HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-01-22-Design Advisory Group-minANNUAL. MEETING OF THE LEXINGTON DESIGN ADVISORY GROUP January 22, 1970 Meeting was called to order by Morse Payne, acting Chairman in the absence of Royston Daley. I. Attendance sheet was circulated together with a list of topical interests. 2. Summary memorandum of the year's activities was read and discussed by Morse Payne. 3. The By -Laws were read as amended by the D.A.C. Further amendments were proposed by the D.A.G. A vote was taken and the By -Laws were approved as amended. a. The annual meeting date be changed to April -- following Town Meeting. b. Whether as an amendment or simply as an operational practice that an alternate Committee member be elected by the D.A.G. (See the attached By -Laws as amended) 4. Elections were held to fill the D.A.C. position previously held by Morse Payne. Leonard S. Notkin was nominated by the D.A.C. and Thomas J. Holzbog was nominated from the floor as an alternate. Acceptance was moved by Mario Pfaff, seconded by Herb Eisenberg and passed by the D.A.G. 5. The evening's discussion included the following comments: a. The size of the D.A.C. was questioned and pointed out that in early years it had been a 7 -man committee. It was pointed out that under the new constitution of the D.A.C. as an advisory arm of the Planning Board, the 5 -man committee was established to conform to that of the Planning Board. b. It was reported by Herb Eisenberg that the contributions of the D.A.C. were greatly appreciated by the Planning Board. It was further noted that natural tensions between the various town administrative boards should be recognized by the D.A.C. as an inevitable reality of this kind of work. c. It was pointed out that desirably every meeting of the Planning Board, Recreation Committee, Board of Selectmen, Historic District Commission, etc., should be attended by someone from the D.A.G. Discussion related to the greater use of the D.A.G. foI lowed. - 2 - d. In response to (c) above, the topical list of interests circulated earlier was read. Most of the names clustered about 3 of the 10 items: " Town Space and Quality;" " Open Space and Recreation "; and " Housing ". It was noted that there were no names listed under "Traffic and Parking ". The importance of this latter topic was pointed out by the potential impact of Emerson Road and Worthen Road. e. It was suggested that each of the topical areas listed (or their redefinition) could be the major interest of a subcommittee and appropriate meetings in addition to the Planning Board be attended as necessary: e.g., it was noted that the Town Recreation Board has no design professionals in its membership. The value of contact with the Conservation Commission was also noted. f. Each of the subcommittees suggested by (c) above might prepare a critical memorandum on its topic and propose appropriate action. g. It was reccomended and approved by the D.A.G. that it meet again in April after the Town Meeting and change of Planning Board membership. It was requested by the D.A.G. that the D.A.C. make specific proposals as to the years tasks and how the D.A.G. can contribute. MEMBERS OF THE LEXINGTON DESIGN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Royston Daley, Chairman * Thomas J. Ho lzbog Leonard S. Notkin Walter S. Pierce Donald H. Olson Richard F. Galehouse * Alternate BY -LAWS FOR THE DESIGN ADVISORY GROUP DESIGN ADVISORY Shall be made up of all architects, landscape architects, planners GROUP and other environmental design professionals residing in Lexington who have recorded themselves as desiring to participate in the activities of the Group with the Design Advisory Committee or with the Planning Board. to the__Design Advisory COMMITTEE G ou from among ts members and appointed DESIGN ADVISORY Shall consist of five members, nominate g by the Planning Board. Of the five members, at least one shall be a registered architect, one a registered landscape architect, and one a planner ( a member of the A.I.P.). Annually, and within thirty days of newly appointed members taking office, the Committee shall meet and choose from among its members, a Chairman, 'a Secretary, and such other officers as the Committee members may deem necessary to conduct their work. Notice shall be placed as a news item, notice or advertisement in the local news- paper at least one week prior to the annual meeting, with an invitation extended to all local environmental professions to attend. DUTIES OF The Chairman shall call the meetings of the Group and of the CHAIRMAN Committee as provided herein or as deemed necessary by the Chairman. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and shall act as spokes- man for the Group, except where another member is designated by the Chairman to represent the Group for a specific purpose. The Chairman shall serve until his successor has been duly elected. Except for the organizational meetings and a meeting preceding the Annual Meeting of the Group, meetings of the Committee shall be conducted informally and three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, decide on the initiation and assignment of studies and reviews, and submit recommendations and reports. The meetings of - the Group shall be conducted formally. The Annual Meeting shall be called on the second or third week of April. DUTIES OF The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of the Committee and SECRETARY the Group and of all appointments and work assignments and shall maintain records of the Group and keep copies of all reports, recommendations, plans and written communications of the group, should the Chairman be absent or incapacitated for longer than four weeks. If the Committee determines that the Chairman, the Secretary or other officer is unable to serve because of prolonged absence, disability or other causes, the Committee shall elect from among its members a replacement for such officer for the remainder of the annual term. From time to time, as they become inactive - 2 - DUTIES OF the Secretary may deposit with the Planning Board the records SECRETARY of the Committee. The Secretary shall send out written notices and notify the local newspaper of each meeting of the entire Group. NOMINATIONS At the Annual Meeting in April (see Duties) the Committee shall AND VOTING present to the Group a slate of nominees, one for each vacancy that will occur the following Other nominations may be made by members of the Group from the floor at the Annual Meeting or may be submitted in writing to the Committee at least seven days prior to the Annual Meeting. From the slate of nominees thus proposed, the members of the Group present at the Meeting, shall select, by voting, one candidate for each vacancy. Balloting shall be for one vacancy at a time; the candidate receiv- ing the highest number of votes being the winner for that vacancy. All remaining nominees shall be eligible for the second vacancy for which there shall be a second balloting, and so on. The election shall provide that the members of the three environmental design professions be represented on the Committee. The candidate thus elected by the Group shall be recommended to the Planning Board for appointment to fill the upcoming vacancies of the Committee. TERMS OF Shall be for three years and shall start on the some date as that APPOINTMENTS of Planning Board members and terminate three years thereafter. A member may be appointed for additional three year terms. Initially, in order to have staggered terms, two members shall be appointed for two years and three members for three years. If a member of the Committee resigns or is otherwise unable to serve, the remaining members of the Committee may recommend to the Planning Board one or more names of members of the Group to be appointed to the Committee to serve until the beginning of the next annual term. DUTIES In addition to being available to the Board as its advisory arm, the Committee should feel free to initiate proposals of its own for review and action by the Board. The Committee can, and should be encouraged to draw on the larger group for individual assignments, to form groups or subcommittees for special areas of investigation. The Committee should attempt to have at least one member attend every meeting. -3- DUTIES The Committee, as the representative of the larger Group shall keep members of the Group informed of its activities. It may call meetings of the Group as often as it deems necessary and shall have at least one meeting each year (to be known as the Annual Meeting) during the month of April, with the entire Group, . at which meeting it shall report to the Group on its work of the past year and take up such other business as it or members of the Group wish to discuss. The general area of interest of the Group shal I comprise environ- mental design in the Town of Lexington, including architecture, construction, landscape architecture, site planning and landscape design, land uses, subdivision design and also rules, by -laws and other legal, financial or administrative decisions influencing the quality of environment.