HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-28-TOUR2-minTown of Lexington Tourism Committee Minutes June 28, 2010 Present: Mary Jo Bohart, Kerry Brandin, Bebe Fallick, Dawn McKenna, Paul O'Shaughnessy; Staff: Masha Traber Guest: Fred Johnson Absent: Susan Bennett, Carla Fortmann, Mary Gillespie, Kathleen James, John Patrick, Lou Sideris, In the absence of a quorum, we were unable to conduct any formal business. Instead we had informal discussions of the following (items addressed in different order): 1) Liberty Ride a) We will have a several thousand dollars operating surplus over the $17,500 cushion at the end of the fiscal year. Our Charter tours for FYI totaled 125. That is up from 80 in FY09. Over 4,600 visitors came to Lexington via charter tours in FYI 0. b) 2011 Dates of Operation were discussed. The pros and cons of three options were discussed (1) Weekends only in April and May, Daily beginning May 30 th ; ( 2) Start two weeks earlier run May 14 daily; (3) Defer decision to end of season and simply advertise operates April —Oct, check website for actual dates. It was the consensus of those present that since we have been working to align dates of operation, it makes the most sense to do (1) which is how the historic houses are now operating. A formal vote will be brought to the Committee at our next meeting. In the meanwhile, Masha will inform the travel guides of the anticipated change. 2) Activities a) Briefly viewed the AAA article and discussed the positive impact we hope it will have. b) In the fall we will discuss what we might accomplish with an Adams Grant for cultural tourism and decide whether to submit a Letter of Intent. c) Open Meeting Law Training was briefly mentioned. d) A handout from the Tourism Breakfast was given. One of the interesting statistics is that in the first four months of 2010, hotel stays in Middlesex County are up 20.9% compared to 12.9% in the State and 3% nationwide. e) GMVCB is placing an ad in the Yankee Magazine 75 Anniversary Commemorative September /October 2010 edition. There are 6 spots available for local ads. Since Yankee Magazine is a good fit and the money is relatively cheap we will place an ad with our marketing funds. f) We will make an offer to the Motor Coach Association to have a special Liberty Ride Tour on the evening of August 21 St at a reduced rate. They are looking for tours that evening. g) Bebe Fallick has offered to serve as our liaison to the 300 Anniversary Committee. Dawn will send a note to Susan Rockwell to ask her to add Bebe to her email distribution list. h) Kerry Brandin is working on a format for the Weekly Calendar. Different layout options were reviewed. The one that seems to make the most sense is to list ongoing activities in one section and daily special events in another section. Initially we will consider ordering 2,500 per week. i) We made some final changes. One thing that is clear is that the business community continues to evolve. Just in the last week there have been new businesses added and closed. At this point we have to proceed with the businesses as they are. Minor adjustments will be made, a couple of pictures substituted, and the map numbers added. We are obtaining three quotes for printing and we will get it out in the next couple of weeks. Committee members were pleased with the product. 3) Next meeting: to be determined - September There was no quorum so we could not formally adjourn. The meeting ended at approximately 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dawn McKenna