HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-07-14-TREE-min Town of Lexington Lexington Tree Committee Minutes July14, 2011 A regularly scheduled meeting of the Lexington Tree Committee was held on June 14, 2011, 7:30-10:00 a.m. at the Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Room 125. Present were: John Frey (chair), Jewel Kuljian, Gerry Paul, James Wood, Anne Senning, Nell Walker and Chris Filadoro (Supt. Public Grounds). Absent were: Karen Longeteig, David Pinsonneault (Tree Warden) and Deb Mauger (Selectmen liaison) The meeting acted on the following items: 1 . Gerry Paul was appointed as scribe, and the minutes of June 9 meeting were approved. 2. a.Tree Warden David Pinsonneault’s report (Outgoing): (to be provided) b. Anne reported that 37 trees were out-planted in the spring as follows: 2011 SPRING PLANTINGS, Totals by Source Tree nursery 29 Donation 6 Construction salvage 2 TOTAL 37 LEX. DPW TREE PLANTING, SPRING 2011, Totals by Location School trees 2 Street trees 14 Setback (front yard)trees 10 TOTAL 37 c . We had a long discussion on tree planting. The following from Anne's spreadsheet are the number of trees which should be planted in the fall to meet our goal of planting all trees which will have been in the nursery for greater than two years: Planted in Nursery 2007 32 Planted in Nursery 2008 95 127 20 of these trees could be planted as part of Setback Planting Program, leaving 107 for which planting locations must be identified. Allowing for the fact that Dig Safe may find some of the sites not usable, we need to identify about140 potential sites. It was agreed that we should all planting locations identified and ready for Dig Safe approval by Sept. 1. A fall back position would be to plant the 2007, 2008, and 2009 trees (which are suitable for planting ) in the next 3 planting seasons: fall 2011, spring 2012 and fall 2012. We would then have 176 trees to plant in three plantings of about 60 each. A follow up meeting to come to closure on this is planned for Wed. July 20 at 7:30 am in the DPW building. If additional funds are are required, the Tree Committee is prepared to support this with Town Management. d . Jim will set up meeting at the Nursery with Chris (and other interested members) to discuss Nursery related issues (irrigation, etc). e . The DPW tree crew feels strongly that using perforated plastic watering tubes is not necessary and detrimental. The Tree Committee agreed that since the DPW crew has taken ownership of the issue and is strongly committed to appropriate watering, we will defer to their judgment. Anne will update the watering list and email it to Committee. f . Jewel gave a detailed update on the process she is putting into place for the program. To date there are 19 requests from home owners. We all agreed the program has gotten off to a good start. Next regular meeting: August 11, 2011, 7:30 a.m. at Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Room 125.