HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-13-COA-minCOUNCIL ON AGING Meeting, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 Attending were: Betty Borghesani Shirley Buck Bob Edwards Marian Cohen, Chairperson Paul Lapointe Frieda Oliner Dan Fenn Lauren McSweeney, Executive Director Richard Pagett, Board of Selectmen Liaison Three members of the Lexington Senior Associates Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of the May 16, 2006 meeting of the COA were approved with one correction. Times and Dates of Future COA Meetings After some discussion it was decided to have future meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 3:30 PM, to provide more uniform (and easier to remember) scheduling than the recent alternating between Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will be no July meeting, The next meeting will therefore be on Thursday, August 10 at 3:30 PM, Director's Report Lauren stated that she is working to get a Clerk for the Day Care activity for 10 hours per week, and a Volunteer Coordinator, Richard Pagett suggested trying to obtain a volunteer to fill some positions, There are other services around town using such help. Lauren will provide a job description to the COA members. This will be discussed further at the August meeting. The FCOA fundraiser, a jazz music concert to be held at the National Heritage Museum on Friday, June 16, is not selling well. Instead of the original $20 per ticket price, the tickets are now being given out free, and a donation requested. Fortunately, the costs of the band and the facility rental are being covered by sponsors, so whatever is received in donations will go to the FCOA. (Later report — it was quite a success, with a good crowd), BOS Goal Setting Meeting The Board of Selectmen will hold a Goal Setting Meeting at the Depot Building on Tuesday, July 11 from 9 AM to I PM. Marian needs our input ASAP to make recommendations to the BOS by June 30. She needs this by June 20. Ideas already suggested were the Reverse 911 program, and the continuing need for a New Senior Center, Marian will present the results of our three surveys conducted in 2003 to the BOS on Monday, June 26, at 7:30 PM. We were given copies of her Cover Letter and the Survey Summary to review and comment. Dan Fenn suggested it would be clearer to present the results at the beginning of the study rather than have the conditions of the survey presented first. Marian felt that the latter was the classical way to present such information, but agreed to look at this and let us know her final conclusion. She would like to have COA and LEXSA members on hand, to reinforce the need for a new Center with brief statements. LEXSA / COA Relationship The ground rules for the Lexington Senior Advocates group working with the COA were discussed, and were generally agreed upon as follows. LEXSA and COA will operate independently, but can consult with each other, offer suggestions and call upon each other for assistance as needed. The COA is glad to have the LEXSA group expressing the views of seniors of the town and helping to get action on items that are important to us. MySeniorCenter Proposal Appraisal Marian asked for the opinions of the COA members on the proposal by the MySeniorCenter organization to furnish a recording /tracking /reporting system for the Lexington Senior Center. All members were in favor of procuring the system, using funds from the FCOA. This will furnish much more complete data than previously available on who uses the Center, how often, and the users' interests, so we will be in a better position to answer questions asked by the Town and State on the needs of our elderly. Concern was expressed on whether seniors would fear that the information might be used for surreptitious purposes, or that they were being "spied" upon. It was agreed that benefits of the system inust be explained to them carefully in advance, and supplemented by written handouts, Paul Lapointe suggested incentives for compliance, such as occasional low cost (or free) lunches. Frieda Oliner suggested training /introduction sessions for seniors. John Federochko offered help from the LEXSA group to implement the system. COA Bylaws Marian had provided a handout of the latest proposed COA Bylaws, with a number of questions for us to consider in deciding on changes that may be necessary. For instance, the sequence of COA members' terms, the duration of terms, the need for a Treasurer's office when our only funds come from the FCOA Treasurer, a COA meeting attendance policy for continued membership, interaction with the State agency, etc. Dan Fenn asked whether the present Town Manager believes we are responsible for running the Senior Center, or simply advising it. Marian would like to see a sub - committee formed to explore these matters and make recommendations to the COA, but one was not set up at this meeting. We are to consider her list of concerns and be prepared to discuss them at the next meeting in August. Next Meeting The next COA meeting will be held on Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 3;30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Robert E. Edwards, Acting Secretary