HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-14-TOUR2-minTown of Lexington Tourism Committee Minutes June 14, 2010 Present: Susan Bennett, Kerry Brandin, Bebe Fallick, Dawn McKenna Mary Gillespie, Carla Fortmann, Marsha Traber, Paul O'Shaughnessy, John Patrick, Staff: Masha Traber, Guest: Fred Johnson Absent: Mary Jo Bohart, Kathleen James, Lou Sideris A. Discussion regarding Liberty Ride operating dates for next year's Guide Books. There should be coordination with the Historical Society. There was a discussion regarding the Liberty ride on weekends. Will be voted on at next meeting. B. Carla announced that 64 came to the Tour guide training session which was well received. C. Susan asked that the Tourism Committee speak with Carl Valente to support the efforts of the Historical Society regarding the concerns relating to the unsafe condition of Tavern Lane. The Committee previously voted to do so. D. A new website (Lexington Patch) is looking for the Liberty Ride and Lexington Tourism to participate. John Patrick will look into whether we should. E. Meri Jenkins from the Adams Arts Grants has suggested we submit a planning proposal for funding. This committee will investigate these Planning Grants. F. Dawn presented sample weekly calendar handout. What should be included? What should not be included? Please send any suggestion to Dawn. G. We looked over the draft of the Visitors Guide and map. There were many suggestions; Dawn will work on making sure the right text is included. H. Our next meeting will be Monday, June 28, 2010 at 4 p.m. On Motion duly made and seconded we voted to adjourn at approximately 6:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary Gillespie