HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-12-PBC-min`O V S M 1 77 5 v o � r m Q � X N Z V D y APRIL 19 �FXI NC" TOWN OF LEXINGTON Department of Public Facilities Meeting Minutes Lexington Permanent Building Committee (PBC) Meeting Date & Time: 12 May 2011, 7:OOPM Location: 201 Bedford Street, 2 Flr. Conference Room Attendees: Jon Himmel, PBC Carl Oldenburg, PBC Peter Johnson, PBC Eric Brown, PBC Jen Vogelzang, PBC- Bridge & Bowman Charles Favazzo, PBC - Estabrook Staff: Pat Goddard, DPF Mark W. Barrett, DPF Laurie Lucibello, DPF Guests: Gregg Schroeder, DPC Dave Finney, DPC Mary Anton Oldenburg Meg Colella Index 1.0 General Business 2.0 Public Services Building 3.0 4.0 Bridge & Bowman Elementary Schools Renovation 5.0 Police & Fire Studies 6.0 7.0 Estabrook Elementary School 1.0 GENERAL BUSINESS 1.1 Minutes 4114111 Motion to approve the Monthly meeting minutes for 13 January 2011 and 10 February 2011, as corrected. Motion: Eric Brown 2 :Dick Perry Voted: Unanimous 5/12/11 Motion to approve the Monthly meeting minutes for 14 April 2011. Motion: Eric Brown 2" d :Carl Oldenburg Voted: Unanimous 1.2 Monthly Bills 1 -13 -11 DPF presented invoices totaling $1,150.00, which were approved for payment 4 -14 -11 DPF presented invoices totaling $10,843.00, which were approved for payment 201 BEDFORD STREET • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 PBC Meeting Minutes 12 May 2011 Meeting 1.3 Meeting Minute Format (Item Relocated from 2.24 to general business) For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. Mark Barrett is waiting for proposal from PSS. 7/13/10 Software has been purchased, is currently being installed on town server and DPF to coordinate with install on local computer and training. 9/14/10 DPF advises that the company we purchased the software from has ceased their relationship with the software manufacturer and a new vendor has contacted the town about providing support/ training. PBC supports getting training from the new support group as long as town is getting what it originally contracted for at the some costs. Mark Barrett will follow up. 4/14/11 DPF updated PBC on setting up training with new vendor, PBC is interested in getting the training completed so that the new software can be used as new school projects start. 5/12/11 DPF reported a quote received for training on prolog, but could only find out of state vendors approved by the software company. PBC member suggested he knew of a local firm we could get training from that would be more cost effective. 1.4 PBC Make -up and Proiects 7/13/10 There was brief discussion about the make -up of the committee, numbers of members etc, and the issues of working with the growing volume of projects in Town. No conclusions made. 9/14/10 Additional discussion on the issue focused on clarifying areas or the specifics of where the PBC felt changes to the PBC organization /structure could be beneficial. a. Recommend to increase PBC member core /permanent number from 5 to 9 permanent members. b. Have a permanent member joined by a client (temporary /project) member(s) to make a sub committee. PBC to approve client members. C. Client members should be required to come to monthly PBC meetings to report on progress. d. Clearly define what projects constitute PBC involvement. Le, studies, programming, design, construction? e. What is the process for becoming a PBC member is there an application? f. What are the details of how Subcommittee process will work, what are their authorities, can they make approvals and determinations or is Full PBC approval required at the monthly meeting. g. Will project meetings that have sub committee members present require posting? 10/12/10 Discussion on this issue took place during executive session portion of meeting. 12/14/10 Proposed Language for a Town Meeting article relative to the PBC Committee format was discussed with a few edits proposed. First Paragraph, "five to Nine" members and change "more than two" to "more than three" 1/13/11 Town Meeting article was sent to Carl Valente and to Town Counsel, no response to date. 2/10/11 Discussions around the needs to properly vet building or user programs, Selectmen involvement in study process and selectmen liaisons to study committees. Discussed PBC bylaw restructure. Pat Goddard to discuss by law language with Carl. Jon Himmel will compose a process for PBC Committee, mail to PBC members for input and agreement of process. 4/14/11 General discussion on warrant article at Town Meeting passing to expand PBC. • Discussion regarding a protocol for reviewing prospective members and suggesting they come to at least two meetings to see what its like and then the PBC members could discuss further. • Discussion on background of prospective members and that they don't necessarily need to be architects or builders, an hvac engineer was suggested as was someone in an operations field. Page 2 of 8 PBC Meeting Minutes 12 May 2011 Meeting 5/12/11 The process for new project members was discussed. • Chair reports that the school committee or Town Manager appoint members for specific projects. Question asked if PBC should get to meet persons being appointed and vote if they are to be accepted. DPF reports that the appointment is per the bylaw. Discussion on 7 Member organization: • DPF reported that the 7 member organization takes effect some 60 -90 days after ATM or approximately August. • Discussion that a Criteria needs to be developed for determining new members. • Discussion that an HVAC or Civil Engineer would be a good knowledge base for a new member • Discussion on using town lists for seeking members rejected, focus should be on looking for prospect members individually. • Agreed PBC members should bring prospect list of people they feel would be a good fit. 1.5 Co -Chair 5/12/11 The Chair lead a discussion on the need for a co- chairman of the PBC. • Discussion focused on the role of the committee, as some do not feel that the PBC should be the agency responsible for "selling" the project at Town meeting. • Discussion that ATM may want PBC opinions but PBC shouldn't be the advocate or proponents of the project. • No determinations made, no co -chair appointed. 1.6 Robinson Road Appointment 5/12/11 The superintendant of schools and the school committee have established an ad -hoc committee for the Robinson Road Project looking at traffic and needs as they relate to the Estabrook project. There will be 11 voting members and the PBC has been asked to provide a member to serve on this committee. Peter Johnson was nominated to serve in this capacity. Page 3 of 8 PBC Meeting Minutes 12 May 2011 Meeting 2.0 PUBLIC WORKS &FACILITIES BUILDING PROJECT 2.01 Contractor Monthly Requisition For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 12/14/10 Motion to approve payment of Application for Payment #30 in the amount of $ 25,384.00 Motion: Dick Perry 2 Eric Brown Vote: Unanimous 2.26 Budget For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text, previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 7/13/10 No updates 1/13/11 DPF transmitted budget status Update, Currently $184,982.00 in encumbered funds and $2,560,381 in un- committed funds remaining. Advising that $250,000 may be required for the wash bay fix, $200,000 held for potential AC expansions if approved, $50,000 for contingency, and $40,000 for approved EOC expenses not yet transitioned to Purchase Orders. 2.60 Site Signage at Street For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text, previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 11/9/10 Existing lights have been powered up and are too strong and create hot spots, DPF to contact light vendor for fixture recommendations. 12/14/10 DPF made contact with Reflex lighting and is waiting fixture recommendations. 1/13/10 DPF working with DPW to develop cost effective design solution to lighting issue. 4/14/11 DPF reported that they had looked at LED fixtures, but concerns had been expressed over LED lighting not working well for outdoor ground lighting. DPF has looked at conventional ground spot lights for signage and is planning to coordinate an effort with DPW this summer to improve the lighting and planting around the sign. 2.73 Fluid Distribution System For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text, previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. 7/13/10 Parts are on order for interfacing system with existing tank monitoring system and spill boxes, when received system will be complete. 12/14/10 Waste Oil Heater & Fluid Distribution System at 98% complete 5/12/11 DPF waiting on final completion Page 4 of 8 PBC Meeting Minutes 12 May 2011 Meeting 2.82 Wash Bay 04/13/10 The PBC toured the vehicle car wash area to review the current conditions of erosion, paint decay, water seepage and equipment operation. See HKT email of 1 -28 -10 and HKT letters of 2 -4 -10 and 3 -25 -10 and RW Sullivan memo of 5- 12 -10. After much discussion of the many issues involved the PBC requested that HKT return to the next meeting with recommendations on how each item can be addressed and resolved. 5/11/10 HKT power point presentation will be forwarded to DPF. Design team has not seen this type of condition with similar systems in other DPW's. Review of steel, operator and disconnect. Discussion needed of sequence of operation for the car wash. PBC discussed HKT pursuing painter to get them to do as much as possible, but do it right. Motion to set aside monies to hire a specialist to review conditions and processes of the wash bay area, may include forensics. Motion: Dick Perry 2nd: Eric Brown Vote: 5 -0 6/08/10 Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Proposal was reviewed by PBC. PBC members would like the scope and tasks for investigation needs to be defined. Mark Barrett to coordinate a meeting to discuss with Greg from SG &H. 7/13/10 Meeting was held on 6118110 to review SGH Scope on report for vehicle wash Bay. Draft report due on 7/26/10 for PBC review and proposed review mtg on 7128110 with Town Manager. 9/14/10 When estimate is received DPF will send out to PBC members to review. 10/12/10 It was discussed that in future contracts System Design Statements along with training requirements need to include design intent. 2.83 Front Walkway 9/14/10 DPF reported that DPW had a cost range of $13- 15,000 to install a sidewalk following the incoming driveway, instead of passing by the flagpole at the center. PBC felt that the work could be done for less money and should be bid instead of using the state vendor contract and that HKT had a responsibility to provide the town with design options and construction documents that could be put out to bid. PBC asked DPF to notify HKT on need to meet design /code requirements and that they should provide layouts /options (bike path is not a viable design option) to the PBC for review and that construction documents suitable for bid should be provided 10/12/10 Mark Barrett will contact Gary Rhodes for a memo on code violation. 11/9/10 Memo was sent to HKT and awaiting response. 12/14/10 HKT provided several sketches that would satisfy the requirement to connection the public sidewalk to the front entrance. The PBC elected to have Bill Hadley select a walkway plan from those presented, that he was satisfied with and get pricing to complete the work. 4/14/11 Reported no activity to date, waiting for snow to melt, DPW will be obtaining prices for work defined by HKT and will report back to PBC. 5/12/11 DPW has HKT plans and is in process of getting pricing. 2.84 Close -Out 5/12/11 PBC frustrated that project has not been "closed- out ". DPF shared that frustration and while we have been following some warranty items, plantings, etc. close out has been awaiting the completion of the fluid distribution system and the site as- built. DPF is hopeful that these items are nearly complete and we will be able to "close -out" project. Page 5 of 8 PBC Meeting Minutes 12 May 2011 Meeting 4.0 Bridge &Bowman Renovation Projects 4.4 LEED Certification 12/14/10 The Project Architects outlined that LEED certification was not considered to be viable given the scope and nature of the proposed work at Bridge and Bowman and recommended against pursuing the certification. The School Principals' thought that the funding for LEED pursuits could be better suited to go towards items that will effect programming or educational issues. 4/14/11 LEED was discussed and it was agreed that work should focus on energy aspects and incorporate into the specs those items that can be incorporated in the spirit of LEED. Further that the last part of the last sentence of the LEED Ltr from DPC dated 23 November 2010, should be followed.... "... we suggest designing all systems within the current scope to a standard that would be required for LEED Certification but not add additional scope solely for the purposes of achieving certification." And report back on what measures are being done. 4.5 Proiect Direction 12/14/10 With the School Committees support of pursuing increased funding to expand the base scope of the project discussion ensued on the paths of the project and if and how work could continue until the spring town meeting. The DPC suggested a fee increase would be warranted in the area of $280,000 to accommodate the increased scope. Multiple scenarios were discussed concerning what scope items could continue, scheduling paths and what work could be continued contractually. Motion to recommend that project go dormant until additional funding is authorized for expanded scope or direction to continue with original scope received. Motion: Dick Perry 2nd: Carl Oldenburg Vote: 6 -0 4.6 2/10/11 Discussion regarding the scheduling of the continued project, town meetings, construction sequencing and phasing schedule. Also, the fee negotiation with DPC. PBC discussed Pat, Jon and Eric continuing with fee negotiation issues. 4/14/11 By Next meeting DPC will have started work again and come to the next meting with updates. 4.7 4/14/11 Reported to PBC that Town Meeting supported expanded Fee article for Bridge and Bowman Project. 4.8 DPC Proiect Update 5/12/11 Design Partnership provided a general overview of the project for 30% Design Development completion inclusive of expanded scope. Primary topics of discussion were floor plan approval, phasing plan for construction and Window patterns and schedule. At next meeting DPC will pin -up drawings for review and bring MEP Engineer. PBC would also like to review Division 1 specs 4.9 Approved Floor Plan 5/12/11 Carl O. had been provided with current design floor plans and reviewed with the principals the details of the design plans, to make recommendations back to the Architects on preferences or improvements to the plans to reflect final approved plans from the user. It was reported that the plan presented back to the architects were 95% and the remaining deviations would be minimal in nature such as the adjustment to a door swing or location based upon continued development of the project. Page 6 of 8 PBC Meeting Minutes 12 May 2011 Meeting 4.10 Phasing Plan 5/12/11 DPC presented a preliminary phasing plan that carries the majority of work over two summers with second shift work and weekend or school holiday work considered. Questions and concerns raised included: Was the estimate based on such a phasing plan, DPC confirmed yes. General concern over the ability of the contractor to complete the work in the time given Administrative section needs to be included in Phase 1 work. Are sufficient existing conditions surveys being completed to avoid delays and change orders during construction? A written narrative of the phasing plan was requested. 4.11 Window Patterns and Operation 5/12/11 DPC presented three window designs A.. B and C. Architects like type C. Discussion followed. B has most operable units.. A the least.. Teachers and staff will want most operable units, why not Double Hung, DPC has safety concern on double hung, question on costs changes for operable units. Architects to report back at next meeting on costs of operable units. 4.12 Project schedule 5/12/11 Project schedule was briefly discussed; however final decisions on bid period, town elections, and Town Meeting may rely on outcome of Town Budget Summit meeting to be held in June. 5.0 Fire and Police Study and Design 5.6 Apparatus Bay Floor Slab 2/10/11 Further study of the apparatus floor slab is being undertaken with Donham & Sweeney through the facilities Department to fine tune the scope and costs of the floor slab underpinning and or replacement. 4/14/11 Town Meeting approved $450,000 for Floor Slab Project to be completed as a DPF project. 51211 Question raised if the floor slab project involved PBC. DPF advised that it was a department project not a PBC project. 5.7 Final Study Reports 4/14/11 Final Reports acknowledged by PBC and approved to pay final invoice upon receipt. 5/12/11 Completed reports received. Invoice approved. Page 7 of 8 PBC Meeting Minutes 12 May 2011 Meeting 7.0 Estabrook Elementary 7.1 Estabrook SOI 2/10/11 MSBA supported Estabrook SOI. Reimbursement would be between 31 and 40 %. MSBA has procedures to follow for OPM, Designer and Schematics. Issue going to Town Meeting for funding request. 4/14/11 OPM and Designer Selection to begin soon. 5/12/11 DPF found out that project was not accepted by MSBA as emergency project but as normal project. 7.2 OPM Selection 5/12/11 DPF provided an update on the OPM & Designer selection Process. It was suggested that the committee divide into two groups with three members involved in selection of the designer and three involved in selection of the OPM. Designer Selection Members OPM Selection Members Carl Oldenburg Jon Himmel Chuck Favazzo Eric Brown Peter Johnson Dick Perry Dates were discussed for OPM proposal and selection process 23 June receive proposals -DPF will distribute 27 June meet to discuss rankings. 7:30 AM 30 June interviews starting at 61 11 July meeting with MSBA Next Meeting: 06/9/11 Bowman Elementary School 6:00 PM Meeting Adjourned 9:45 PM Motion to Adjourn Motion: Eric Brown 2 nd : Carl Oldenburg Unanimous Page 8 of 8