HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-15-ETF-min Estabrook School Access Ad Hoc Task Force DRAFT Minutes of Meeting August 15, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. Estabrook Elementary School Members in Attendance: Bill Hadley, Interim Fire Chief Keith Hoyle, , Christian Boutwell, Sandy Trach, Ed LoTurco, Ben Moroze, Deb Mauger, Harold Payson, Jim Brown, and Michelle Ciccolo Other participants in attendance: Owner’s Project Manager Cassius Moore; Kien Ho and Jaklyn Centracchio from Beta Group; John Livsey, Town Engineer; Pat Goddard, Facilities Director; MaryEllen Dunn, School Finance Director; and Elaine Celi representing LPS Transportation. The meeting was called to order at 8:08 a.m. in the Estabrook School Library. Review of 7/25/11 meeting minutes: Bill Hadley made motion to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2011 meeting. Deb Mauger seconded the motion; all in favor. Updates: Kien Ho went through the Beta Group schedule. Schedule spans out a little over two months. He noted it is important to keep an eye on the time line with architect. Cassius Moore said the architect selection meeting with the MSBA is scheduled for 8/23/11. Best case they will select an architect at that meeting; worst case they will review the top three architects and make their select at the 9/7/11 meeting. Sidewalk Committee Data: Data from the Sidewalk Committee was distributed. Deb Mauger suggested a subgroup be formed to gather more information on pick up/drop off/walking data. Ben Morose, Deb Mauger and Harold Payson volunteered to be part of this subcommittee. Discussion ensued around the information this subcommittee might gather. It will need to get sidewalk committee data to the Engineers as soon as possible - preferably by the second or third week in September for the information to inform the access engineering which is scheduled to be completed by the beginning of October for the designers. It was suggested by Cassius to wait until after 8/23/11 to get more specifics on what the design team may need from the traffic/transportation subcommittee. However, the Architect/design team will likely need and value the input from the community relevant to site access in order to get started. There is a concern on the short time line. A suggestion was made to have all children take the bus for two years; possible need for free bussing for this to happen. A motion was made by Deb Mauger to establish a working group/sub-committee for the purposes of data gathering; Jim Brown seconded motion. So approved; all in favor. Beta is working with DPW on gathering topographical and other baseline street and parcel data to inform the study. Harold Payson asked about when the Task Force would have an opportunity to provide any ideas or input to Beta Group relative to access improvements or alternatives the Task Force members see as viable. It was clarified by Beta that the study of the five options will consider factors such as impact on private property; impact on school site property; road right of way impact; cost impact; safety impact and an analysis of likely outcomes of each scenario. In order to facilitate member input, it was agreed that at the next meeting, maps will be available for review by members. We anticipate conducting a brainstorming session to share and provide local knowledge with Beta Group so that it can be informed by our comments and suggestions. The site walk then commenced at approximately 8:30. Commencing at the access road at Grove Street the group then proceeded to the rear of the school building and out through Robinson Road. Task Force members walked entire length of Robinson Road and back around to Grove Street access. The meeting adjourned at 9:37 a.m.