October 20, 2011
Present were Members: John Rudy, James Goell, Linda Roemer, Dave Becker, Frank
Cai, Dave Buczkowski, Smita Desai, Maria Kieslich. Selectmen's liaison George
Burnell was also in attendance as well as Jane Lyman from Comcast.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
September Draft Minutes
September minutes were presented and approved.
Carrier Report.
J. Lyman offered a clarification on the latest Comcast letter to clients regarding
equipment and outlet charges. In summary, if there is digital service to more than one
TV, there is an outlet charge to support the other boxes (this is termed an Outlet by
There was a discussion regarding Comcast's ability to report outages. Members wondered
if there was a way for Comcast to notify the Town if there is a large outage and when it
might be repaired. This is a capability similar to what the electric companies provide.
According to J. Lyman, the answer is not really. Comcast can tell if head end is out but
not how many houses might be without service or why. Thus, once electricity comes on,
only then can Comcast start to troubleshoot based on reportings from customers. G.
Burnell added that the Town emergency office is coordinating with Comcast via the
Network center to know when nodes are out (by neighborhood). There is not information
however, on why there is an outage.
J,. Lyman reported that the publicizing of Internet Essentials program was proceeding
well. There have been lots of articles about this program.
J. Lyman touched on a letter the Comcast had sent the Town outlining its continuing free
service to Cary Library, Armenian School, Cotting School and Minuteman Tech.
J. Lyman provided an update on the announced "MyTV" service from Comcast which is
the opportunity for a la carte pricing and channel selection. Comcast is trying this
program in a few test markets and if it is successful, Lexington could see it in the next
There was nothing to report for Verizon or RCN.
Committee- Selectman Liaison Report — None
Chairman Report
J. Goell confirmed that the letters were sent as planned to Harry Forsdick of LexMedia,
Tom Stanley on Double Poles, and Carl Valente on indexing.
LexMedia Report
The quarterly report from LexMedia is expected 11 /1. The subcommittee is targeting to
have their letter ready for review the 11 / 17 meeting.
Update on G15 upgrade.
Postponed in Dorinda Goodwin's absence.
Hartwell Avenue Current Service
No update
Carrier Revenue Breakdown
No update.
Promotion of LexMedia Government Programs.
Now that Harry Forsdick is no longer Chair of LexMedia, it is unclear if he will be
spearheading this. M. Kieslich was asked to check in with Florence Delsanto to
determine next steps.
Complaints: None
Wireless Subcommittee Report
No updates.
Public Posting by CAC Members.
There was discussion around how, if at all, CAC members should represent themselves
when posting public comments (e.g. letters to the Minuteman). Guidance from J. Goell
was that if you a member is speaking for him or herself, they do not designate they are a
CAC committee member
Wireless Carrier plans Letter.
There have been correspondences back and forth with ATT. Over the next month, J.
Goell will try to have more meaningful conversation with them.
Future Plans: None
The meeting was adjourned at 8:1 I pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Maria Kieslich