HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-16-TGC-min Transportation Governance Ad Hoc Study Committee Meeting Notes Wednesday November 16, 2011 3:30 pm Room G-15 Present: Richard Canale, Dave Cannon, Michelle Ciccolo, Norman Cohen, Peggy Enders, Jeanne Krieger, Bill Levison, Maryann McCall-Taylor, Hank Manz, Linda Vine Jeanne Krieger opened the meeting by explaining why the committee had been formed. They are to identify redundancies and overlaps in the committees and consider how they will function in the new transportation staff reorganization. She had found 17 committees that deal with transportation issues, two of which do not have mention of transportation or traffic in their charge. Transportation and traffic issues are difficult and contentious and Lexington tends to, if it can’t find a solution, form a committee. When it comes to traffic everyone is an expert because everyone experiences it. It gets people involved and interested. The town doesn’t invest enough in solutions, but it is not Lexington’s problem alone but a regional one. Maryann McCall-Taylor explained how the responsibilities of the Transportation Coordinator position had been divided and reassigned. Parking management has gone to the Police, operations of Lexpress remain with the new Transportation Coordinator, and the planning functions will be handled within the Planning Department. The discussion turned to the lack of a cohesive, coordinated policy on transportation for the Town. The committee is not charged with solving a particular problem, but to make sure the processes are in place to deal with it. There is no strategic plan and it is not clear how decisions are made or by whom. The committees tend to be advocates for a portion of transportation and are often left to operate on their own with little input given, or sought, from the Board of Selectmen who formed the committee. It was suggested that the Selectmen approve an annual work plan for each committee which is followed up with by the submission of a progress report. More check-in with the Selectmen is needed. An annual transportation summit might be useful. How to efficiently use limited staff time is an issue. With the number of committees, it is not possible to provide ongoing staff for each. Staff could use more direction; they are often left to decide policy on their own. The Comprehensive Plan, adopted by the Planning Board in 2003, was forward thinking and includes items yet to be done. It should be consulted. The Zoning Bylaw’s traffic sections are outdated. The Transportation Mitigation Group (TMG) never seemed to function as hoped but it does look at issues that are too large for the Traffic Safety Advisory Group. In general, it was felt that it is unclear how decisions are made and by whom, what the guidelines are for making decisions, and what committee has jurisdiction over what Before the next meeting the members will look at those committees that are advisory to the Board of Selectmen, considering what they do, rather than what their charge is, as well as what is needed in transportation planning and whether it is being done. Future Meetings: Wednesdays at 3:30 pm, November 30, December 14, December 28, January 11 and January 25.