HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-04-PWSC-minMinutes of the DPW Facility /Senior Center Re- Evaluation Advisory Committee December 4, 2002 Members in Attendance Chairman Paul Lapointe, Donald Chisholm, David Eagle, Donald Graham, Peter Kelley Liaisons: John Rosenberg Staff. Mary Jo Bohart, Bill Hadley, Heather Hartshorn Sweeney, Kelly McKay Zeoli Visitors: Harriett Cohen (Fair Housing and Human Relations Committee) Minutes Don Chisholm made a motion to accept the November 27 minutes. Don Graham seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. If any committee members who could not attend the meeting have any changes for the minutes, please give them to Kelly Zeoli. Selection Criteria for the RFI Paul Lapointe said that he would like to separate the first bullet into two: one with operating financial impacts and the other with capital financial impacts. He spoke of how there is the initial impact from the payment for the parcel of land revenue, but there could also be further impacts from on -going tax revenue, additional children in the schools, etc. Mary Jo Bohart said that developers could not quantify the impacts, as that is really the job of the town staff, but they could explain possible implications. Harriett Cohen asked if developers would actually put that much detail into their submissions since the RFI is non - binding? Paul thinks that the thoroughness and quality of the submissions may show how interested the individual developers actually are. John thinks that as a courtesy, the RFI should just specify what the developer might be evaluated on, which does not mean that they are obligated to actually do any of it. A discussion ensued as to the order of the bullets under Selection Criteria (page 7). The final order is as follows. • Consistency with Lexington Core Values (See Appendix E) • Consistency with the Town's Comprehensive Plan (available on -line @ http: / /ci.lexington.ma.us) • Financial operating impact of the project to the town (factors considered in this criteria will be: annual tax revenue, revenue from lease of property) • Financial capital impact of the project to the town (factors considered in this criteria will be: one time revenue or costs, such as Senior Center/DPW project costs defrayed by developer, revenue from sale of property) • Project impact to the entire community (likelihood that project will be acceptable to Town Meeting and the electorate if brought forward as a ballot question) • Project impact to the neighborhood (visual, noise, type of use, traffic) (Take out "as expressed through the public hearings ") The last two bullets will be deleted (Affordable Housing and Overall Quality). The overall quality of the project was thought to be too subjective. Peter Kelley was concerned that having bullets about affordable housing both under Specific RFI Objectives and Selection Criteria reads as if the committee is asking for proposals with affordable housing, instead of saying if the developer proposes housing, some of it should be affordable. Therefore, the affordable housing bullet was removed from Selection Criteria and under Specific RFI Objectives the last bullet will read: • Sale or lease of all or a portion of the property to provide a desirable residential development project. The footnote will be kept in order to clarify the objective. Traffic Study Bill Hadley distributed and explained handouts showing the results of a 1996 traffic study at the intersection of the DPW Operations Facility driveway, Sunny Knoll Road, and Bedford Street. Handouts will be available at the December 18 meeting for those who did not receive them. Don Chisholm noticed that since the traffic study began at 7:00 a.m., it did not count the DPW employees who entered the facility prior to 7. This explains the discrepancy between the number of cars entering and leaving the DPW facility. Don Chisholm also asked if the town performs any regular traffic studies. Bill did not know, but said he would speak with the engineering and police departments to see if they have any information. RFI Next Steps Any more changes to the RFI should be submitted to Kelly no later than Monday, December 9. She will work with Paul and Michelle Ciccolo to put out the final draft. At that point, they will circulate the RFI to the committee with a 24 hour window for any final comments. The RFI will be published in the central register and sent to developers. Kelly will look into whether or not it can be placed on the Town's website. Mary Jo will call the trade journals John McWeeney had suggested to find out their advertisement rates. Committee members should let Kelly or Mary Jo know developers to whom they could send the RFI. Don Graham worried that with this being the holiday season, no one will show up for the site visit. Paul suggested trying to determine the level of interest after the site visit. If there is minimal, inadequate, or no interest from developers at that point, then the committee could re- look at the process. He also recommended asking for a letter of interest in the RFI. Next Steps The next meeting will be at 7:45 a.m. in the Senior Center on Wednesday, December 18. Paul will present a report to the BOS on December 16 at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Special Town Meeting. He will circulate an outline of what he plans to present prior to the meeting. Meetings through January have been scheduled at 7:45 a.m. for the following dates and locations: December 18 — Senior Center January 8, 2003 - DPW Operations Facility with the site visit to follow at 9:30 a.m. January 22, 2003 — Senior Center 2