HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-10-06-TOUR2-minI Tourism Committee Meeting %Oo0) October 6 2008 Town Office Building, Room 111 Present: Susan Bennett, Mary Jo Bohart, Derry Brandin, Bebe Fallick, Carla Fortmann, Dawn McKenna, Joanne Myers, Jolm Patrick, John Ott, Lou Sideris Absent: Richard Canale Staff. Masha Traber Selectmen Liaison: Peter Kelley Guest: Dorthy Zoberoski MEMBER UPDATES ON ACTIVITIES Lexington Historical Society: Ran a successful Elder Hostel event, welcoming Elder Hostel group. They are Society currently testing visitor satisfaction survey, offering visitors the opportunity to complete an online survey following their visit. Society to circulate copy of survey to Committee. The upcoming tour of Mid - Century Modernist houses has generated significant interest locally and beyond. 110 people attended recent panel discussion on the topic at the Depot. National Heritage Museum: New exhibit: portraits of Ellis Island, Coming to America — Ellis Island to JFK," including a lecture on 18 October: Discussion of potential of Lexington Historical Society to work together National Heritage Museum on possible future exhibits, for example artifacts from 1960's archeological dig at Hancock - Clarke house, items which now being catalogued. Minuteman National Park: In 2009 National Park Service will be celebrating the 50"' anniversary of the Park. Some initial dates: 19 April photo exhibit at National Heritage Museum; in September an event may also be held at Cary Hall (to be confirmed). REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES -Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes from the September 8, 2008 meeting reviewed and approved. STONE BUILDING - Update from Kerry Brandin on process and recent presentation of proposals to Trustees of Cary Library. Proposals can be view on Cary Library website. The Trustees of the Cary Library will be making a determination on the future use of the Stone Building. It is the sense of the Tourism Committee that should the Trustees decide to include a tourism component, the Committee participate. BATTLE GREEN CORDINATION COMMITTEE The Committee agreed to ask the Selectmen to appoint us the Battle Green Coordination Committee, and to develop a master plan to review issues such as lighting, walkways, trees, signage and long -term planning for the Battle Green. ANTONY REUNION - Antony has in the past dedicated a town square as "Place de Lexington," and Lexington High School French students visit Antony each year and welcome students from Antony to Lexington. The Selectmen have approved our request to pursue a Sister City reunion and a meeting on this initiative is planned for October 30 at 4pm (location tbd), including those who were involved in developing the initial relationship with Antony. Jolul Patrick to assist in this effort. HOTEL SALES TAX & FUNDING OF LEXINGTON TOURISM INITIATIVES — Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Connnittee unanimously voted to place an article on the warrant to request a percentage of the incremental town revenues from hotel sales tax receipts to fund tourism initiatives, as these initiatives would have a beneficial impact on the town's image, local businesses, historical attractions and local employment. Mary Jo volunteered to investigate whether other towns with tourism and heritage sites receive town funding, and if so, how much. LIBERTY RIDE - Go Boston card has agreed to increase our compensation by one dollar more per Go Card user. Go Boston is also developing new marketing initiatives to boost card sales and revenues to their tourism/attractions partners (more details to follow). One issue to be explored: development of a tiered fee structure for those buying Liberty ride tickets, with prices varying depending on number of sites visited. INCREASED MBTA SUNDAY BUS SERVICE — Ms. Dorthy Zaborowski, member of the public, raised the issue of instituting limited MBTA bus service between Lexington Centre and Alewife on Sundays. The lack of Sunday service poses transportation problems for visitors to Lexington as well as for the employees of businesses, hotels, restaurants and attractions. The Committee agreed that this is an important issue that merits our attention and decided the following: Dawn will get in touch with the Town Transportation Coordinator for suggestions on best way to move forward on this issue; Mary Jo will also identify a potential useful contact at the MBTA. Ms. Zaborowski also offered to support the effort. ADJOURMENT — Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at S: 49 p. in. Respectfully submitted by John Patrick