HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-22-TMG-minTraffic Mitistation Group Meeting December 22, 2009 Present: Richard Canale, David Cannon, Elaine Dratch, Jeanne Krieger, Jerry VanHook, Gail Wagner, Susan Yanofsky. New Traffic Calming Process and Allocations ➢ Neighborhood survey by residents on a street requesting traffic calming consideration requires an initial petition by interested parties to confirm interest and to identify specific concerns. ➢ This format is suggested for Shade Street as the first application of the new traffic calming policy. Special town meeting did appropriate funds, but they are not available until State Attorney General approves. Public Works - Economic Development (PWED) ➢ State business incentive funds channeled to Lexington this year total $2.6 million ($1.1 million Spring /Marrett and $1.5 million for sidewalks in South Lexington as a result of increased commercial development - Hayden Ave and Concord Ave between Waltham St and Spring St). ➢ Marrett Rd /Waltham St traffic signal upgrade scheduled for June 2010. ➢ Mass DOT sidewalk upgrade adjacent to Bowman School (Buchman, Latern, Locust). Grant totals $450,000. Hartwell Ave. Transportation Mitigation Overlay District -TMOD ➢ Roundabouts (RAB) are being considered to improve traffic flow from Route 128 exiting onto Route 4/225, and Maguire Road. Infrastructure improvements are shared local burdens. ➢ Jerry is concerned about bike traffic on Hartwell Ave at Maguire Rd, in particular installation of a roundabout. He pointed out that traffic roundabouts and rotaries are not friendly for pedestrians or bicyclists since drivers are intent on vehicular movements and generally are not required to stop. Maguire Rd is about 300 ft south of the Bikeway crossing where the Bike /pedestrian lane along Hartwell begins. Jerry said that a roundabout in this location would seriously interfere with non - vehicular traffic during commuting hours and at midday when area employees use the Bikeway for recreation. ➢ Jerry also expressed that wetlands in the region limit any convenient alternate routes for bike /peds to the Hartwell lanes. Richard assured that these concerns would be considered in public meetings, but Jerry felt that earlier notice to engineering planners of such a clear problem would be more efficient. ➢ Travel options need more consideration. Two more public meetings are scheduled. ➢ It was voiced that the consultant to date has presented a "boiler plate" rather than dealing with specifics. A meaningful report is needed to assess costs of traffic mitigation so that mitigation packages address these costs. ➢ Hanscom Field needs to be incorporated as the employees have transit benefits as federal employees. For example, these transit benefits may apply to financing commuter buses. Woburn Street Residential Development at Countryside Manor ➢ 150 small units are proposed to expand this existing residential community. ➢ Traffic is expected to increase in the area with this development and adjacent expansion of Winning Farms in Woburn. ➢ Developer is eager to bring issue to Town Meeting. Planning Board would prefer that it be reviewed at a Special Town Meeting, preferably Fall 2010. ➢ Lexpress served Countryside Manor as a scheduled stop for many years. It withdrew service due to infrequent use after a comment period was held with no response. ➢ Transportation mitigation is an important aspect of the total mitigation package such as public transit, both Lexpress and incorporation of MBTA Route 350, private shuttles provided by developer, and sidewalk connectivity. Traffic Mitigation Projects ➢ Waltham Street Crosswalk needs to be voted at Town Meeting and if passed, requires Attorney General approval. Pedestrian activated flashing yellow light maybe more noticeable than standard pedestrian signal. A consultant has been selected. City of Waltham should be contacted to look for common grounds on this project. ➢ East Lexington Mass Ave Corridor requires a vote at Town meeting. Dave hopes to get incremental funding over the course of five years to reach total design stage that is estimated to cost $125,000. First goal for autumn 2010 is to complete preliminary design for a cost of $50,000. State funding through TIP is required for full construction estimated to cost $5 million. MPO did the first study of this area and MAPC should be credited and informed of all public meetings. The Battle Highway Corridor may be an added source of funding and will conduct a public meeting on January 14, 2010. ➢ Waltham Street and Marrett Rd light fixtures are ornamental and exceed the state's standard payment. Capital Expenditure Committee will be asked to allocate $35,000 for this expense. Town Projects ➢ Center Sidewalk Improvements are included in the DPW budget for $50,000 to create a Center sidewalk master plan. ➢ Battle Green Paving along Mass Ave requires State and Federal approval, and an architectural review. Dawn McKenna would like to have a historic landscape study as a first step. Sidewalk Snow Removal Issues ➢ Adams St and East St by Fiske School has mounded areas unsafe for pedestrians due to obstacles preventing access by the sidewalk plow. Bill Hadley will be consulted. ➢ Spring St sidewalks will not be plowed this season since the sidewalk isn't fully constructed. Bill Hadley will be consulted. A flyer to residents explaining the situation would be beneficial. ➢ East St at Maureen Rd has snow mounds creating an unsafe pedestrian path. ➢ Roosevelt Rd by Hastings School has an obstructed path where a resident dumps driveway snow onto the sidewalk. TMG Committee Charge Update ➢ Elaine stated the TMG charge in some ways does not reflect TMG activities and needs revision. ➢ As a collaborative effort, each TMG member is to formulate three (3) TMG responsibilities to be presented at the January meeting. ➢ Elaine presented the following example: TMG should coordinate periodic meetings to discuss shared concerns and interests among varied town entities addressing transportation issues. Noted specifically were COA, TMAs, schools, and hotel van services. Minutes submitted by Gail Wagner, Transportation Services, January 7, 2010. Next Meeting, January 26, 2010.