HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-15-LBAC-minp V5 Mop p 1 775 Z a APRIL N' �FXI N0 APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time, and Location: March 15, 2012 at 7 pm in Estabrook Room, Cary Hall Members Present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Stew Kennedy, John Frey, Bob Hausslein (FoLB Chair), Mike Tabaczynski, George Gagliardi, Laurel Carpenter, and Jerry Van Hook Members Absent: Marita Hartshorn Others Present: Richard Canale (Planning Board liaison), Paul Callahan (Police Department liaison), Rick Abrams and Alex Dohan (Greenways Corridor Committee), Patria Lanfranchi (Ride Studio Cafe), Richard Spencer, and Bob Dangel Minutes: The February minutes were accepted as edited. ACROSS Lexington Planning Presentation: Rick and Alex described the plan of the Lexington Greenway Corridor Committee (GCC) to develop routes in Lexington traversing and connecting conservation lands, recreation areas, and schools with the town center. Meetings describing the plan have taken place with town administrators; reaction has been favorable. Rick said that his goal for the night's presentation was to get feedback from the LBAC, particularly on informational signage on the Minuteman Bikeway and along a proposed pilot route through lower Vine Brook and Parker Meadow planned for September 2012. Jerry Van Hook suggested bicycle caution signs be placed at the ends of boardwalk trail segments to warn inexperienced bicyclists about the danger of falling from the boardwalks; Mike Tabaczynski disagreed, saying that bicyclists understood the danger. After some discussion, Stew Kennedy said that the question of signage was moot for the LBAC because the boardwalks were on conservation land. Rick said that the GCC would consider the issue. Center Streetscape and Bike Parking on Mass Ave: Patria Lanfranchi reported that, so far, town administrators and businesses are supportive of the O VS MOg O 1 775 Z a APRIL P �FXI N0 prospect of assigning a parking space in the center for weekend bicycle parking (i.e., Saturday morning installation of space for 20 bikes and Sunday night removal of same by the DPW) during the good weather biking season (i.e., May through October). The street parking plan on weekends does not yet have police approval. The committee agreed that it was still in favor of a traffic study in the town center to study the possible alternatives to the current plan to remain at four travel lanes. The committee still favors a streetscape that is safer for pedestrians and bicyclists as they try to negotiate Mass Ave, and is less noisy and unpleasant for visitors to the town center generally. Peggy reported that the discussion of this traffic study by the Town Engineer and the Selectmen may be viewed at the LexMedia website. At that meeting, a request was made for a traffic study pending budget approval at Town Meeting. DCR Grant for Minuteman Bikeway User Information: Peggy reported that the RFP for the design being funded under the DCR grant had been reissued; the deadline for proposals is the end of March. It is hoped that a designer will be selected in early April. Bikeway Drainage and Root Control Update: Work is in progress by the DPW on drainage along the bike path; root control barrier work will begin soon. This DPW work has been impeded by Bikeway users who do not heed the posted closure signs and have actually confronted the workers about the inconvenience to bikers. Some users put themselves in danger by insisting on proceeding through the construction site. Peggy reported that John Livsey was forced to ask for police presence on the bikeway to curtail these incidents as the work continues. Alternate route signage to aid in finding safe bike detours was proposed; there were some concerns in the town about liability issues, but eventually detour signs were posted. The committee talked about the upcoming closure between Bedford and Hartwell and the importance of not directing traffic down Bedford Street as the recommended detour; the chair will report this recommendation to the town engineers. Bike Safety Awareness Week: Peggy reported that the flyer on bicycle and vehicle safety has been approved and is slated for inclusion in the next property tax mailing. Discussion was held on the best wording for two large display signs to be placed and maintained by the LPD during Bike Safety Week, April 22 -29. More information was needed by committee members about the allowed number of letters on the lighted signs before they could help the police craft messages. (We think it is 3 lines, 3 screens, 8 characters per line.) Sgt Callahan will get O VS MOg O 1 775 Z a APRIL N' FXI N0 back to Peggy to confirm. Statement on Granite curbing: The issue was tabled for the time being. Other Business: Richard Canale mentioned that Lexington now ranks fifth in the Commonwealth for bike racks ordered under the MAPC program; Lexington has 402 bike rack spaces as a consequence of their participation in the program. In other MAPC news, David Loutzenheiser announced that Boston is now considered the sixth most bike friendly city in the country (with 50 miles of bike lanes that are projected to rise to 80 miles, many more greenway off -road miles, and the removal of hundreds of parking meters). Richard reported that the Planning Board will be discussing on March 26 the proposed land gift between the Munroe Cemetery and the Bikeway. If approved, Town Meeting will vote on accepting the gift. The land is a popular cut - through to the Bikeway. Richard discussed the TSAC meeting slated for April 2 to discuss traffic calming on Shade Street. Peggy promised to send out the documents prepared by the town engineers. One of the possible traffic calming solutions is traffic platforms, as well as lane striping, sharrows, etc. A complaint by Jeff Roth (a Belmont resident and commuter to Lincoln Lab) about parking along Hartwell Ave near Waxy O'Connor's that blocked the bike lane was discussed. Sgt. Callahan reported that the police will post stakes and signs to manage this problem at least over the Saint Patrick's Day weekend. He said that the problem arises when there are special events at the restaurant; the police will monitor this problem. The committee voted unanimously to recommend that the en plein air event along the Bikeway, proposed for Saturday, May 5, be approved, as long as artists stayed at least six feet away from the pavement. This event took place last year, as well, as part of Revolutionary Revelry. Sgt. Callahan talked about two recent accidents involving bicycles and vehicles (one at 113 Bedford Street, and one at Concord Ave and Potter Pond). The committee asked whether there were any details about the cause of each accident. The LBAC meeting was adjourned at 8 pm. O VS Mop p 1 775 Z a 3 a� APRIL P �FXI N0 Record of Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways: Bob Hausslein opened the FoLB meeting and gave the Treasurer's Report. The FoLB paid $368 for bike racks at the Munroe Museum. Jimmy McLaughlin plowed the Bikeway in recent weeks after a light snowfall. It was mentioned that the DPW has done a good job of brush removal from Woburn Street to the Arlington line. Plans are being considered for the upcoming Bay State Bike Week, including two rides on May 19 led by committee members and by the Ride Studio Cafe. George Gagliardi volunteered to join Laurel and Stew on the rides. Also discussed were those who were planning to ride with outside groups into Boston during the May 14 -20 week. A Spring Cleanup Day along the Minuteman is planned for May 5. This is also likely the day for the MPO bikeway counts that are normally made biannually. For the Farmer's Market this spring through fall, the committee voted to split the cost of the $2 bike -to- market coupons with the market managers; $100 was approved toward the purchase of 200 coupons. These coupons will supplement the ones left over from last year and will be given to those who park their bikes at the bike corral. It was noted that the new bike rack has been installed on the corner of the market field closest to the White House. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm. Next Meeting: Thursday, April 12, at 7 pm. Recorder: Jerry Van Hook Editor: Peggy Enders