March 17, 2011
Present were Members: John Rudy, James Goell, Linda Roemer,Ken Pogran, Dave
Becker, Frank Cai, Dave Buczkowski, Smita Desai, Maria Kieslich. Guests:John Zhu.
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m.
February Draft Minutes
February minutes were presented and approved.
Carrier Report.
Dave Becker informed the committee of an issue with the recent regular RCN license fee
payments and the resolution. Two checks, as expected, were received, and, while their
total amount was correct, the individual amounts appeared to be miscalculated. Dave
spoke with the Town Manager's office and the correction will be handled internally. Both
checks will be deposited and a transfer between the PEG and technology accounts will be
made to correct the miscalculation. There was nothing to report for Verizon or Comcast.
Chairman Report
New member Smita Desai was welcomed to the Committee.
The Press Release announcing the new LexMedia contract was published in the
Minuteman 2/24/11 issue.
Pat Goddard continues to work on the library meeting room. Jim Goell is monitoring the
Upgrade on Room G 15 in Town Hall. There was a meeting between the Town and
LexMedia recently to determine equipment for the room. Cost estimates and a full plan
are forthcoming. The assumption is that money will be coming from the PEG account to
pay for the installation and equipment.
This fact prompted a discussion around the amount of money that is current in the PEG
account that should be set aside for this purpose, as well as other expenses the CAC hears
are on the horizon including the Avalon Bay tax bill. This discussion was postponed until
next month's meeting.
Internet on Hartwell Ave. The Planning Board has approved putting wires in
underground ducts. Everyone agrees that having this infrastructure will be attractive.
However, what this means for current and short term tenants is unknown. The committee
is waiting to hear back from Susan Yankovksy on existing availability and how it will be
filled out. The Planning Board is going for a 25% plan at the next town meeting cycle.
We will need to follow this to be sure if the underground ducts go in there is adequate
coordination with the service providers.
LexMedia Promotions.
Maria Kieslich reported on the initiative to ask the Town to work with LexMedia on
some promotion ideas. The Town Manager has approved the idea of putting a "minilogo"
for LexMedia on both the online and printed town calendars. He has also agreed to
support the placement of a sign by LexMedia in all meetings that they are filming that
states that "this meeting is being taped and broadcasts by LexMedia and can be seen on
LexMedia" or something to that affect. The Town Manager has a few questions about
logistics on these action items and Maria will follow up with both the Town and
LexMedia to kick this into execution phase
LexMedia Non - Government Update
John Rudy updated the Committee on his meetings with LexMedia to understand their
operations better. It was clear from his observations that a "takeaway" is needed or a
webpage to help people use and edit video, know what the steps are in getting started
with LexMedia and in general how to use the resource, from a "LexMedia for Dummies"
approach. John will write a straw man business process document to help move this
Lessons Learned — LexMedia Contract
This item was postponed until next month.
WiFi Project Update
Ken Pogran offered an update on the WiFi project that was started 4 years ago. It is
submitted under separate document. After review of project and possible options, a straw
poll of the committee was taken on which purpose, if any, had any timeliness. The
committee believes having wifi in public meeting places would still be attractive and
have value for the Town. Ken will write up a further report and outline next steps
Centralization of CAC File.
John Rudy brought up the topic of the difficulty of compilation and identification of
documents. Jim Goell offered to come up with a standard naming convention for
documents, agendas and minutes as well as guidelines for treating information in
documents versus emai s.
Wireless Subcommittee Report
J. Goell informed the Committee of the 3 applications of existing sites. Ken Pogran will
draft a letter to the carriers asking them about their future plans, busy hour speeds and
February Complaints
John Rudy informed the committee of two complaints with Comcast, both which were
about customer service. Both were originated by John Rudy and were resolved because
John was willing to be persistent; this did not reflect well on Comcast.
Library Video
It was decided that Jim Goell and John Rudy should meet with the new library director
about improving facilities and making more use of them for video.
Executive Session.
The executive session that was originally planned to discuss the nomination of Mr. Zhu
to the committee was no longer required because Mr. Zhu withdrew his application to the
committee earlier in the meeting. He would like to be considered in the future when the
committee needs new members.
The meeting was adjourned at 8 :15pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Maria Kieslich