HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-07-AC-minSeptember 7, 2011 Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee Meeting September 7, 2011 Time and Location: Legion Room, Cary Hall, 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Glenn Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Joe Pato, Vice Chair; Robert Cohen; Alan Levine; Eric Michelson; Rob Addelson (non- voting, ex officio) Not in Attendance: Richard Neumeier; Mollie Garberg; Jonina Schonfeld Others in Attendance: David Kanter, CEC; Bob Cunha, Fire Dept.; Patrick Mehr, TMM The meeting was called to order at 7:3 8 p.m. Minutes. The Committee discussed draft minutes from August 18, 2011, including substantive edits to the sections on credit ratings by Moody, the budget report, and planning for the anticipated special town meeting. The April 20, 2011 and August 18, 2011 minutes will be edited and voted on at the next meeting. Police and fire radio system failure during Hurricane Irene. The police and fire radio system properly shut down as a result of a power surge during the recent hurricane Irene. The police system function was restored using a backup generator, but the fire radio system is not connected to a backup generator and only had limited battery support at the Jean Road tower. The system is currently operable, but redundancies were not properly engineered in the 2 -year- old system. Research is currently being done on how best to provide backup power in a future emergency. The goal is to have both the police and fire radio systems on a full backup generator at the same location. A natural gas generator is being investigated as this type of generator would not need refueling. The CEC will address this issue at its meeting on 9/27. Mr. Addelson hopes to be able to provide a more detailed report at that time. Other budget impacts from Hurricane Irene. Mr. Addelson reported that Lexington may qualify for aid as a result of hurricane Irene for extra yard waste cleanup, but no detailed information was yet available. Population change and school enrollments. Mr. Pato discussed the January 2011 town census information published in August. According to that census, there was a 3.83% increase in population (1200 people) from January 1, 2010 to January 1, 2011. The town's total population is now 32,525. Mr. Pato has researched how town September 7, 2011 population trends relate to school enrollment changes. He has observed a strong correlation between the change in population from the January 1 St census report and the change in October 1 school enrollments measured 18 months later. No specific causal relationship has been shown, and a number of possible explanations were discussed. Mr. Pato reported that the School Department continues to see an increase in student enrollments with preliminary data showing a I% increase in school population as of September 1 St. (However, the school department uses the October 1 St enrollment for budgeting purposes.) The Committee discussed the increase in population and school enrollment growth as well as ways to predict changes (e.g., taking a 3 -year historic sample). Mr. Mehr, a Town Meeting member from Precinct 3, suggested tracking student population by housing and that this could help in budget preparations. Mr. Michelson asked if there was a trend of families with school age children moving into town and replacing empty- nesters. Proposal for synthetic turf on center fields. The project to study suitability of synthetic turf at the center fields discussed at the August 18, 2011 meeting will be funded out of the DPW budget. DPW has moved ahead with borings. Changes in state health insurance options. Mr. Pato verified with Mr. Valente that while the schedule for coalition bargaining on health benefits is challenging, there are currently no red flags to meeting the March deadline for electing to enter the GIC should the town determine that this is the best path forward. Mr. Addelson attended a recent state seminar and there was nothing notable to report. There will be a general summit on 1015 and a meeting of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and Appropriation Committee on 10/12, probably in executive session, to discuss coalition bargaining strategy for health insurance. Other business. Patrick Mehr distributed a spreadsheet he had prepared, captioned Assessments, Commercial Properties to Research, dated 9/7/11, analyzing commercial properties and their assessments over time. He has highlighted in the spreadsheet several commercial properties that have been sold at prices in excess of their assessed valuation as of the sale year and that he believes may be under - assessed. He will do further research and bring this to the attention of the Board of Assessors. Liaison Reports by Staff and Members. Bridge and Bowman School Construction. The most recent estimates of construction costs for the Bridge and Bowman projects have come in several million dollars higher than originally anticipated. The status of those projects will be addressed at an upcoming School Committee meeting and at the upcoming budget summit on 1015. 2 September 7, 2011 Water /Sewer Enterprise Funds, Rate - Setting (Mr. Bartenstein) : Mr. Bartenstein reported on informal inquiries he has made of the Department of Revenue about the possibility of combining the Water and Sewer enterprise funds into a single fund. Preliminary indications are that the DOR would have no objection. He also spoke with Michael Young, formerly Lexington's Budget Officer and now Deputy Town Administrator of the Town of Natick, about Natick's experience with a single water and sewer fund. Combining the two funds could potentially provide the Town with greater flexibility in the use and management of water and sewer retained earnings, particularly given the volatility of water revenues due to weather - related fluctuations in irrigation water usage. Mr. Bartenstein hopes to meet with Mr. Addelson and Mr. Valente to discuss these issues as well as the upcoming water and sewer rate - setting process. Minuteman Capital Project (Mr. Michelson) — A group of Town Managers from Sudbury, Lexington, Wayland and Weston met recently to discuss the formula for allocating Minuteman capital assessments among its member towns. They have written a joint letter to their colleagues in other member communities proposing a more equitable arrangement. Mr. Michelson will contact David Horton to learn more about this proposal. SUMMARY OF ACTION ITEMS: Tonight's minutes will be reviewed by Joe Pato. Mr. Addelson will provide a more detailed report at the upcoming CEC meeting regarding the radio emergency back up system for the police and fire departments. Mr. Bartenstein will meet with Mr. Addelson regarding water and sewer enterprise fund and rate - setting issues. Mr. Michelson will contact David Horton regarding the Minuteman Capital Project. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. A list of documents and other exhibits used at the meeting is attached. Respectfully submitted, Andrea Yepez Recording Secretary Approved October 27, 2011 3 September 7, 2011 Exhibits Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee Meeting September 7, 2011 1. Meeting Agenda, posted by Glenn Parker, Chair. 2. Assessments, Commercial Properties to Research dated 9/7/11 and distributed by Patrick Mehr. 11