Commissioners present: Joyce Miller, Stew Kennedy, Dick Wolk, Angela Frick, Phil Hamilton
Absent: Dave Langseth, Duke Bitsko
Others present: Karen Mullins, Administrator; Adam Bossi, Assistant Administrator; Louise
Vinci, Department Clerk
Joyce Miller, Chair, opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. in room G -15, Town Office Building.
7:30 p.m. Informal Meeting: First Parish Church,
Melissa Broderick presented a letter and informal plans to pave an existing dirt
parking lot. The purpose of the presentation was to ask for the commission's
advice and receive input /feedback on the feasibility of a formal request.
The commission advised the church that the requirements for paving the parking
lot were:
• Notice of Intent filing
• A wetland delineation
• A Stormwater management plan with supplemental calculations
• 50 -foot setback with 25 -foot naturally vegetated buffer zone
It was identified that the commission may consider reducing the not less than 25
foot naturally vegetated buffer zone setback, but this consideration would only be
made if clear and convincing evidence were provided that the plan put forward by
the church would greatly enhance the wetlands. The church was also advised to
work closely during planning with Administrator Mullins.
7:50 p.m. Hearing,: 59 Led eg lawn Avenue,
Present for applicant /homeowner: Brian Timm, Meridian Associates
Scott Smyers, Oxbow Associates
Peter Daus - Haberle, Daus - Haberle Design
Nancy Bartlett and David Gambone, homeowners
Mr. Smyers presented a plan to construct an addition with roof runoff infiltration
system, and replace existing deck. During presentation Mr. Timm asked the
commission to consider allowing for the addition to be moved into the 50 -foot
buffer zone by no more than 3 feet in order to ensure the survival of a large
caliber tree.
Chairman Miller read town engineer's response dated 8/7/07 regarding the
drainage system into record.
Comments from commission followed: Angela Frick spoke to the homeowners
about the importance of brooks, and explained that the North Lexington Brook is
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a perennial stream that needed to be protected. Stew Kennedy commented that he
lives in this area, he said the owner seemed conscientious of the stream and kept
the streams buffer clear of leaves and grass clippings. Mr. Kennedy also said he
would be in favor of allowing the addition to moving three feet into the buffer
zone if the commission was assured the tree would be saved as a result. Joyce
Miller appreciated the currents owners' appreciation of the wetlands but was
concerned about the long term. Ms. Miller asked if the addition would have a full
foundation and if the deck would be removed and replaced. Ms. Miller suggested
malting the addition and /or deck smaller.
In response to the commission's comments: Peter Daus - Harberle said the
addition's foundation could be modified to help preserve the tree and that a strip
of natural vegetation could be restored along the stream bank with a split post
fence installed to protect it.
Motion made and seconded to close hearing, 5 -0 in favor.
8:10 p.m. Hearing: 7 Milk Street,
Present for the owner /applicant: George Dimakarakos, Stamski and McNary, Inc.
George Dimakaraltos presented a plan to demolish a house and replace it with a
larger house.
No engineering report was available from the town engineer at the time of the
Comments from the commission followed: Administrator Mullins inquired
whether soil evaluations were conducted when delineating the wetlands line
because based on site visit, it appeared that the wetland boundary did not
accurately reflect the wetlands based on soils. She also inquired whether the
sizing of the stormwater management system was sized in compliance with the
revised bylaw regulations based on the total impervious surface proposed on the
site versus just the increase from existing proposed. Stew Kennedy was concerned
about saving the trees on the property and wanted to know what effect this project
would have on them. Mr. Kennedy also wanted to go on record stating that the
house is too big for the lot leaving no room for trees, taping away from the tree
canopy that provides shade and protection to the wetlands. Phil Hamilton wants
revised plan submitted showing soil test pits marked on the plan and in the field.
Comments from the audience: Charles Marge, 12 Manning Street, was concerned
that runoff from the project would go into wetlands.
Mr. Dimarkarakos responded to the commission by saying that wetland data
sheets were provided and that the wetlands consultant could provide follow up on
where the test pits were conducted. He explained that the calculations were based
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on the site as an undeveloped site. He also said that two trees, a pine and a maple,
would have to be removed.
Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing at applicant's representative's
request to August 21, at 8:30 pm, 5 -0 in favor.
8:25 p.m. Hearing: 14 Peachtree Road,
Present for the owner /applicant: Benjamin Osgood Jr., New England Engineering
Murali Mendon, Owner
No engineering report was available from the town engineer at the time of the
Benjamin Osgood described plan to cover existing porch and install infiltration
system. During the presentation Mr. Osgood told the commission the wetlands
had been flagged for previously filing and were reflagged for this filing.
Comments from the commission followed: Angela Frick asked what material
would be used under deck. Stew Kennedy wanted to know if the wetlands had
been redelineated or just reflagged based on past filing.
Comments from the audience followed: Ruth Williams, 16 Peachtree Road,
(former commissioner) described the wetlands in the area, and felt that covering
the deck would have no impact on wetlands.
In response to the commissions' comments, Mr. Osgood said that under the porch
would be covered with gravel, and the wetlands had not been redelineated,
because the line was apparent in the field.
Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing at applicant's representative's
request to August 21, at 7:30 pm to enter the town engineer's response into
record, 5 -0 in favor. The Commission also agreed that they would be willing to
review and issue an Order of Conditions at the August 21 meeting if the
engineering response was favorable.
8:35 p.m. Meeting: 21 Partridge d,
Present for the owner /applicant: Chuck Budwick, Cabco Consult
Justin Dufresne, Cabco Consult
Vanessa Cervone, owner /applicant
Mr. Budwick presented plan, which included expanding driveway and altering
landscaping. Much of the planting would be done around an isolated pooling area,
which Mr. Budwick explains is not a wetland because it doesn't meet state
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requirements. During the presentation, it was also identified by Mr. Dufresne that
LEC Environmental Associates might have flagged the isolated pool as wetlands
but they were not involved with the current filing.
Comments from the commission followed: Administrator Mullins informed Mr.
Budwick that although the isolated pond in question may not conform to all of the
wetland criteria under the state per his determination, if the soil and vegetation
indicate it's a wetland, it will qualify as a protected resource area under the town
Wetland Protection Code. Stew Kennedy would like to see back -up soil and
vegetation data for the wetlands area as delineated on the plan. Phil Hamilton
stated the commission needs to know if this area is a protected area under the Act
or Code before proceeding forward, for this determination greatly impacts
whether the project is approvable as currently proposed.
Motion made and seconded to continue at applicant's representative's request to
August 21, 2007.
9:00 P.M. 15 Independence Avenue,
Present for the owner /applicant: Peter Gammie, Columbia Design Group
Roger Washburn, Roger Washburn Architectural
Beverly Schwartz, Owner /applicant
Mr. Gammie presented supplemental information including an enlarged
infiltration system and revised drainage calculations.
Comments from the commission followed: Dick Wolk asked if the cellar had
always flooded. Mr. Wolk also asked how much impervious surface was added to
the property in 2003 and how much is proposed presently.
Motion made and seconded to issue a Negative Determination under the Code
with conditions regarding the drainage system installation and operation and
maintenance, 4 -0 in favor.
9:10 P.M. Issue Order of Conditions: 26 Ingleside Road, (201 -713)
Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions with conditions as
drafted, 4 -0 in favor.
9:11 P.M. Issue Order of Conditions: 39 Ledgelawn Avenue, (201 -714)
Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions with conditions as
drafted, 4 -0 in favor.
9:12 p.m. Issue Order of Conditions: 28 Dewey Road, (201 -712)
The commission recognized that some of the construction would be inside the 50
foot wetland buffer zone, but because of the proposed mitigation efforts,
including runoff and erosion control, the commission has been persuaded by clear
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and convincing evidence that the smaller buffer will secure the interests protected
by the Act and Code.
Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions with conditions as
drafted, 4 -0 in favor.
9:15 p.m. Approve June 26 minutes
Motion made and seconded to approve minutes of June 26, 2007. 5 -0 in favor
9:16 p.m. Approve July 10 minutes,
Motion made and seconded to approve minutes of July 10, 2007, 5 -0 in favor
24 Saddle Club Road
Brain Timm of Meridian Associates, came in front of the commission to ask their
advice on the best way to rectify an issue regarding installation of a circular drive
way by the owners without the commission's approval. Mr. Timm has spoken
with Administrator Mullins about ideas for mitigation including;
• leaching catch basins at either end of driveway
• pervious paver apron at either end of driveway
• trench drains
Comments from the commission followed: Joyce Miller thought the leaching
system would be a good solution. Phil Hamilton said a request for an Amended
Order of Conditions would need to be submitted for the proposed solution.
9:30 p.m. Commission voted by roll call vote to go into executive session for the purpose of
discussing land acquisition and agreed not to reopen the meeting to the public.
Respectfully submitted by,
Louise Vinci
Department Clerk
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