HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-11-27-TOUR2-minLexington Tourism Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, November 27, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. Town Hall, Room 111 Members in Attendance: Chair Dawn McKenna, John Ott, Mary Jo Bohart, Bebe Fallick, Kerry Brandin, Lou Sideris, Paul O' Shaughnessy, Richard Canale Staff Masha Traber Selectman Liaison: Richard Pagett The first order of business was the taking of the committee photo for the 2006 Annual Report. The picture was taken around the cannon on the lawn of the old Muzzey school. 1) Meeting Minutes Approval of the 6/19/06 minutes [prepared by Chuck French] — passed unanimously. Approval of the 9/19/06 minutes — [prepared by Lou Sideris] — passed unanimously. Approval of the 10/23/06 minutes - [prepared by Dawn McKenna] — passed unanimously. Minutes from the October 17, 2005 meeting, prepared by Paul O'Shaughnessy, are still outstanding. 2) Scenic By -Way Update: Richard Canale The Scenic By -Way designation was signed into law on November 8, 2006. A steering committee will be formed with the first monthly meeting to be held December 12 from 3 -4:30 at Cary Library. The group will apply for a Federal grant of $125,000 due October 2007. Funding will come from the federal highway department with a 20% match from Mass. Highway. There was discussion about requesting Town funding of up to $6000. It was agreed that, if that is the case, the committee should be asked to vote on its support. 3) Lexington Reconnaissance Report: Richard Canale This Freedom's Way Landscape Inventory with recommendation is now available for review on the Town's website. 4) By-law Article Update: Bebe Fallick Norm Cohen helped write this article. Since the committee handles funds and has staff, it is being presented as a "housekeeping" Selectmen's article. However, if the Selectmen decline takingythis approach, it will be presented as a citizen's article. Q d' Suggestions were made to re- iterate the connection between Tourism and the Economic , Development Office. Also, the original charge was edited to include the Park Service and a representative of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce, as well as others. Bebe will work with Norm to revise the text. r 5) Flagpole A letter was received from Jonathan Doran commenting on the sorry state of repair 6f the flagpole on the Battle Green. Dawn will draft a citizen's article asking for the funds to restore the flagpole and that the ongoing maintenance be part of the DPW's responsibility. 6) Liberty Ride Although the data has not yet been reconciled with the Town records, an initial report shows that the Liberty Ride had more than 5000 passengers for the 2006 season, a significant increase over 2005. At our next meeting, details of the 2007 season will be discussed including the time frame of the season, the salary for personnel, and the option of putting out a separate bid for a trolley that would be accessible, enclosed, air conditioned, and seat 30 -34 passengers. Additionally, the committee will make a request of the Town to use charter fees from the Battle Green Guides for expenses to support programs. Also, that excess funds from the Liberty Ride be captured so that the LR can become a revolving fund. 7) Si na e Dawn has submitted a CPA application for funding of this project. Mary Jo will submit a letter in support. Christopher Bing did not attend this meeting but Lou Sideris will set -up a meeting with him regarding the illustration of the story- telling signage on the Battle Green. Kerry will get an estimate from Raychel of Lexington Signs. Dawn will continuing working with the HDC and DPW on sign removal throughout the historic districts. 8) Greater Merrimack Valley Holiday Party A guided Battle Green tour by a British soldier will be donated for their parry on December 7 from 5:30- 7:30PM. The next meeting will discuss Historical Society suggestions, recommendations of the Freedom's Way landscape inventory, and the Liberty Ride 2007 operations. Adjournment was at 6:12PM. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Brandin