HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-28-REC-minM 0 QVS 1775 Town of Lexin o Recreation Committee APRIL I FX ING Frederick DeAn Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x 262 Howard Vo Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 862-2747 Wend Rudner Sandra Shaw Lisah Rhodes Recreation Committee Minutes of Meetin of March 28, 2012 A meetin of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesda March 28, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 201 (Recreation Department Office) of the Town Office Buildin Members Present: Rick DeAn Lisah Rhodes, Wend Rudner, Sandra Shaw and Howard Vo Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, Sheila Butts, Assistant Director, and Chris Filadoro, DPW Superintendent of Public Grounds Others Present: Nick Santosuosso The Recreation Committee meetin be at 6:00 p.m. The meetin acted on the followin items: 1. Citizens and Other Boards — None Present 2. Meetin Minutes from Februar 15, 2012 Wend Rudner noted that in the Februar 15, 2012 minutes that the name Kris Burton, a member of the Lincoln Park Sub-committee, was spelled incorrectl The Februar minutes will be revised to chan "Chris" Burton to "Kris" Burton. Lisah Rhodes moved and Howard Vo seconded acceptance of the Recreation Committee minutes of Februar 15, 2012 as amended. The motion was approved b a vote of 5 — 0. 3. Nick Santosuosso — Discuss Pine Meadows Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, introduced Nick Santosuosso. Mr. Santosuosso explained to the Recreation Committee that 19 y ears a he had purchased a tee marker at Pine Meadows in remembrance of his son who had passed awa in 1993. At the time he claims that he paid $450.00 for the si and was under the impression that this would be a one time cost. Durin the course of the last two y ears he has been contacted b Bill Harrison, who told him that the g olf course tee markers sponsorship pro was renewable ever five y ears and wanted to know if he would like to renew his tee si Mr. Santosuosso told the Recreation Committee that he had a stron objection to repa for the si as he has had it for 19 y ears and onl within the last two y ears has he been asked to renew his "sponsorship". Mr. Santosuosso told the Committee that he wants a fair adjustment. If he were asked to repair or replace the post that mi be palatable, but he does not want to pa for the si a He re that the Recreation Committee discuss this issue and possibl make an exception for him. Rick DeAn told the Recreation Committee that he would recuse himself from and vote, as Mr. Santosuosso is a close friend. Mr. Vo also recused himself from an Committee vote of the issue. Sandra Shaw asked if an time frame was in place for sponsorship of tee markers when Mr. Santosuosso purchased his tee marker. Mr. Vo asked when the tee marker sponsorship went into place. Ms. Simmons replied that this s went into place in 1996 or 1997 and was valid for a 5 y ear period. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation told the Committee that the renewal was discussed with the committee in June, 2000, as is indicated in the Recreation Committee meetin minutes of June 21, 2000. Prior to this 1996 or 1997, the g olf course had no tee markers. It was determined that we would wait until the capital improvements were completed at the course before the tee si were updated and individuals were asked to renew their sponsorship. The basic premise of the sponsorship was to provide nominal revenue for upkeep of the tee si and to replace them as chan were made to the course and as the weathered. Ms. Simmons further explained to the Committee that Bill Harrison, President of New En Golf Corporation, was amenable to char Mr. Santosuosso onl for the actual cost of the new g ranite slab marker, which is $360.00, rather than the total fee of $425.00. Ms. Rudner asked how man of the nine tee markers are still available for sponsorship. Ms. Simmons indicated that she was not certain, but thou that 3 are still available. Mr. DeAn noted that the Recreation Department and New En Golf Corporation were sellin a sponsorship of a tee si g ood for 5 y ears, Mr. Santosuosso believed his pa 19 y ears a was all that should be re and it should be for a life. Mr. Santosuosso told the Recreation Committee that he would pa the $360.00 to replace the top of the 8 th tee marker. Mr. Santosuosso also stated that if in 5 y ears the Town wanted additional mone he ma relocate the marker to his house. After a spirited discussion, Mr. DeAn asked what the proposal and recommendation is. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, recommended that Mr. Santosuosso be asked to pa $360.00 to replace the top of the 8"' hole tee marker if he would like to renew his sponsorship for a 5 y ear period. Sandra Shaw moved the recommendation. Lisah Rhodes seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 2-1-2 to approve the recommendation of the Director of Recreation. 4. Article 30 Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, told the Recreation Committee that Article 30 had been indefinitel postponed at the March 26, 2012 session of Town Meetin 5. Lincoln Park Sub-committee (LPSQ Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reviewed the draft char for the Lincoln Park Sub-committee (draft polic attached). Ms. Simmons, Lisah Rhodes and Wend Rudner who have met several times since the Januar 2012 Recreation Committee meetin write this draft reviewed the rationale for its content with the recreation Committee. Mr. Vo asked what the "actual char of the Lincoln Park Sub-committee is. He su that this information should be placed in the first para of the updated char The Recreation Committee a with this su Lisah Rhodes moved acceptance of the Lincoln Park Sub-committee char as amended. Sandra Shaw seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4 — 0 to accept the Recreation Committee char for the Lincoln Park Sub-committee, as amended. 6. Busa Farm Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation reported to the Recreation Committee that on March 19, 2012 the Board of selectmen had voted 3 — 2 for the Busa farm propert to be used as a communit farm, and for affordable housin She further indicated that it was time for the Recreation Committee and department to move on and look at other possible options in the communit for much needed field space. Sandra Shaw said that she and Bets Weiss had been approached b Ben Aronson of the Minuteman Newspaper., to write a commentar on the Busa Farm propert and final decision. Ms. Shaw told the Committee that she declined the re wishin for the "dust to settle" before commentin further. 7. Recreation's 5-Year Capital Plan Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reviewed the five projects included in the Recreation Department 5-Year Capital Plan. Howard Vo will present the articles. Lisah Rhodes will be the 2 back-up, in the event that Mr. Vo is unable to attend. The anticipated dates for Town Meetin to discuss the Recreation Capital re are April 4. Ms. Simmons indicated that occasionall Town Meetin will vote to chan the fundin source for Recreation Capital projects from the Tax Lev to the Enterprise Fund. She asked if the Recreation Committee would take a position to comment if this were to occur. Mr. Vo made the followin motion: The Recreation Committee does not support an chan in fundin sources in Article 11, sections B, C or D. Sandra Shaw moved the motion. Lisah Rhodes seconded. The Recreation Committee voted 4-0 to approve this motion. 8. Recreation Report Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported the followin • Review of the FY2011 Field numbers o Tier I (Lexin Recreation and Public Schools) 27,319 hours o Tier 2 (95% Youth and Lexin Residents) 17,309 hours o Tier 3 (minimum 60% Lexin residents and/or y outh) 1,316 hours o Tier 4 (less than 60% Lexin residents) 2,063 hours o Tier 5 (camps, clinics, tournaments) 603 hours • Email from Liz Weiss, Lexin resident, re what she considers to be possible health risks to users of the infill s fields at Lincoln Park. Karen Simmons advised the Health Department about this complaint and re that the also review the complaint. Dave Pinsonneault contacted Field Turf for their opinion. Ms. Simmons also contacted Me Bucz Stantec, for her opinion. Ms. Bucz su that the fiber breakdown is normal wear and tear on the field. The fields have been used for 9 y ears. The industr standard is 8 y ears. In 2009 the Town did lead testin on the field, as a result of a different complaint. No lead was found in the turf or infill. 9. Parks Reports Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, reported the followin • The final walk throu of the Phase I portion of the Center project is scheduled for March 29. The estimated date for reopenin the fields is the first week in Ma • The Parks Department will be workin with Minuteman Technical Hi School to di the area for the tennis pavilion footin • The g rass fields opened on Monda March 26. • The Lexin Little Lea Board has recommended that the lea pa to have all Little Lea fields laser- Ms. Rudner asked if the Recreation Committee, Department or the Department of Public Works will send a thank y ou letter to Lexin Little Lea Mr. Filadoro will take care of this. • The culvert project at Pine Meadows is substantiall complete. The irri is almost finished. Final pavin of the walkwa will take place this sprin The next meetin of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesda April 18 at 7:00 p.m. in Room G I 5of the Town Office Buildin The March 28, 2012 meetin of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 7:16 p.m. The followin documents/exhibits distributed or discussed at the meetin are attached: 1. Sponsor a Tee Si advertisement at Pine Meadows 2. Lincoln Park Sub-Committee Char Draft Respectfull Submitted, Sheila Butts 3 11% L!JL ��. ��.� �,�� . i_�,, `6 . �, �� . (Golf Club Sponsor a tee si F Meadows Golf Clubfo)i,:-,--,i five ea r n , I . ((D� 5 throe area e g h 9 �a v afl'li a� b) I e period &i, S I u,t�- u For additional information contacJr Bill Harrison 7181-326-5717 newenglandgolf Lincoln Park Sub-Committ Committee Char 11_1-'_1____-1_"__'_ Members: 7-9 Appointed b Recreation Committee Len of term: 3 y ears Appointments made: June 3 0 Meetin times: Monthl and other times, as needed----' 1 recreational _-�bescription: Lincoln Park is a 39.8, acre comprehensive creatonal facilit comprised of athletic fields walkin paths, fitness -stations, tot lot, meadows and open space.�-'Yfhe Lincoln Park Sub-Committeel" ' ports to the Recreation Committee and are responsible for the oversi and advocac of the facilities at Lincoln Park, encompassin passive and active recreation. In pursuit of these duties and responsibilities the sub shall: 0 Submit meetin minut to the Recreation Committee. 0 Report to Recreation Committee 2X/ includin an annual, joint Recreation/Lincoln Park Sub-Committee meetin at the park each Ma a Present all projects and financial transactions to the Recreation Committee for approval. Membership: Members should have an interest in recreation and open space. The conu-nittee will be comprised of e representation of active and passive recreation, an abutter, and a representative from Ha Recreation Centre. Prior to. servin as a member of this committee, appointees are re to: 1. Acknowled receipi of the Summar of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Sub - Committee the members must acknowled annuall receipt of the Summar of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summar will be provided b and acknowled to the Town Clerk 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line trainin re re b the Conflict of Interest statute.