HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-16-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 2011 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Planning Board Office, was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Chairman Richard Canale with members Greg Zurlo, Wendy Manz, Charles Hornig, and Michelle Ciccolo and planning staff Aaron Henry and Maryann McCall-Taylor present. **********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION***************** 40 Solomon Pierce Road, lot release: The property owner of 40 Solomon Pierce Road requested a release for lot 9 from the covenant for Pheasant Brook Estates in order to complete a real estate transaction. At the previous meeting the Board had voted to release the lot, but the form was not acceptable to the Land Court, although it was able to be filed with the Registry. The Board was asked to endorse a form acceptable to the Land Court. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, to release lot 9 securing 40 Solomon Pierce Road and to authorize the Planning Director to endorse any needed documents to finalize the release. The meeting was recessed briefly to allow a photograph of the Board for inclusion in the annual town report. Unaccepted Streets: The Board discussed the staff memo on unaccepted streets which suggested that if there are no documented safety problems with a substandard way then there is no benefit to be gained by improving it (as there is no problem to correct). The draft proposal asks the Board to consider adding language into the section on waivers contained in the unaccepted streets section of the rules, which has a different standard than that contained in the main body of the regulations (§175-30). By placing it there it would not apply to conventional subdivisions. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of November 16, 2011 As proposed, the amendment would not affect the standards directly, but afford applicants (on qualifying streets) the opportunity to demonstrate that waivers could be granted without adversely affecting the street’s safety, which would be documented through accident and crash data records. Board members expressed concern that as proposed they would only be looking at vehicle safety and would not be taking into consideration emergency access needs which would not be reflected in accident reports. Perhaps a performance standard would work. It is a question of risk assessment and balancing varied interests. For instance increasing the road width for emergency access might encourage higher speeds and create more stormwater runoff. It was suggested that the matter be brought to the Development Review Team to get Fire Department input. Several members of the Board focused on the need for input from the Fire Department regarding emergency access on any application for waivers. Another issue considered was enhancing connectivity. Board members wondered if it would be possible to waive the construction of sidewalks, but require a payment into a fund should sidewalks be required at a later day. This way the last developer in would not bear the entire cost. The staff will come back with another draft to be considered. Rockville Avenue Extension, definitive subdivision plan: The public hearing on this application had been closed at the last meeting. There were certain changes to the plans that were to be made and the comments from the Engineering Department were to be incorporated into the decision. The Engineering report found that the changes that had been made to the drainage plan would result in an unacceptable system. While the original system with chambers on the same level was better, it still would not meet the standards as the chambers were shown placed in ground water. All agreed that the plan needed to be revised, but the question was whether or not it was a major change that would require a new public hearing, or if it fell within the previous vote to allow changes based on the Engineering review which has Minutes for the Meeting of November 16, 2011 Page 3 not been received at the time of the vote. After further discussion, the Board members indicated that if the entire site drainage could be handled by increasing the size of the system shown on the Bradley lot, that would be minor, but if the road profile had to change it would probably require reopening the public hearing. The applicant will submit revised plans in time for Engineering and Planning staff to review them and get comments to the Board. The decision on whether or not to reopen the public hearing could be made at the next meeting without causing any greater delay. Aside from the drainage issue there was a discussion of the path that now exists within the right of way, and whether or not to require specific improvements to the path and the connection between it and the new roadway. It is not clear how the regulations of the Architectural Access Board (AAB) and the Americans with Disabilities Act would need to be applied. Staff will check with the ABA and revise the draft decision as needed. Having received a request from the applicant, the Board voted, 5-0, on a motion duly made and seconded, to extend the time for action on the Rockville Avenue Extension Definitive Subdivision to December 21, 2011. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on file with the Planning Department: Staff Report regarding proposed amendment to unaccepted street regulations, dated October 28, 2011 (8 pages). “Definitive Subdivision Plan Rockville Avenue Extension”, updated October 19, 2011 (15 pages). Michelle Ciccolo, Clerk