HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-21-AC-min Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee June 21, 2011 : Cary Hall, Ellen Stone Room, 7:30p.m. : Glenn Parker, Chair; Joe Pato, Vice Chair; John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Mollie Garberg; Susan McLeish;Eric Michelson; Richard Neumeier; Rob Addelson (non-voting, ex officio) Also present: Deb Mauger, Lexington Selectman The meeting was called to order at 7:40p.m. 1.Minutes. Minutes from the 5/17/11 meeting were approved bya vote of 6-0. Summit meeting minutes from 11/18/10, 12/21/10, 1/19/11, and 2/10/11 were approved bya vote of 6-0. Staff Reports. 2. Sale of Notes. Mr. Addelson reported thatthe Town sold bond anticipation notes on th June 14in two groups: the firstin the amount of roughly $1.478m for facilities due 2/2012; the second in the amount of roughly $1.48m for school projects due 7/2012. He described how the notes work and noted that interestrate for the winning bid was in each case less than 0.5%.The BOS approved the sale of the notes. New Budget Officer: Mr. Addelson reported that the hiring process for a new Budget Officer hadbeen completed. The candidate selected, Theodore Kalivas, will be starting August 1.Micah Niemywill be leaving later in August to pursue a Masters in Public Administration. Revolving Fund Spending Limit Increases. 3.Mr. Addelson requested the Committee’s approval of increases to the spending limits established for FY 2011 at the 2010 Annual Town Meeting for two of the Town’s revolving funds. Under G.L. c. 44, § 53E ½, mid-year increases in the spending limit may be approved by joint action of the Appropriation Committee and the Board of Selectmen. Public Facilities Rental Revolving Fund. The Committee was asked to endorse an increaseof the $275k limit established at the 2010 Town Meeting to $350k for an increase in rental related expenses.Revenues from building rentals are more than sufficient to supportthe increase. Peg TV Revolving Fund.The 2010 Town Meeting adopted a spending limit of $400k for this fund and the increase would be to $430kto cover an increase in indirect costs for the LexMedia facility at Avalon Bay. The primary expenditure is the contract the Town has with LexMedia and there is enough revenue from the cable franchise fees to support the increase. 1 After discussion, amotion was made and seconded to increase the spending limit forthe Public Facilities Rental Revolving Fund from $275k to $350k and to raise the spending limit for the Peg TV Revolving Fund from $400k to $430k. Vote: Approved 7-0-0. A copy of the final minutes, upon approval, will be signed by the Chair and submitted to Mr. Addelson to document the approval. The BoS has already approved the requested increases. Estabrook Summit. 4.The Committee discussed the upcomingmeeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 28, regarding the Estabrook School replacement project and the Bridge and Bowman School renovation projects. It is anticipated that the Summit will address schedules, funding plans, and potential debt exclusions. Topics to pursue at the meeting include project timelines, votes and approvals, the role of the MSBA in these projects, andhow the Committee may participate in the ongoing process. Board of Selectmen Goal-Setting. 5.Glenn Parker advised that the Boardof Selectmen’s annual goal-setting process would be commencing shortly and that the Selectmen had expressed interest ininput from other boards and committees. The Committee identified the following topics for possible consideration: Facilities maintenance fund.Mr. Goddard, Director of Public Facilities, recently presented to the CEC a request to move deferred maintenance to routine maintenance. CEC has recommendations in four areas: transparency in capital planning, routine and preventive vs. deferred maintenance, how allocations are done,andconsolidating some phases of review for large projects (phases are feasibility, design,and build). Planning for White House. Potential uses include school administration, community or arts center, and police or fire.A question to be addressed is whether the use should be resolved before expending any funds on renovations. Land Use Planning. The Committee discussed the need for town-wide land useplanning in general, the impact it could have, and the desirability of involvement bythe Planning Board and the Economic Advisory Committee, as well as the need to complete the search for a new Economic Development Officer. Health insurance strategy. Revisit economic development status and vision. Master plan for buildings that are underutilized(including Munroe). Investment in infrastructure,includingroadways. Sewer and water are well maintained and have their own revenue. CPA was discussed as a potential source to support infrastructure needs. Long-term revenue planning. This would include identification of incremental revenue anticipated from the wind-down of the Shire TIF and planning for its use. 2 Liaison Reports by Staff and Members. 6.John Bartenstein and Joe Pato reported on the Moderator’s Meeting that was held to review this year’s Annual Town Meeting. Much of the discussion focused on the last-minute amendment to the article seeking funding for an engineering study of potential improvements to Robinson Road. The Moderator said that she intends toexercise her discretionary powers to establish guidelines that will reduce the risk of similar surprises in the future but woulddiscourage additional by-law amendments thatcould prove to be unduly restrictive. The Attorney General has not yet approved the procedural by-law revisions that were adopted at the 2011 Annual Town Meeting but is expected to do sosometime this summer.There was a discussion of the perception by some Town Meeting Members that there has been anerosion of civility, where passionate advocacy moves to offensiveness. The Moderator will consider steps that might betakento addressthose concernswithout unduly impinging on the freedom and vigor of debate.TheModeratorintends to continue a Town Meeting start time of 7:30 p.m. Addendum to 2011 Report to the ATM. 7.Ms. McLeish recently finalized and circulated an addendum to the Committee’s 2011 Report documenting votes and other action taken on certain warrant articles after the publication of the original report. A motion was made and seconded to approve the addendum and to publish it to the TMMA web site and the Town archives. Vote: Approved 7-0-0. Thanks to Susan McLeish. 8.This wasMs. McLeish’s last meeting with the Committee. The Committee thanked Ms. McLeish for her time serving on and many contributions to the Committee. Chair Glenn Parker informed her that a book plate will be purchased at theTown Libraryin recognition of her service. Action Items. 9. Mr. Neumeier previously contacted Bill Hadley and the QuincyDPW regarding the process for snow removal contractor outsourcing. Mr. Michelson will be responsible to follow up with Bill Hadley regarding a meeting. Mr. Neumeier will contact Mary Ellen Dunn for any information she might have on school legal expenditures and attempt to find out whether Dr. Ash, the Town Manager and the chair of BOS have any interest in exploring the possibility of using in-house counsel. The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m. A list of documents and other exhibits used at the meeting is attached. Respectfully submitted, Andrea Yepez Recording Secretary Approved August 18, 2011 3 Exhibits Appropriation Committee Meeting February 3, 2011 1.Meeting Agenda posted by Glenn Parker, Chair 2.Addendum to Appropriation CommitteeReport to 2011 Annual Town Meeting,prepared by Susan McLeish 4