HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-02-TOUR2-minTourism Committee Meeting June 2, 2008 Town Office Building, room 111 . . Members Present: Dawn McKenna, John Ott, Richard Canale, Lou Sicderis, `Gila o Fortmain, Kerry Brandin, Susan Bennett, guest, John Patrick Absent: Peter Kelly, Mary Jo Bohart, Bebe Fallick, Joanne Myers, Paul- O Staff: Masha Traber Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the meeting of May 5, 2008 were approved as corrected. Summary of projects in process: Susan Bennett reported that the Historical Society will be shooting a film at Buclu Tavern 6/4 and on the Green, August 23. This film is about April 19, 1775.and will be shown regularly for visitors at the Hancock - Clarke House when it reopens. Susan also reported that the Hancock - Clarke House restoration is 20% completed and seems to be progressing on schedule, at least so far. Susan invited all to Munroe Tavern on Friday, June 13 from 5 to 7 p.m. to a reception to celebrate the Munroe Tavern as the Museum of the British. Richard Canale distributed an invitation to join the MA African- American Heritage Bicycle Route Network Organizing Committee. The goal is a network of bicycling routes that will guide individuals on a journey through the places that show the rich African - American History of our Commonwealth. John Ott invited all to be sure to view the current exhibit at the Museum of Our National Heritage tracing the craft heritage of New England, titled Keepers of Tradition. Report on the Greater Merrimack Valley Tourism Breakfast. A summary sheet was distributed and discussed. There was discussion of how to identify the Bus tour companies. Dawn will check with the Chamber of Commerce. Tour Guide Training Session- A good walking map will be available to Liberty Ride guests to make access to Munroe Tavern safer and more pleasant than walking along Massachusetts Ave. Attendance was excellent. Event Signs — Dawn reported that Karen at Wales Copy will print the Events Poster Monthly from copy we provide for $300 for the year. It was moved and seconded to authorize the expenditure of $300 for Wales Copy to print the Events Signs for the year from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. Discussion included identifying the "set" programs on the bottom half of the sign and the priorities of what's posted. Submissions will come from the community Calendar of the town and Mary Jo Bohart at the Chamber will be asked to notify groups she has worked with to send info to calendar atourlexin toy n.us . Kiosk at the Visitor Center — Dawn reported that a 5 minute photo display loop at the Visitors Center would cost $2500 annually and there would be a 2 year contract minimum. Set up is: 30 seconds welcome; 2 minute area information; and 10 ad clips of 15 seconds each could be sold for to offset costs. There is no sound or video. Below the photo display is a place for 16 to 20 brochures relating to the content. This might be an effective display at the Route 95 McDonald's since that is the busiest N. E. visitor site that the company services. More discussion is needed on this at future meetings. Ad for Boston Business Journal — There is a June 27 deadline for a 25 word or less ad going to Corporate Meeting and Company Outings, of the Greater Boston CVBV. The cost is $450. Dawn will poll the interested parties. Welcome packet for new Lexington High School Principal — Coming July lst and the C of C, Lexington Historical Society, and Town Tourism will put together and give this welcome packet to the new Principal. Town Tourism Website — Kerry Brandin will talk to the town as they are in the process of updating the Town website. The www.totirlexington.us works well and should be directly accessed from the Town site. Antony Sister City Reunion — We will ask the Selectmen for permission to consider hosting a 10 year reunion with our Sister City.. John Patrick will work on this. Tourism percent of Hotel Tax — Dawn suggested and discussion was held about this conmlittee requesting the Board of Selectmen include in the budget a percentage of the hotel taxes that the town receives to support tourism projects. John Ott volunteered to research what other towns are doing, what percentages and what this has meant to their town tourism. The Tourism Committee agreed we should ask the Selectmen. Battle Green Trees and Master Plan — After some discussion, Carla moved and Kerry seconded that no trees would be planted or named on the actual Battle Green. The Tourism Committee agreed that per the 2001 preservation grant, we should ask the Selectmen to be the designated coordinating committee for the Battle Green and to conduct a process for developing a master plan with broad public input that would serve as the planning document for decisions going forward. Liberty Ride — Masha and Dawn reported on the new tickets, and brochures. Prices and samples for t- shirts, hats and tote bags are in process. Discussion was held on whether Liberty Ride drivers and guides can skip the last run when there are no customers. The Committee was unanimous that the Ride should take place during the contracted hours and follow the prescribed route, whether or not there were riders on the trolley. First Week operations were reported. 308 passengers for the first 8 days and 149 for the two days before Patriots Day. These are big increases from last year. Starwood Hotels Aloft /Element — The new hotels have requested a stop and the ability to sell tickets for the Liberty Ride. Tickets will be sold to them for $18 for resale of $20. Other items - Discussed a request from the Arts & Crafts Society whether they could have a sign as part of our program. Further discussion was postponed to the next meeting. Next Meeting Monday, September 8 4 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carla Fortmann