Two existing functions (Welfare n indicated the need to retain both the Public Works Administration and Red Cross Garage) are not to be retained within the new com- and the Engineering Section within the Town Office Building plex while new space is considered desirable for the Town Counsel, 1 complex. The survey also pointed to the inefficiency and public data processing equipment, and the Town Manager r� general dissatisfaction caused by interdependent departments being The Committee met with the School Committee regarding the housed in separate buildings availability of space, in the near future, in any school building The findings of the Public Works Garage Study Committee con- The possibility of moving the Police Department to the Munroe vinced the Board of Selectmen of the need for a complete study of School, when and if it was to be phased out, was investigated Town office space As a direct result of the above, the Select- The possibility of School Administration being included in the [1 men proposed Article 36 to the 1966 Annual Town Meeting In the Town Office Building complex was discussed, but it was apparent fall of 1966, the Town Office Building Committee met with all De- that the School Department has future plans of converting Munroe {1/ partments, Boards, Committees, and Commissions to determine their to Administration purposes The Committee felt that necessary I]1 individual personnel and equipment requirements to serve an ulti- space for the School Department could more economically be pro- mate population of 45,000 Once again the interdepartmental ac- vided by the conversion of the Munroe School, rather than providing Litivity was studied and reviewed with the advice and counsel of the new space in the Town Office Building As a result of the fore- Architectural Consultants The need for additional office space going deliberations, three alternative schemes were developed for was immediately apparent with the Water Department already occupy- detailed investigation as to their adequacy to meet the needs of the — 1_1 ing a portion of the corridor in an attempt to satisfy its needs the Town for present and future office space to serve an estimated population of 45,000 people Plans on the following pages detail In order to properly consider alternate schemes for the de- the final interior floor layouts of all office space required to velopment of needed office space, the Committee, with the aid of meet the Design Criteria for the Town Office and Police Buildings their Architectural Consultants, prepared the following depart- 1 TOWN OFFICE BUILDING COMPLEX im SPACE REQUIREMENTS 1 1 Area in Square Feet Area in Square Feet PRESENT FUTURE FUNCTION 2 Bldgs. 1 Bldg. FUNCTION PRESENT FUTURE Town Departments Police Department 1 Selectmen and Town Manager 916 2,117 2 Comptroller 479 1,532 Office Space 4,295 7,467 3 Tax Collector 331 632 Common Space 2,163 2,532 4 Town Clerk 490 897 Structure 1,510 2,235 5 Treasurer 284 567 1.4 6 Planning Board 492 560 Total Building Area 7,968 12,224 7 Building Department 636 1,096 ( 8 Board of Health 442 351 9 Conference and Committee Rooms - 1,054 10 Veterans Agent 240 143 11 Engineering Department 1,013 1,707 L1 12 Printing - 218 J 13 General Supplies 351 339 14 Public Works 718 917 15 Town Counsel - 442 1. 16 Assessors Department 774 825 17 Office Machines or Data Processing 222 920 ii 18 Sealer of Weights 144 80 19 Extra Offices 308 20 Relocated elsewhere 735 - H Office Space 8,267 14,705 Common Space (Corridors, Lava- 4,184 4,488 tories, etc ) Structure (Walls, etc ) 3,140 3,700 * Transferred to other Agencies Area 15 591 22 893 Welfare 546 s f Total Building � Red Cross Garage 189 s f ALTERNATE PLAN 1 il7 7 GARY �^ (1 MEMOfl1AL BUtLDIN6 a J --11 I NEW TOWN CPFICES POLICE LE STATION O fl J 1 o 50 100 9 ALTERNATE PLAN 1 Construct a completely new Town Office Building Estimated Cost of Alternate Plan 1 on land adjacent to the present School Administration Building The Departments now on the second floor of the Police Building New Town Office Building $ 702,000 1 would be accommodated in the new building in order that the Police Department could occupy the entire building A general renovation Renovation and Addition to Police Building 114,000 and addition to the Police Building would be required Another use for the Town Office Building would have to be considered which Contingencies - Furnishings and Fees 42,000 would require renovation at Town expense Probable construction and remodeling cost - $858,000 Estimated Cost of Plan 1 $ 858,000 J fl ALTERNATE PLAN 2 (1 \77 \NEW POLICELOCATION STATIONB CAR? MEMORIAL c BUILDING 4 L NEW POLICE STATION LOCATION A TOWNl TOWN OFFICES 111 Ir OFFICES J L! .-----_ } ---___________---1 C so mo I 1 1 Estimated Cost of Alternate Plan 2 L New Police Building $ 351,000 Renovation of Town Office Building and 468,000 Police Building ALTERNATE PLAN 2 Construct a new Police Station thereby pro- viding necessary total space in both Town Office Buildings Re- Contingencies - Furnishings and Fees 42,000 modeling of both existing Town Office Buildings would be required Probable construction and remodeling cost - $861,000 Estimated Cost of Plan 2 $ 861,000 Li fl 1 1 I � l ( 1 1 //////////////////// FUTURE ADDITIONS-� CARP / /� ADDITION /ii MEMORIAL L 1 a r BUILDING LIirj I TOWN _' \o".......°4° 4 POLICE LI ,•' OFFICES �� STATION Li , J Lj a 90 100 LIi LI �� SITE PLAN U Il ALTERNATE PLAN 3 11 Ads I OAFY AOOITION ADDITION MEMORIAL I BUILDING \\,-.7 - 4 ID POLICE / 1111 TOWN STATION OFFICES _ \ 0. Estimated Cost of Alternate Plan 3 dRenovations* and Addition to Town $ 594,000 Office Building Renovation and Addition to Police Building 114,000 ALTERNATE PLAN 3 Construct an addition to the present building housing the Town Offices, etc , that would be large enough to Contingencies - Furnishings and Fees 42 000 provide space for all administrative departments, including those �J now in the Police Building The present Police Building would be Estimated Cost of Plan 3 $ 750,000 renovated to provide the necessary space and equipment to properly 1 perform its function, now and in the future Remodeling of both * This 40 year old Town Office Building contains in- existing Town Office Buildings would be required adequate heating, wiring, and other basic services J Probable construction and remodeling cost - $750,000 which will have to be modernized during renovations Li U 11 TOWN OFFICE BUILDING 1 1 r' EXPANSION � r I I CONFER. I 1: ASSESSORS 1z•x 13PLAN FILET OFFICE I LRAWINGS axlz 113'x 20' PLANNING BOARD HEALT OFF. A [ CLERICAL SEALER Thr 1 12'x20• e'x 10' LAB. 13'x18' I 1 -_�(_ —__ —_ — __ _-- — 1 --- -- — _i II li i_ ya {} I - E I B� � I temmiii ,'• �__ �� ELEV�VAULT - ' 1 OFFICE r I OFFICE VAULT MEETIHOIVA. VAULT lixla' I 8'x 13' 20'x 24' L. 1111 C COMMITTEES PRINTS & BUILDING DEP. EXPANSION ,I L� '� _ , H MEN 0 OFFICE DRAFTINCa CLERICAL OFFICE II VL L -- L 14'x 20' laxxo• zaxzr nkla' 1. PRINTING JAN. FIRST AID GEN.SUPPL. 11Y-6'x20' 1'0•-6'X15' 1&x24• I �I IliM II `""' '®' �' KITCHEN — — f— — — — — I W. Li REST. WOMEN F 1 F1 ❑m. o.... 9 1.1_1_12_.41€ 20 U Li GROUND FLOOR PLAN ! 1 ,-- TOWN OFFICE BUILDING i , .. , TOWN CLERK I OFFICE fc j 21'x30' 10k 12' +L DATA PROCESSING LI I OFFICE z MACHINES OFFICE 1 7 r 10k12' 1 , i VAULT OFFICE II SIM 1 OFFICE ---112 a i0kiz' �� r.�.. VAULTS COLLECTOR TREASURER ldxi^�' I 19'x23' 12x2b' OFFICE COWNT. VAULT VETER. L 9'z 13' I --. S r — AGENT — COMPTROLLER - ti'x f3' 25 z 55' -Hi Il I I COUNT. I 'I ,AN. kJ ° Il u q'\ U MEN WOMEN .._-� —, r"'�'1. --' 1 1 CONI RENCE f CONS CE r_-c_ -__i G - l 0 �2 i6 20 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1— I i TOWN OFFICE BUILDING I ' �' I i. o I OFFICE OFF r � 1z'x1a' MGR. II SELECTMENS 11 PUBLIC WORKS ADM. l CLERICAL 19, 4, CLERICAL 20x33' —; R-1 I LI iCONFERENCE I - 12'x 15, 1.____— OFFICE VAULT INST. 1 10'x 12' II'x 17' 7'z 12' SECTY SELECTMANS E EV. 1ITOWN MGR. 8i12 VAULT__ RECEPTION SELECTMENS MEETING 12'x 14' — 13'x 20' 20'x 33' L INN (1 I _ IIS Ill 111 11 �� f ` Li WAITING = ENGINEER'S ENGINEERING l OFFIE DRAFTING 1z'�i 1 ' 2f.c4s' ' I WAITING SECTY 1) 8x,0' J v� �a :�J, 1 — c r� LEGAL DEPARTMT n L 1 �• tr34—e,_-1—j zo o xaa L. SECOND FLOOR PLAN EI ii POLICE STATION il 1 EXIST. I 1 STAIR_ 1 IWOMENS C _ CEL .BLOCK I �� I 11 i I I MATRON ` AUTO SUP VES. I I &STOR. , ,T 1x12' I C. [ T. �L _LL_ i y METER STORAGE 1 -h, 1— GARAGE TOILETS LOCKER RM. EXISTING EXISTING EXIST L 20x24' 2 cars EXISTING 7 BOILER RM. STORAGE GENER. IL I 1 ii ti JAN. L jEXIST. STAIR o; 3t—l� i_ 20 Li LiGROUND FLOOR PLAN POLICE STATION '" MEN EXIST\ WAITING STAIR RM. 12'x16' r [ WOMEN 1C (il - I I I I I I L �� DARK F.PRINT - U JUVENILE RM. PHOTO. J. IIr DESK 1R EA 1 I _______ _v _J i II p r I_ _____ ASSEMBLY CAPTAIN COMMUNIC. ( � OF & ALARMS Il I EXIST. TRAFFIC TRAFFIC 12x1a• FOODS 1212,6107-6' iz�sx -6 ' `_ P VEST STOR. u m J I 1 C. 1 01234 L FIRST FLOOR PLAN r I l POLICE STATION I , \ MEN EXIST OFFICE r1 STAIR WOMEN Cl I I _ -- I ) UAN. I-4 Th n —, =1 1--- 1 — ---- Ih = Y a INTER'. POLYG. INTER. EVID. EXIST d J n 9x11t6" lo'x114t VAULT OBSN SUR; 1 LI 1 rA - u u a II CLERICAL I —r Li T oxxxim L! ii DETECTIVE CAPTAIN =: CONE& _ J DESKS DETECTIVE LOUNGE4 LIBRARY CHIEF e Ir 1Sx 44' 12'x 13.6 8'x16' 12x15'-6' 14x21' I ft_ I,� I C h I T` 11 I 1 I """T-1 K —J µ iLl 20 fx Li {J SECOND FLOOR PLAN t_ As a result of the detailed study and cost estimates devel- circuit cell block surveillance system and a two II oped by the Architectural Consultants, the Committee arrived at car garage addition is necessary to provide an the following conclusions adequate basement floor layout Plan 3 also provides for logical future expansion of up to PLAN 1 - would provide an ideal answer to the office it 5,400 square feet (1,800 per floor) on the west- space problem; however, it would leave vacant a struc- erly side of the building and /or expansion to (1 turally sound building for which no present use is the rear These possibilities are indicated visualized This plan is more costly than Plan 3 ( ll on the site plan appended as the final page of J PLAN 2 - would be ideal from the point of view of this brochure Assigned parking spaces for em- 9 the Police Department, but would continue the in- ployees will eliminate present parking difficul- `J efficiencies now experienced both by the public ties in the rear of the complex This plan is 1 and the Town employees in operating in two separ- the least expensive of the three plans receiving ate Town Office Buildings This plan is also more detailed study - costly than Plan 3 The Committee would also like to point out that as a result IiPLAN 3 - provides all the efficiency and conven- of our study it has become quite apparent that if the Town Office ience afforded by an operation conducted entirely Building is not renovated, certain things must be done anyway, within a single structure It completes the and as soon as possible These items include. complete rewiring symmetry of the facade of the present Town Office of the building; extensive repairs to the roof; heating system Building Renovation to the Police Buildings must be revamped; emergency electrical system provided; replace- will provide all functions necessary to serve a ment of floors and removal of the welfare office in 1970; and Ii population of 45,000 Included are a closed renovations of welfare space to provide for Town Manager