HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-05-PBC-minPBC Meeting Minutes 1 -5 -12 Meeting Minutes Lexington Permanent Building Committee (PBC) Meeting Date & Time: 5 January 2011 7:00 PM Location: 201 Bedford Street Attendees: Jon Himmel, PBC Dick Perry, PBC Peter Johnson, PBC Philip Coleman, PBC, B &B, Estabrook Eric Brown, PBC Jen Vogelzang, PBC, Bridge & Bowman Gary Lerner Guests: Ken DiNisco, DDP Leno Grenada, DDP Paul Kalous, RFW Lauren Keeney, RFW Sandra Trach, Estabrook Principal Staff: Mark Barrett, DPF Laurie Lucibello, DPF Index 1.0 General Business 2.0 Public Services Building 3.0 4.0 Bridge & Bowman Elementary Schools Renovation 5.0 6.0 7.0 Estabrook Elementary School 1.0 GENERAL BUSINESS 1.1 Minutes 1/5/12 Motion to approve meeting minutes for 12/8/11 and 12/15/11 Motion: Eric B. 2 Phil C. Vote: Unanimous 1.2 Monthly Bills 1/5/12 DPF presented invoices totaling 32,180.00, which were approved for payment. 1.3 Meeting Minute Format (Item Relocated from 2.24 to general business) For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. Mark Barrett is waiting for proposal from PSS. 5/12/11 DPF reported a quote received for training on prolog, but could only find out of state vendors approved by the software company. PBC member suggested he knew of a local firm we could get training from that would be more cost effective. 10/13/11 DPF reported that it would appear that we would be able to setup training within the next few weeks. 12/1/11 DPF again reported that it was hoping to set up the training within the next couple weeks. Page 1 of 6 PBC Meeting Minutes 1 -5 -12 1.4 PBC Make -up and Projects For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 5/12/11 The process for new project members was discussed. • Chair reports that the school committee or Town Manager appoints members for specific projects. Question asked if PBC should get to meet persons being appointed and vote if they are to be accepted. DPF reports that the appointment is per the bylaw. Discussion on 7 Member organization: • DPF reported that the 7 member organization takes effect some 60 -90 days after ATM or approximately August. • Discussion that a Criteria needs to be developed for determining new members. • Discussion that an HVAC or Civil Engineer would be a good knowledge base for a new member • Discussion on using town lists for seeking members rejected, focus should be on looking for prospect members individually. • Agreed PBC members should bring prospect list of people they feel would be a good fit. 6/9/11 Gary Lerner, an engineer currently involved in manufacturing, visited the PBC meeting to gain insight into the work of the PBC in consideration of the expansion of the PBC membership. 9/8/11 There was general discussion on Bylaws for adding members to PBC. Question rose if PBC should have input into appointments on the committee. Pat Goddard advised that the PBC is a Town Manager appointed committee. The issue of whether or not the PBC should make recommendations on new members to the PBC needs to be investigated with the Town Manager. 10/13/11 PBC agreed that they should make recommendations to the Town Manager on new members after the prospective member attends a few meetings and the PBC has some dialogue with them on participation. 12/1/11 There are two resumes in hand, however it was discussed that a future meeting should include discussion with these people on involvement with the committee, roles and participation. 2.0 PUBLIC WORKS &FACILITIES BUILDING PROJECT 2.60 Site Signage at Street For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text, previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 9/8/11 DPF to work with local electrician to replace large ground lights with smaller conventional units and work with DPW to create small mulch bed and ground cover. 10/13/11 DPF to try an LED Retrofit on the lights in question. 2.83 Front Walkway For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text, previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 10/13/11 DPF working with DPW for new walkway construction as designed by HKT, with hopes of getting work complete before winter. 2.84 Close -Out For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text, previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 5/12/11 PBC frustrated that project has not been "closed- out ". DPF shared that frustration and while we have been following some warranty items, plantings, etc. close out has been awaiting the completion of the fluid distribution system and the site as- built. DPF is hopeful that these items are nearly complete and we will be able to "close -out" project. 9/8/11 Page 2 of 6 PBC Meeting Minutes 1 -5 -12 Landscape Architects met on site with owner to review closing order of conditions and are now waiting for small updates to site as- built for completion. 12/1/11 Final close -out and payment is forthcoming 4.0 Bridge &Bowman Renovation Projects 4.12 Proiect schedule For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text, previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 10/13/11 Construction Documents are scheduled for completion on 11/3/11. Lexington will need up to date copies for MEP document review. Contractor prequalification deadlines need to be scheduled into project. 11/2/11 Final Documents due 1113 Drawings to go to MEP review Variance request to be sent to Plumbing Board for unisex toilet in kitchen Pre - Qualification of Contractors due 11122 12/8/11 The Plumbing Board Variances were mailed out. Contractor pre - qualification was discussed at a mtg. on 12/7/11 and a list of pre - qualified firms has been established. Plans and specs are released to bid on 1/3/12. 4.26 Roof Top Unit screening 11/2/11 It was reported that the roof top hvac equipment would be larger than originally anticipated and could be 18 inches to 2 feet taller. There was some concern expressed over the aesthetics of the larger units and the overall view of the school to the public, notwithstanding any sound abatement concerns. Various options for screening and placement of support structure for future screening was discussed. Currently six units suspected of a need for screening based on sound abatement were modified to include roof reinforcing for future screen panels. It was discussed to increase this count to 10 to include units where screens maybe desired for aesthetics as well, however this motion was not acted upon, leaving just the original 6 locations 12/8/11 This issue was again discussed and the PBC elected to request a unit price be added to the bid submission for adding the steel support to other RTU locations if the town elected to do so during construction. 4.28 MEP Review 12/1/11 Brief discussions over C3 review of MEP documents comments have been sent to Architects and Engineers and engineers have responded. C3 satisfied with return comments. 12/8/11 PBC Requested that DPF ask C3 to verify if suggested changes have been made. Page 3 of 6 PBC Meeting Minutes 1 -5 -12 7.0 Estabrook Elementary 7.8 Estimates 9/8/11 PBC requested info on estimates in Schematic Design. RF Walsh stated that there was one completed by the architect and one completed by Walsh. RF Walsh advised that the MSBA limits reimbursement on site work to +/- 8% of building costs, so town may have reduced reimbursement if site costs are in excess of the limit. 10/27/11 It was reported that very early cost modeling was showing the Estabrook project cost in the ballpark of 36 to 37.5 million 12/15/11 Cost Summary tables were presented by RF Walsh, dated 15 December 2011, for various design options, with a cost range of $38,894,133 to 42,783,546 for the preferred option 3C. General discussion on overall costs took place along with discussion on reimbursement percentages from the state. There was some discussion from the PBC that Walsh and DiNisco should be cognizant of % of reimbursement and not position the project such that expected reimbursements reduce. It was discussed that the furniture and technology allowances by MSBA may not serve full needs of school and may require increases. 1/5/12 Two cost estimates will be developed for schematic design phase and will be reviewed with PBC on 1/26/12 meeting, but the two estimates will not be reconciled by that night. 7.9 Schedule Received schedule 9115111, designer agreement should be resolved by early next week. PBC would like to see a copy. 10/27/11 March 2012 — MSBA Approval January 2013 — Start of Construction September 2014 - Occupy Building 1/5/12 ECC meeting in February and PBC would like to hear what feedback was from ECC. 7.10 CM at Risk versus Design Bid Build For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text, previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 12/8/11 There was continued discussion on the CM @ risk process which included the review of a table of data presented by RF Walsh on the shifting of responsibilities of participants in the project management process as well as financial and scheduling impacts. Given the potential of negligible cost differentials and potential improvement to scheduling and tighter document development the PBC elected to continue the project with the CM at Risk process. Motion to approve and implement the Construction Manager @ Risk process on the Estabrook School project, understanding that improvements to scheduling, document and construction control provided through the construction manager at risk process will be an added benefit to the project. Motion: Phil Coleman 2" d : Dick Perry Vote: Unanimous 12/15/11 Minor discussion on possible cost impacts to CM at Risk process versus cost or schedule savings but no changes to determinations made to date. 1/5/12 Need Sub - Committee for CM @Risk selection which needs 2 members of PBC. PBC would like to know scheduling commitment needed for this sub - committee and to have this at next meeting. Page 4 of 6 PBC Meeting Minutes 1 -5 -12 7.14 Schematic Design 11/17/11 PBC requested that some discussion take place with DDP and PBC over design styles and aesthetics as the architects should be aware of what general direction the PBC feels the design should be so as not to waste valuable and limited time in design phase. DDP stated that SD deliverables would include: Cost Estimates, Narrative on Systems, Narrative on Site, Narrative on finishes, Plans, Elevations, sections, Rendering and permitting issues 12/1/11 DDP expressed that the design phase would be beginning and there was general discussion on the design, historical elements and their impact on design in Lexington and other design features. PBC suggested that the architects not cast the design features too quickly until they make some suggestions to the PBC to confirm an appropriate direction. 12/15/12 PBC wants to be sure that DDP meets with PBC at least three times in January to have an opportunity to review and comment on design decisions. PBC would like to see 3d modeling of school with topography and perhaps a view from Grove Street. 1/5/12 DDP made presentation on design issues and process forthcoming. Overall massing discussed along with a few design issues such as: The roof equipment screening location and height Possible roof garden area Roof access hatch or door (penthouse) Two story space over library Approx 4000 sf of basement, required, is slab on grade more cost effective? Size of gymnasium, as compared to other elementary schools Canopy in front of school Canopies in other locations around schools PBC would like to see these items as breakouts on the estimate so that they can understand cost impact on the project. DDP stressed that schematic design will not stop after SD submission to MSBA, rather there will be opportunity to further work with PBC on Design issues thru design development. DPC discussed need to be able to deduct from approved design not try to add too it. 7.15 LEED 12/1/11 Brief discussion on LEED design. DDP expressed that MSBA reimburses 2% for LEED Silver certification the first pass thru the LEED scorecard should occur in the schematic design phase. 1/5/12 Draft of LEED scorecard will be at next meeting 7.16 Mosaic 12/1/11 There has been discussion about saving the Estabrook logo mosaic, so the construction of the mosaic is being tested for contaminants during December break. 7.17 Traffic Clarification 12/8/11 PBC discussed the need for clarification as to the extent of involvement of the ETF committee with traffic concerns on the Estabrook site. Peter Johnson will communicate a reminder to the ETF that the PBC has responsibility for oversight of traffic concerns within the Estabrook site and that while they will seek a recommendation from the ETF on the amount of queuing that may be required based upon their work leading to the property line, it is the PBC who should coordinate the actual design and layout of this work on site with the architect and traffic consultant. 1/5/12 ETF has not met since the 12/8/11 PBC discussion above. Page 5 of 6 PBC Meeting Minutes 1 -5 -12 7.19 Contract bride 12/8/11 DPF advised that a strategy will need to be developed to use remaining available funds from current authorization to bridge gap of professional services at the conclusion of the study phase of the project to allow continued development of the project or subsequent phases until town meeting authorizes additional funding. 1/5/12 Proposals needed in advance of next meeting 7.20 Deliverables for 1/19/12 Meeting 1/5/12 Detailed site plan with contours — "balanced site" Finalized plans with SF Space summary with net to gross ration (limit 1.5) Estimates with breakouts Building System narratives Preliminary Energy Analysis LEED scorecard 7.21 Fuel source for Generator 1/5/12 Discussion on allowable fuel source, MB to follow up with fire department, for use of natural gas instead of diesel. 7.22 Historical Commission 1/5/12 RFW and DDP will work with Historical Commission on any approvals necessary for demolition of existing Estabrook School 7.23 Special Town Meeting 1/5/12 DPF advised that a vote of the PBC may be required to request BOS hold a Special Town Meeting on or about April 2, 2012 for Estabrook Project. Motion: The Permanent Building Committee supports that a request be made to the Board of Selectmen for a Special Town Meeting to be held on or about April 2, 2012 in accordance with the scheduling needs of the project, for the proposes of obtaining project approval of the Estabrook Project. Motion: Phil C. 2 Dick P. Vote: Unanimous Meeting Adjourned Motion to Adjourn 12/15/11 9:15 PM Motion: Eric Brown 2 Dick Perry Unanimous Page 6 of 6