HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-12-08-HATS-min HATS Meeting December 8, 2011 Meeting Minutes Approved January 26, 2012 Members Present: Elise Woodward, Concord Selectmen (Chair); Michael Rosenberg, Bedford Selectmen; Sara Mattes, Lincoln Selectmen; Sharon Williams, Massport; Lisa Mustapich, Bedford Planning Board; Dorothy Steele, Massport; Doris Cole, Concord Planning Board Not in attendance: Deb Mauger, Lexington Selectmen Others present: Melissa Russell, Lincoln Journal;Nancy Nelson, Minute Man NHP; Col. Stacy Yike, Base Commander; J.C. Corcoran, HAFB; Peter Braun, Lincoln Selectmen; Margaret Coppe, Lexington School Committee; Andy Friedlich, Lexington Ms. Woodward opened the meeting at 7:41 p.m., welcomed everyone and gave introductions. Conversation with Col. Stacy Yike, Commander 66th Air Base Group: Air Force Announcements. GBS: Global Basing Structure will review how bases are structured all over the U.S. to be sure servicemen are provided adequate services where they are located. The process will reduce manpower by providing what is unique and necessary by not duplicating capabilities or expending unnecessary funds. 143 positions were included in the GBS cut with partial rehire rehire authorizations. LCMC: Life Cycle Management eliminated 154 positions. HAFB is immersed in high technology development. There is a set of staff to help run the programs. AFMC eliminated a level of staff, leaving programs and offices in place, but relocating leadership to Wright Patterson. In summary, 297 positions were eliminated from a total workforce of 4,000 civilian positions. Mr. Braun asked for confirmation that the GBS effort is national and the LCMC effort is more local, at AFMC (8 bases). Mr. Friedlich asked if HAFB coordinates the building of high tech equipment at AFMC or manufactures it. Col. Yike explained the acquisition effort in the Air Force. There was a discussion about the transparency of the impact of the change at HAFB on the community. Col. Yike reported that Phase I of the transition is planned for completion in April 2012 with 150 full-time people coming into headquarters at that time. Phase II recently received funding and the transition time is expected to be a full year, bringing the full-time count up to 350 people at headquarters at that time. Traffic issues will be addressed through traffic management discussions and communication will continue regarding the impact of the changes on other areas of the base. Ms. Woodward asked about developing partnerships with the surrounding communities and asked how Col. Yike envisions this being accomplished. It will likely be an ongoing process to include discussion as well as continuous review of the needs and expressed interests of the air men and HATS December 8, 2011 women. Col. Yike communicated the Air Force is appreciative of the communities' support and appreciation of the military. There will be a community leader update on 1/25/12, where the goal is to share the planning process. Ms. Cole asked how security would be handled on the base. Col. Yike suggested that it will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Ms. Woodward asked if there is an expected enhanced use leasing program on the base. There is the potential for this in new space. Mr. Rosenberg asked regarding housing occupancy. There are currently 651 families living on base, out of 732 houses. The occupancy percentage is important and the preference is a rate of 95% occupancy for 3 months or more. Construction and renovations are complete. Hunt Development will be opening the market to the general public on 12/14/11 which will create a difficult and complicated security process for the base. Mr. Braun asked about the type of market that would find this type of housing appealing—for example, retirees. Retirees constitute 2% of the housing— consisting of 7 families out of the total. Ms. Mattes asked about pricing structure for base housing and the housing structure was explained, comparing military housing entitlements based on rank and family size and privatized housing using a varying market rent structure. There will be a change of command in June of 2012. The Heroes Homecoming will be held at 12 noon on 1/12/12. Ms. Woodward thanked Col. Yike for her attendance and said her cooperation has been appreciated. Updates: HFAC: Ms. Woodward reported: At the November meeting the Massport report of monthly noise was that operations decreased over the October 2010 to October 2011 year, as it had done in the previous year. Ms. Williams said the previous month's data will be provided at each meeting. Battle Road: The fruit stand renovations on Battle Road were discussed. The repair of the farm stand will complete Battle Road Farms, which will be the center for expanded agriculture, community partners for sustainable food and advocates for youth. MAGIC: Tomorrow is the annual MAGIC legislative breakfast from 8-10am in Lexington at the Depot. Parking is behind the Lexington Depot. Future meeting topics: The next meeting is scheduled for January 26, 2010. January meeting. Cable Television—The committee discussed collaboration across towns for reporting from the meeting. Regional Planning objectives—Reference was made to a map posted on the wall showing HAFB, federal land, state land, the national park, the Battle Road Scenic Byway and the four towns, revealing the complexity of interests in this region. Meeting location. 2 HATS December 8, 2011 There was a discussion regarding future meeting location. It was decided that the Committee will reconvene in January at the Concord Town House. February meeting. Ms. Nelson asked if the Committee has taken a position on the Massachusetts Aeronautics and Space Museum. There has been no presentation as of yet. The Committee will tentatively target February for this. Minutes: July 28, 2011: Mr. Rosenberg moved to approve the 7/28/11 meeting minutes. Ms. Mattes seconded the motion. Vote: Approved 3-0-0 September 8, 2011: A vote is deferred to the January meeting as there was no quorum. October 27, 2011: A vote is deferred to the January meeting as there was no quorum. Future meeting dates were discussed. Confirm corresponding secretary for January's meeting: There is a potential successor and the current Recording Secretary is available to remotely record meeting minutes as long as necessary. Change of Town leadership: Ms. Mattes will be retiring in March of 2012 and will introduce her successor in April. Mr. Rosenberg said there is expected to be one new Selectmen in Bedford. His term comes up again in 2014. Ms. Woodward is up for reelection in 2012 and any change would occur in May. Adjourn: Ms. Mattes moved to adjourn. Mr. Rosenberg seconded the motion. Approved 3-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. 3