HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-12-TREE-min Lexington Tree Committee Meeting Thursday, January 12, 2012, 7:30 AM 201 Bedford St., Room 125 Members Present: Christopher Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds; John Frey, Chairman; Jewel Kuljian; Karen Longeteig; Gerry Paul; Anne Senning; Nell Walker; James Wood. Also Friends of Trees member Jane Beswick, and Guests: Tanya Morrisett and Jessie Steigerwald from the Lexington 300 Anniversary Celebration Committee. Absent : David Pinsonneault, Operations Manager and Deb Mauger, Selectman Liaison. 1.Jewel Kuljian was appointed as scribe and the minutes of the December 13, 2011 meeting were approved as corrected. 2.Anne Senning read a prepared statement about meeting procedures. If a specific topic goes on too long the Chair or any Committee member can suggest a special meeting be called to cover the topic. This will provide a balance for working together to cover the agenda in a timely manner. 3a. Bylaw Tree removal applications and activity. Approximate tree removal activity under Bylaw as of 11/1/11 ; 793 sites/686 closed; 2521trees to be planted/1753 planted; 1034 trees to be removed/843removed. Fees levied for removal under regulation are $48,280. $6,950 to be deposited in the Tree Fund. Karen proposed that a handheld computer would be helpful to record this information. Availability needs to be determined. 3b. There will be no Tree Bylaw changes submitted for the 2012 Town Meeting as voted by the Committee. John will notify Deb Mauger to drop the Placeholder. 3c. Nell Walker and Anne Senning discussed the status of trees out-planted from the ninety-nine nursery. One hundred and four were planted in 2011. There are still large trees that need to be out-planted in the spring of 2012. Eighty five of these are Oaks. Having this specific information available is crucial for the Department and the Tree committee for planning purposes. The six Frontier Elms that died from the October storm have been replaced with smaller Scarlet Oak trees. 3d. Proposed tracking plan for Bylaw Tree Removal & occupancy permits. Chris reviewed the new format of reporting each month regarding tree activity. Addresses, dates, tree hearings, hazard trees, special permit,etc. Gerry Paul noted “Special Permit is now covered by the Tree By-law”. Chris would like clarification. For infractions, fifty dollars per inch will be charged for a 3 inch caliper tree, resulting in $150. per tree to be deposited in the Tree Fund. Personal thanks to Chris for his work. The status regarding follow-up /monitoring of specific addresses was also discussed. Chris is working to organize site plans in the Public Grounds office; a site plan is key to enforcing the tree bylaw. Additionally, Chris is working with the Building Inspector to receive notification of requests for occupancy permits so he can sign off. Other issues are being discussed with departments in an on-going basis with good progress being made. An additional meeting regarding Chapter 87 to discuss the state law covering removal of street trees and “grey areas” will be set for Tuesday, January 24, 2010 at 7:30am in Room 125. 3e/Nursery. Dave and Chris have requested 10 more street trees be added to the order of trees. Ten Honeylocusts will be added to the order. A work day has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 14 at 9AM at the nursery to prune trees to be out-planted in the spring. Members need to bring loppers and pruners. Trees need to be staked for straightening. Main feed lines need to be buried . Weed barrier needs to be checked and installed as needed. Jim reported about a recent tree conference he attended. 3f. In conversations with Dave and Chris, Anne reported about the focus of spring planting. Concentration on one area of town will consolidate work. Starting at Rte. 128 down Bedford Street toward the Center, focus will be side streets in the Manor area and Reed Street area for identification of sites from the tree inventory. This relatively contiguous area will make watering and maintenance more efficient. Jewel has begun to meet with residents regarding the 20 setback trees to be planted in the spring. The specific trees at the nursery will be identified with new yellow tags(to be removed once planted). g)Status of mitigation planting at Greek Church on Meriam St./Oakland St. No planting done. More information needed. 4.Tree Committee Report for Lexington 2011 Annual Report sent to Lynne Pease 12/14/11. 5a. Friends of Trees/Tree Committee re. Lexington 300 Anniversary. Tanya Morrisett and Jessie Steigerwald presented the current status of a schedule for this event(9/22/12 to Memorial Day of 2013). A goal is to connect the entire town to the 300 celebration. Trees are to be included. They suggested a large tree be planted, chosen from one selected from two or three species with a history in Lexington. On Memorial Day there is to be a monument and perhaps the Tree Committee could put something in a time capsule. Ideas came forth from the Committee with John suggesting“plant 300 trees”. Some others included: have a metal medallion on the tree, auction off three trees from the nursery, a 300 year tree drive, a special web site, all with sustainability as a goal. A separate meeting is to be held on January 26, 2012 at 9AM to review ideas about tree activities for the 300 Anniversary Celebration. 5b. The dedication of commemorative trees for Jim Barry and G. Beauchemin is scheduled for Saturday March 24, 2012. has 6.Website: Karen Longeteig reported that the Tree Committee website been updated and urged all to check it out. This item will be placed higher on next meeting's agenda. Respectfully submitted: Jewel Kuljian NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING: FEBRUARY 9, 2012, 7:30 a.m. AT 201 BEDFORD STREET, RM. 125