HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-28-TOUR2-minLexington Tourism Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, March 28, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. Town Hall, Room 111 Members in Attendance: Chair Dawn McKenna, John Ott, Chuck French, Bebe Fallick, Kerry Brandin, Lou Sideris, Paul O' Shaughnessy, Mary Jo Bohart Absent: Susan Bennett, Richard Canale, Bill Scouler Staff. Masha Traber Additional Attendee: Christopher Bing Mr. Christopher Bing provided the group a brief, informal update on the sketch renderings he is preparing for the new Battle Green interpretive sign. Mr. Bing did not bring his draft sketches with him, but instead gave a verbal description of where he is at with the project. He then added that he will be attending the Battle of Lexington rehearsal re- enactment (prior to Patriot's Day), to take in additional live imagery that will supplement the sketches that are already underway in his design process. He also indicated that he would attend a future committee meeting to show the committee his drawings. 1) Meeting Minutes Approval of the 2/27/06 minutes — postponed until the next meeting 2) Town MeetinArticles a) Article 17 -Budget Presentation (Liberty Ride): Dawn McKenna presented the final version of the Liberty Ride operational budget for the upcoming season. She noted that the Town Manager approved the committee's recommendation of a 5% raise for guide coordinator Masha Traber. Ms. McKenna stated that a formal Liberty Ride budget presentation at Town Meeting may not be needed this year. Some committee members asked if it might be advantageous to make a Town Meeting presentation anyway, to share the good news that the program covered its costs through tour fees and donations. Ms. McKenna suggested that the group stay tuned as the weeks leading up to the Town Meeting budget presentations get closer. Overall, the group felt that Ms. McKenna should be ready to make such a presentation, just in case Town Meeting members ask questions that necessitates a formal tourism budget presentation. b) Article 7 - Sheraton Lexington Rezoning: Dawn McKenna stated that there will be a Planning Board hearing regarding the Sheraton project this evening (3/28/06) at 7:30 in the Selectmen's chambers. She then stated that April 5 th is the date when Article 7 will be presented, discussed and voted on at Town Meeting. Ms. McKenna had not seen the latest architectural schemes for the buildings, and she expressed ongoing concern over building materials and general aesthetics. The committee discussed the project and shared sentiments of support based upon the development concept, land use program, and potential for commercial tax growth. The only outstanding concern was over aesthetics and the appearance of the buildings. Mr. John Ott made a motion for the Tourism Committee to support Warrant Article 7 — the Starwood /Sheraton Lexington rezoning, with the hope that the developer will continue to work in earnest with the town and the Minuteman Historical Park to arrive at a design that has a visually satisfying exterior and appropriately harmonious landscaping. This motion was seconded by Mr. Chuck French, and it passed unanimously. c) Article 8 - Scenic Byway: Dawn McKenna said that Article 8, a citizens petition to designate historic Route 2A a scenic byway, was adopted by Lexington Town Meeting on March 27 She added that the towns of Concord and Lincoln will be considering similar articles. 3) Liberty Ride a) CTM Contract: Dawn McKenna said that the committee was contacted by (vendor) CTM, which prints the program's brochure and displays them in tourism racks throughout the area. Masha Traber stated that she had no dissatisfaction with this company's services during the 2005 program year. Lou Sideris asked if the Liberty Ride route map would be updated for the new season's brochure, and Ms. McKenna indicated that it would be. b) Program Update: Dawn McKenna explained that Saturday, May 27 will be the seasonal start for the Liberty Ride. She recently contacted (Concord Town Manager) Chris Whelan regarding changes to the Liberty Ride's route for the upcoming season. Specifically, she addressed the removal of the Concord Depot from the regular stops and, instead, this location would be an "on -call only" stop. She said that Mr. Whelan was accepting of that change, and he did not feel an appearance before the Concord Board of Selectmen would be necessary. Ms. McKenna also stated that the Liberty Ride trademark was approved by the U.S. Patent & Trade Office. She asked the group their thoughts on possible tourist items (such as hats, t- shirts, etc.) containing this logo as a money- maker. The committee decided to table most of the ideas for this operating season, but to revisit the notion in the future, and look into tee shirts and hats. 4) Signage Update In additional to Christopher Bing's earlier status report on his renderings for the Battle Green interpretive sign, Kerry Brandin offered a brief summary of the outstanding signage projects that the committee plans to implement. She said that the first sign to be fabricated in the new program is soon to be priced -out, after which Ms. Brandin will present the findings to the committee at a future meeting. 5) Other Business a) Mary Jo Bohart showed the group a copy of the current (April 2006) issue of Yankee Magazine, which has a two -page feature on Lexington & Concord, Mass., which prominently mentioned the Liberty Ride, the National Heritage Museum and the Lexington Visitors Center. The narrative suggests a trip to these two historic New England towns as suitable weekend getaway. John Ott offered to obtain duplicate copies of this issue from the Yankee Magazine display table at the upcoming 2006 Governor's Conference on Tourism in Boston. b) Masha Traber stated that the new cellular telephone number for the Liberty Ride is (339) 223- 5623. She added that this will be for the website and internal communication. She also asked for the groups ideas on a suitable rate for off - season Battle Green guide tours. Her suggestion was $50 per tour, with $25 of that going directly to the guide and the remaining $25 being deposited in the Tourism Committee budget/account similar to the way that her charter tour sales are handled. Dawn McKenna stated that she will speak with Town Manager Carl Valente to learn what the best practice for this kind of situation is. c) Dawn McKenna asked the group to consider a formal Town Meeting action (at a future Town Meeting session) which would convert the ad -hoc Tourism Committee to a standing committee. Bebe Fallick volunteered to work on a draft by -law that would address this type of conversion. Ms. McKenna then informed the group of the committee's accomplishments during its S years in ad -hoc status. A list of the short-term objectives that have been achieved was reviewed, and she noted that only a few long- term objectives remain to be tackled. Specifically, Ms. McKenna aims for the committee to work toward a move to formally break away from the Greater Merrimack Valley CVB, in favor of being geographically placed into the Greater Boston CVB. She also listed a major update and reprinting of the large- format Lexington historic sites map as a long -range outstanding project. d) Chuck French expressed concern over large (and unsightly) banners that have been allowed to be displayed within the Historic District on both the Lexington Depot building and on First Parish. Mr. French made a motion for the committee to ask the Town Manager and the Town Building Commissioner to review whether such large banner display is in compliance or in violation of town ordinances such as the sign by -law. John Ott seconded this motion, and it passed unanimously. 6) Next Meeting Dawn McKenna stated that the next committee meeting will take place on Monday, May I s ', at 4:00 p.m. in Town Hall (Room 111). Respectfully submitted, Mary Jo Bohart