HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-07-25-ETF-min Estabrook School Access Ad Hoc Task Force Final Minutes of Meeting July 25, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. Public Services Building Members in Attendance: Bill Hadley, John Livsey, Chief Mark Corr, Interim Fire Chief Keith Hoyle, Sandy Trach, Michelle Ciccolo, Harold Payson, Richard Larrabee, Jim Brown, Ed LoTurco, Peter Johnson, Jon Himmel, Judy Crocker Others participants in attendance (Liaisons, staff, & consultants): Deb Mauger (Board of Selectmen), Bettina McGimsey (Sidewalk Committee), Mark Barrett (for Pat Goddard), Liza Rozzi (DPW), Cassius Moore (Owner’s Project Manager “OPM”), Kien Ho & Jaklyn Centracchio (BETA Group, Inc.) Meeting called to order at 6:04 p.m.; introduction of Task Force members (two new); and residents. Review of minutes from June 27, 2011 meeting. Motion was made by Bill Hadley to strike Judy Crocker from meeting minutes as she was not in attendance and approve minutes as amended; second by Keith Hoyle; all in favor, motion approved. Updates on Task Force charge and objectives: New members added to Task Force; Judy Crocker and John Himmel official appointees to Task Force as of last meeting (June 27, 2011). Meet with Beta Group: Kien Ho walked through data collected to date; no analysis has been made as of yet. Critical information was two sets of data collected; (1) traffic counts during peek hours, and (2) the seven critical turning points/intersection. Jaklyn Centracchio talked about observations and issues identified with arrivals, early dismissal, and regular dismissals. Pictures were showed of morning arrival; Grove street had a count of 4,000 cars during times noted with average speed of over 40 mph (roughly 42, 43 mph). Beta did a review and summary of what their next steps will be. They will:  review data and observations collection and determine a potential access location;  meet with Task Force and Town members to discuss;  explore and summarize new alternative based on data collected;  prepare a memo and produce graphics to depict such;  attend public informational meetings Q & A with Beta Observations made of school busses. Metco bus had little conflict with vehicles but the two later busses came roughly at the same time; conflict was noticed with the driveway and vehicles. The merging area may need improvement. There was discussion about the differences between morning gridlock vs. afternoon gridlock; and number of children who walk to and from school. Suggestion was made to possibly stagger the busses and start/dismissal times. Bussing and tracking of extended day students, there was a question if this might have an impact on dismissal. It was noted that an average of 1/3 of 450 students go to extended day (37 students are eligible for free bussing due to distance, 373 students are eligible for bussing for a fee; and 133 students actually took the bus this year). A suggestion was made to waive the bus fee to possibly entice more students to take the bus to eliminate cars and traffic. It was suggested to involve Elaine Celi, who handles transportation for the School Department, in this discussion as she may have more accurate and up to date numbers. ETF review and approval of final Beta scope (for this phase of work): Bill Hadley reviewed changes made/suggested from last meeting. A grammatical change needs to be made under OVERALL section, second paragraph. A suggestion was made to have Beta join the design team and collaborate with them on the school access road. There is a concern about increased traffic on Hartwell Avenue, Bedford Street and Middlesex Turnpike and how it will effect this area in 5, 10, 20 years from now, as well as how to get emergency vehicles on site during those peeks times with access conditions. Time frame for next scope of work by Beta was discussed. All data is collected and they will start on analysis; should be final within one to two months A motion was made to approve Beta Scope by Ed Lo Turco, second by Deb Mauger. All in favor, motion approved. Update on OPM: Cassius Moore, Owners Project Manager, in the designer selection process went over the designer selection process and feasibility schedule. There were approximately 25 inquires about the proposal. Schedule will entail a site walk; receipt of proposals from various designers; delivery of packets to MSBS and PBC which will prompt a meeting with PBC to review designer submittals and conduct interviews. There will be an MSBA designer selection reading shortly thereafter and another meeting after that if the MSBA does not approve the selection. A feasibility study will need to be submitted to the MSBA in October as a meeting with the MSBA Board of Directors is scheduled in November. If we get early approval, this will allow us to start the schematic design process some time early next year. Administrative: Time line has not yet been updated for this meeting. Michelle will send out a Doodle Poll to get dates for the next Task Force meeting. th Site walk will no be going forward on August 5; the next site walk will be schedule for later in August. New Business: Consideration will be given on whether the committee should break up into sub- committees; with school starting a PTA sub-committee may be formed. Public safety considerations should be reviewed and submitted to Chair so safety concerns can begin to be understood. Michelle requested anyone to email her with sub-committee ideas or data for the task force to consider. The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m. The above approved by ETF 8/15/11