HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-09-2020-min2020 Vision Committee Minutes of March 9, 2012 Selectmen's Meeting Room Members present: Fernando Quezada, Margaret Coppe, Dan Krupka, Marian Cohen, Jane Warren, Andrew Dixon, and Selectman Liaison George Burnell Staff: Candy McLaughlin Action Items: Continue recruiting volunteers for the Demographic Change Subcommittee. Get staff input for survey Meeting Began: 7:45 a.m. The Committee approved the minutes from February 10, 2012. Subcommittee to broaden Asian - American participation in local government. Fernando gave an update on membership recruitment, stating that committee members Peter Lee, Bhumip Khasnabish, and Dan Krupka have agreed to be on the subcommittee. Dan consented to serve as chair. Susie Lee -Snell and Meena Kathandaraman have accepted membership invitations. It was decided to contact TMMA and the League of Women Voters to recruit people with experience in community involvement. After discussion about the membership requirements laid out in the subcommittee's charge, a change was unanimously approved to replace "PTAs" with "civic organizations." Candy will send the amended charge to the Town Clerk. Planning for community survey. FY13 funding to support a 2020 Vision survey will be available on July 1 if approved. Marian suggested that we probably would not need a consultant to design the survey, but would use the funds to pay for expenses of administering the survey and for analyzing and publicizing results. A concern was raised about potential "survey fatigue" if multiple departments all ask the community for information within a short time frame. Candy will find out more about the information needs of departments who have future community survey plans, and perhaps much of the data could be collected in one place. There was discussion about the nature of surveys — how people answer and what they expect to happen next. A survey introduction was suggested to state that survey results will be viewed as a statement of community values and be used to inform future decisions of the Town. Members agreed with Jane's suggestion that an open -ended question be included; follow -up to the responses could be part of future community engagement efforts. Previous Task Force recommendations. Members present discussed the handout summarizing recommendations from past 2020 Vision Task Forces and reviewed positive outcomes from a number of these recommendations. Fernando suggested that there is not necessarily a straight line between a Task Force recommendation and a specific action; often just bringing attention to issues is helpful. This document will be the basis for ongoing committee discussion. Margaret asked about changes to the Town's website, and Candy responded that some things will be done over the next few months. A Webmaster position included in the FYI budget will be filled early in July if approved. There was some discussion about the possibility of setting up web pages or blogs for elected officials who were interested, but not everyone agreed. Candy stated that the Town should have a policy about this in case it comes up. Meeting Adjourned: 9:07 Future meeting schedule — all on Fridays at 7:45 a.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room o April o May 4 o June 8