HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-31-ETF-minEstabrook Task Force Meeting Public Services Building August 31, 2011 The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. Participants present: Mark Barrett, John Livsey, Michelle Ciccolo, Ed LoTurco, Tom Peterson, Harold Payson, Richard Larabee, Mark Corr, Mary Ann Stewart, Judy Crocker, Jaklyn Centracchio and Kien Ho from Beta, Cassius Moore, Peter Johnson, Jon Himmel, Jim Brown, Keith Hoyle, Sandy Trach and Paul Ash Review and approval of minutes: A motion was made by John Livsey to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2011 site visit meeting; seconded by Ed LoTurco. Vote: Unanimous Subcommittee Status: Sandy Trach elaborated on the recent subcommittee meeting which included PTA presidents, Estabrook parents and other attendees who had helpful knowledge of the history of Estabrook. During the meeting, the subcommittee reviewed the LPS traffic survey that was done. Since this survey was not done school specific, they took some of the questions and issues and made the specific to Estabrook. In particular, issues revolving around the entrance /exit to the school especially during arrival and dismissal. The subcommittee will be opening up a one week Survey Monkey after Labor Day weekend to Estabrook parents. Ms. Trach should have the results of this survey just prior to the next ETF meeting on 9/19 and an update will be provided then. Beta Update: Kien Ho gave a brief update on the data gathering progress. Following the August 15 site visit, Beta had a meeting with MaryEllen Dunn, the school representative, and Elaine Celi, the transportation coordinator. OPM Report Summary: Cassius Moore reported on the meeting with MSBA on 8/23 for the designer selection. The top two choices will be interviewed on 9/13/11 and the Town will then have a designer on board shortly after that date. The OPM would like to have traffic information and analysis available to the design team by 9/21/11. Therefore, the tentative date for Beta to report to the task force with their options has to be moved up. Beta plans to have their best five options to present by 9/16 as the architects are looking for something from us by 9/23. We will discuss these five scenarios at the 9/19 EFT. Map Exploration Task: Prior to the break -out groups, Beta gave some traffic background to help facilitate the map exploration. Committee and attendees broke out into four groups to review maps; one person in each group to keep notes to track question and give input to Beta. At the end of this working session, each group was asked to briefly present general thoughts and findings to the full task force. Ideas and break out group thoughts: Problems with the stop sign at the corner of Robinson and Turning Mill; poor line of sight and general safety issue at the Grove Street entrance; excessive amount of ledge and drainage problems in that area. There were two optional Grove Street entrances mentioned (one from Eldred Street and one coming from somewhere through the power lines /wetlands); possibly coming in through Mountain Road through conservation land. Suggestion to look at the connection from Eldred but there is a concern with the right of way and the impact it might have on residential property as well as the steepness off that area. The Mountain Road connection was looked at as a possibility but there is a concern of spending too much money building a road and the time to acquire land from conservation, as well as lack of use after construction. If improvements can be made to the front school driveway, this may eliminate a lot of existing problems. Robinson Road has ledge issues on the left hand side and there would be eminent domain issues around taking people's land. There is also extreme solar glare and visual impairments when exiting onto Grove Street from Robinson Road taking either a left or a right. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.