HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-10-19-REC-mino� MO�Ni i775 NG 4 m Town o Lexington IRS , k sF y o W Recreation Committee APRIL 19" � Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x262 Wendy Rudner Fax: (781) 861 -2747 Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel Lisah Rhodes Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of October 19, 2011 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 111 of the Town Office Building Members Present: Rick DeAngelis, Lisah Rhodes, Wendy Rudner, Sandra Shaw and Howard Vogel Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, and Chris Filadoro, DPW Superintendent of Public Grounds Others Present: Hank Manz, Board of Selectmen liaison The Recreation Committee meeting began at 7:11 p.m. The meeting acted on the following items: 1. Citizens and Other Boards — None 2. Meeting Minutes from September 21, 2011 Lisah Rhodes moved and Howard Vogel seconded acceptance of the Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes of September 21, 2011 as written. The motion was approved by a vote of 4-0. 3. Busa Update The Board of Selectmen met with the Busa Land Use Proposal Committee ( BLUPC) on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Public Services Building. The meeting provided an opportunity for the BLUPC to share information about the process it had undertaken with the Selectmen and the Selectmen to ask the BLUPC any questions they had. The Selectmen have invited the Lexington Housing Assistance Board (Lex HAB) to attend its next meeting on the Busa land, which will be held on Wednesday, October 26 h at 7:00pm. Mr. Manz indicated that the Selectmen will make the final decision about the Busa land before the spring, but no exact timeline has been determined. 4. Recreation's 5 -Year Capital Plan The Recreation 5 -Year Capital Plan was reviewed. Ms. Simmons provided details about Priority #I I -- Busa Recreation Use, which had been added to the plan since the Recreation Committee's September meeting. This article was added to the Capital Plan as a placeholder, contingent upon the Selectmen's final decision on the Busa land, and calls for design work to be completed in FY2014 and construction to take place in FY2015, if approved. Rick DeAngelis moved and Howard Vogel seconded a motion to accept the amended Recreation 5 --Year Capital Plan as presented by Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation. The motion was approved unanimously 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 (5-0). 5. Recreation Report - Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation informed members of the Recreation Committee about the following: • The United States Golf Association (USDA) visited the Pine Meadows Golf Course on September 22" Copies of the USGA Green Section Turf Advisory Service Report were distributed to members of the Committee and this report will be discussed at the Recreation Committee meeting in November. • The Recreation Department has joined the Active Rewards program, which is a free program for organizations, in which private vendors are able to advertise their products. The Department has received a shipment of Luna protein bars and these will be distributed by staff at various Recreation programs. • Construction of the shade pavilion next to the Gallagher Tennis Courts at the Center is scheduled to begin within the next few weeks. The final dimensions of the structure will be approximately 20' x 3 0' . • A new scoreboard will be installed on the Varsity Softball Field after the center playfield drainage project is complete. The scoreboard will be located down the right field foul line and the funding for the scoreboard will be provided by the Moms on the Mound Softball League, LHS Athletics, and the Recreation, Department. ® There was no update on where the Lexington Lions Club stands regarding the status of the permanent restrooms at Lincoln Park. • The NFL FLAG Football program is going well this fall. Enrollment increased from 173 participants in 2010 to 215 participants this year. • Preparations for the upcoming winter basketball programs will begin within the next few weeks. The In -Town Basketball Leagues will start shortly after Thanksgiving and the Youth Basketball Clinics will begin in January 2012. • Ms. Simmons distributed the Pine Meadows statistics for FY2011. The number of rounds played decreased from approximately 36,000 rounds in FY2010 to 33,346 rounds in FY2011. Ms. Simmons indicated that despite the decrease in revenue, the net profit increased as a result of the expense freeze that was implemented during the year. Given the current regional and national trends for municipal golf courses, Ms. Simmons added that she is pleased with the status of where things currently stand at Pine Meadows. • David Williams and Lynn Wilson met with Karen Simmons and informed her they will be stepping down from the Lincoln .Park Sub - Committee in June 2012. Karen Simmons stated that this is an opportunity for the Recreation Committee to create a charge for the Lincoln Park Sub - Committee that would bring a diverse group of people together (active recreation users and passive recreation users) to serve as stewards of the entire park. There are currently six (6) members on the Lincoln Park Sub - Committee and Lynne Wilson suggested that the number increase to nine (9) members. Members of the Recreation Committee stated that David Williams and Lynn Wilson should be recognized for their service on this committee and this subject will be discussed further at a future Recreation Committee meeting. 6. Parks Report Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, reported the following: • The work that was completed at Lincoln Park in late September included weeding, trimming, edging, and adding new mulch the tree beds at Lincoln Park. The large retention basins will be addressed within the next week. Mr. Filadoro also indicated that more maintenance should be done on the synthetic turf fields, which would include more grooming and brushing of the fields. A more aggressive maintenance plan will help to extend the useful life of the fields and this plan is in the process of being developed. 2 Members of the Recreation Committee inquired about the possibility of drawing directional arrows on the road and /or implementing a one -way traffic pattern to due traffic concerns at the facility. Chris Filadoro will look into this and report back at a future meeting. ® Phase I of the Center Drainage project continues to make progress. All of the screening and rough grading has been completed and the irrigation work is almost done. The sod is scheduled to be installed on Monday, November 7 The infield mix that will be used is the same product that is used at Fenway Park and will help with the drainage of those fields. Mr. DeAngelis indicated that Tom O'Grady, LHS varsity boys baseball coach, and he will come up with the funding for a new fence in right field. ® Mr. Filadoro stated that a program improvement that he is hoping to implement will call for laser- grading of 4 -5 fields each year. That way, all of the fields in town would be laser - graded every 4 -5 years. DPW will also be purchasing a striping kit that can be used on the days of home LHS varsity football or baseball games. ® The Pine Meadows stormwater mitigation project should begin within the next 1 -2 weeks. ® The stormwater mitigation project at the Old Reservoir will begin in March 2012. ® The renovations at the Bowman and Bridge Schools and the construction of a new Estabrook School will have an impact on the playability of those fields during the 2012 and 2013 seasons. Mr. Filadoro is currently putting together a list of the field and equipment needs that will be required to meet the community's current recreation needs at the new Estabrook School. Design plans presented to the Town's Development Review Team removed the full size softball field and replaced it with a youth softball field. Ms. Simmons and Mr. Filadoro expressed the need to retain a full size softball field. Mr. Filadoro will be sending a letter to the Director of Public Facilities expressing Park & Recreation's concerns. The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 in the Town Office B ui lding —Room G-1 5 at 7:00 p.m. The October 19, 2011 meeting of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 8:35 p.m. The following documents /exhibits distributed at the meeting are attached: • FY 2013 — 2017 Capital Improvement Projects Priority #11— Busa Recreation Use • USGA Green Section Turf Advisory Service Report from the September 22" d visit at Pine Meadows • FY2011 Pine Meadows Golf Course statistics Respectfully Submitted, Peter Coleman