HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-02-TAC-min Transportation Advisory Committee Minutes July 2, 2009 Present: Sara Arnold, Sally Castleman, Elaine Dratch, Bill Levison, Hank Manz, Francine Stieglitz, Gail Wagner, Richard Canale, Jeanne Krieger Guests: Soma Datta and daughter of 27 Winchester Drive Public Comments ➢ Soma Datta and her daughter expressed dismay that Lexpress Route 3 now arrives at Lexington High School at approximately 7am. They feel it is too early and would like to see the former Route 3 schedule reinstated. ➢ Lexpress inability to get all students to Lexington High School on time for the start of classes in September 2007 was presented as the impetus to advance start times. The advanced start time has achieved its objective. ➢ As the start time was advanced closer to 30-minute mark on a hourly clock, the odd routes became the lead runs following the established Lexpress schedule. ➢ As a community bus, Lexpress attempts to meet the varying needs of the community, but must operate in the context of a schedule. It cannot add buses for school routes due to cost. ➢ Ms. Datta asked if Lexpress could accommodate Route 3 when Lexington High delays the start time once per week to 8:30 am. Gail will explore the possibility of running truncated routes between 7:40 a.m. and 8 a.m.to see if this is feasible. Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Charter ➢ Bill discovered errors in the TAC charter dated 1984. ➢ Revisions were circulated and comments noted. ➢ Final draft will incorporate comments and will be circulated for approval. Lexpress Fiscal Report ➢ Gail will provide a written summary comparing FY09, which ended June 30 to preceding fiscal years. ➢ FY09 highlights noted by Gail: Ridership up 4%; Seniors as a group largest gains up 9%, fares including passes and tickets exceeded budgeted amount by $16,440 which is credited to the town's General Fund. ➢ Gail will compile a summary of Lexpress budgets for fiscal years to determine how often Lexpress has returned funds to the General Fund. This analysis will include a breakdown of expenses and revenue so we can see how fare revenues have impacted this. ➢ MBTA budget reductions remain speculative. TDM ➢ Sara and Elaine reported having met with Jeanne a week ago to discuss what appears to be a new direction in implementing TDM policy. Those negotiating with developers appear to believe that TDM funds should not be going to Lexpress. ➢ Concerns were expressed about the lack of transparency that has accompanied this shift. ➢ Hank indicated his support of TDM funding for Lexpress. ➢ Richard noted that Lexpress may be used by those who live in a particular neighborhood that will be impacted by new development. This use of Lexpress helps alleviate the traffic in the neighborhood even if commuters to the development do not use it. Thus it is appropriate to have the developer support Lexpress. ➢ Jeanne joined the meeting late and explained that with many budget demands for development money and pressure from residents to get cars off the roads, TDM funding of Lexpress can't be justified. ➢ The Town's TDM negotiators do not support the rationale that Lexpress offsets traffic in areas of development by getting cars off the road. ➢ Hank will speak to Carl since there has not been a public discussion as to the new policy directing TDM negotiations. ➢ TAC will compose a letter of concern as to the lack of policy transparency. It will be sent to the Selectmen with copies to the Planning Board and Traffic Mitigation Committee (TMG). It will raise the question of a multimodal TDM approach including transit, sidewalks and bikes, as emphasized by the State. ➢ TMG is not involved in TDM negotiations and hasn't met the past two months. Its current role is nebulous. ➢ Town has the right to negotiate value benefits, as it did with the Met State/Avalon development on Concord Ave. Draft prepared by Gail Wagner, Transportation Services Office, July 16, 2009 TAC edits July 20, 2009. Next TAC meeting, July 21, 7 pm, Ellen Stone Room.