November 17, 2011
Present were Members: John Rudy, James Goell, Linda Roemer, Dave Becker, Frank
Cai, Maria Kieslich, Dorinda Goodman and Ken Pogran; and LexMedia Executive
Director Florence DelSanto.
The meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m.
October Draft Minutes
The October minutes were presented and approved.
Carrier Reports: None
Committee - Selectman Liaison Report — None
Chairman's Report
Ken will approach a contact he has at AT &T to find out if he can put us in touch with
someone who can update us on their service and construction plans for our area.
Linda Roemer volunteered to draft the CAC annual report. Jim will provide a copy of last
year's report.
The next CAC meeting will be on Dec. 15, 2011.
Update on G15
Dorinda is still working on a proposal. One alternative is to replace some of the Cary Hall
cameras with more suitable ones and move the freed up Cary cameras to room G15.
Town Wireless Safety Network
There are two steps for the town safety network upgrade. The first step is to rearrange
some of the current sites and connect them to the Town's fiber links. The second step is
to install a Wireless mesh network. The first step has been approved and the second is
being designed. The town is also considering a wireless mesh for water meter reading.
Hartwell Ave Network Solution
Dave Becker has contacted the three CATC carriers, Verizon, Comcast and RCN. All
provide high speed internet for small businesses such as a 50Mbps maximum line rate for
$50 /m. The committee looks to the availability of a state -of -art network to support
potential large businesses. Dave Becker will poll the providers about the availability of
2.5Gbps to IOGbps network service.
Also, the town is interviewing candidates for the economic development official position.
Maria will ask the candidates questions to determine their awareness of network
The picture for the annual report was taken.
LexMedia Report Response Including Billing Issues
The format of LexMedia Report is good. It is expected that the same format will be used
for future reports. The following items were brought to the committee's attention:
• Capital plans for next year are expected to be available shortly.
• The target for fund raising is $10000 for the year. $7,000 has been raised.
• There are some OnDemand items without the required indexing. Florence will
confer with the appropriate Town Officials and Chairs about this. Jim Goell will
follow up with the Schools.
Also, Dorinda Goodman will help find a location on town property for the archive server.
LexMedia will provide the annual report to CAC in January. The annual report will
replace the quarterly report for 4 th quarter. (After the meeting it was realized that it may
make more sense to have the annual review after the second quarter of calendar 2012, A
decision on how to proceed will be made during the December meeting)
Promotion of LexMedia Government Program
The Mini logo has been added to Town calendar. Also, LexMedia's link has been added
to government web site. Arrangements still need to me made to put a LexMedia sign
outside of meeting rooms when the meeting is to be recorded.
Florence mentioned that audio from Cary hall is being distorted, probably by the the
RCN modulator Jim will write letter to Tom Steele, RCN liaison, about the issue.
Carrier Revenue breakdown and account review
Dave will continue to work on this next month and present to this committee.
John suggests that a standard format and process shall be followed to update the
Library Meeting Room
John has exchanged emails with Koren Stembridge, the library director. about the status
of meeting room upgrade plans She expects to work on them in the future.
A La Carte Programming
Linda has concerns that the programming will eventually hurt most customers and
/suggested the topic be included in the coming contract negotiation with Comcast. No
decision was reached.
Comcast Negotiation
The committee voted to have Dave Becker ask the selectmen to authorize this committee
to negotiate a new agreement with the Comcast during their Nov. 21, 2011 meeting.
Also, Dave Becker would like to hold a public hearing in January. This will be discussed
during our next meeting.
Complaints - -- None
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm
Frank Cai