HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-09-COA-minCOUNCIL ON AGING Meeting, Wednesday, February 9, 2005 Attending were: Leo McSweeney Richard Pagett, Selectmen Liaison Bob Edwards Marian Cohen Betty Borghesani Lauren MacNeil, Executive Director Don Graham Jane Trudeau The minutes for the December 20, 2004 and January 4, 2005 meetings were approved. Marian Cohen suggested that we discuss the Director's Report before the discussion of Bylaws and creation of subcommittees that were on the agenda. Director's Report Lauren MacNeil reported that with the death of Amy Yang and the resignation of Michael Novick there are two Social Worker positions not filled in the Social Services Department. Instead of two Social Workers, a 25 -hour per week Nurse and a full -time Psychiatric Social Worker will be hired. We will lose 12 hours of service, however, the Department of Social Services and the Department of Health have agreed to collaborate on providing services. The part -time Department of Health Nurse will work with the Department of Social Services on blood pressure screening and flu shots. The Senior Health Monitor Program that had served 31 people will now be serviced not by an outside agency, but by our In -house nurses. Richard Pagett reported that the Selectmen had enthusiastically approved of the two departments working together, utilizing both Nurses for the whole program. Lauren and the Health Department Director are both enthusiastic about working together. Marian Cohen expressed concern that providing adequate services would be a strain for two and one -half people. Psychiatric problems are on the rise and people need services "now," not next year when we have the money, Don Graham stated that the Selectmen, acting Town Manager, and the respective department heads were all in agreement, and we should support them. Richard Pagett stated that Linda Vine had wanted to do this for some time. She felt that with the two departments working together, the Town could do more for less. Lauren stated that during Amy's illness, the Department of Social Services had been mostly reactive to problems, whereas with the new collaboration, It was hoped that there would be more health and wellness proactive programs. Marian stated that if Lauren felt that the new staffing will be able to adequately address needs, then the COA should support the reorganization. In response to Leo's concern about fewer people doing more work, Lauren said that Adult Day Care billing would be shifted to the ADC Program. Clerical staff would support the Social Worker. In addition, Carolyn Griffith, the ADC Director would be doing home visits to evaluate people and was staffing the Bereavement Group previously staffed by Michael Novick. Town Meeting Marian and Lauren reminded us that Town Meeting had previously voted Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars be used to fund a study of a proposed site for a new Senior Center. We have spent Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars of that money on our survey of the Town's people over 50 years of age. Marian reminded us that we have surveyed some of the program providers and participants of specific programs. Twenty Thousand ($20,000.00) Dollars of that money is untouched, with an additional Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars appropriated, but unspent. The members wondered if that money was tied up Indefinitely. Lauren stated that she did not believe the remaining Thirty -Five Thousand ($35,000.00) Dollars was on the table now. Richard Pagett reiterated his belief that a new Senior Center is on the "back burner" after the DPW, School Administration building, and the School Rebuilding Program. He also mentioned that there are proposals to move the Fire Station to the DPW site, He also mentioned Munroe School as a possible site, It was noted that the Conservation Commission wants the North Street site that is the only Town -owned vacant land available for the COA, to be put under a Conservation restriction. It Is presently Town -owned land and can be used for any purpose. Discussion Updating ByLaws Two versions of the COA Bylaws were provided to the attendees by Lauren. One from 1992 was more generic in nature, while the one from 1996 had been modified in an attempt to be more suitable for Lexington's way of operating. Neither one had ever been voted upon or accepted by the controlling Board. There are sections in both versions that differ from the way we have been working lately. We are asked to review both documents and be ready to discuss them at our next meeting, with a view to updating the ByLaws to match our desired practices. Monthly COA Director's Meeting Lauren attends this meeting regularly, and finds it very helpful to hear the problems, solutions, and new ideas from other Councils on Aging. Subcommittees Marian and Lauren would like to establish subcommittees to concentrate on various areas that need our attention. Some possible headings include; Education, Trips, Intergenerational Tax Abatements and Exemptions, Volunteer Opportunities, Arts, etc. The FCOA is planning to focus on three "Tracks" for funding; Programming, Facilities, and Transportation, as areas where they would allocate a yearly budget to help the COA. Marian suggests we should try to align our subcommittees with those tracks for consistency and fo mutual benefit. We will discuss this subject at the next meeting, by which time we should have further input from FCOA. Interviews for Social Worker position Interviews for this position (being vacated by Michael Novick) will be held next Thursday, February 17 at the Senior Center. Several volunteers will participate in conducting the interviews. Richard Pagett recommended that copies of the resumes of the candidates be made available ahead of time at the Senior Center, so that participants can be well informed about the candidates' qualifications and have questions prepared, Lauren will see that this is done. espectfully submitted, ne Tru eau, Secretary