HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-16-GCC-minGreenways Corridor Committee Minutes (Approved) May 16, 4:30 -6pm Ellen Stone Room, Cary Hall Members present: Rick Abrams, Michelle Ciccolo (Planning Board Liaison), Alex Dohan, Bob Hausslein, Stew Kennedy, Paul Knight, Deb Mauger (Selectmen's Liaison), Keith Ohmart, Mike Tabaczynski, Howard Vogel Members Absent: Duke Bitsko (Conservation Commission Liaison), Peggy Enders Others -present: Richard Canale, Jay Sklar 1. Votes 1.1. Approval of April 15 minutes — approved by unanimous consent 2. Reports 2.1. Meeting with the Sidewalk Committee re -parent inquiry for walking path from Drummer Meeting e - Boy to Grove Street (Keith, Stew)- • Estabrook PTA leader has been asked for spot on agenda at upcoming meeting for a presentation on this topic, with the goal of encouraging PTA to provide funding for materials for a bridge required along the proposed route. Expected material cost: $500 -$600. (Initial survey suggests single 32 -foot bridge /boardwalk; typical cost for 3 -foot width with recommended recycled plastic sleepers is $21 /foot.) Stew: GCC should not not take responsibility for fund - raising. (Maybe Conservation Stewards or PTA could raise money, or other sources.) - Maybe parent could take lead. Deb: GCC as Town Committee has restrictions on raising /handling funds. Keith: How active of a role do we as GCC want to take? Perhaps after finding funding source, could pass project on to Stewards. Keith: [Update to minutes, from email dated 17 May 2011 ] The Stewards do not currently have sufficient recycled sleepers to to build the suggested boardwalk; a lower cost - per -foot could be realized by using wooden sleepers. Stew: This is the first request of this type, should be a good demonstration of GCC role. Alex and Bob H. volunteer to follow up on the project, (ACTION) with support from Stew. Paul to send survey map to them (ACTION). 2.2. Lincoln Lab funding opportunity — boardwalks /bridges at Wood Street end of proposed v . v Minuteman Connector /West Lexington Greenway (Keith) Keith introduced Jay Sklar, and they discussed the project. - Possible request to MIT Lincoln Laboratory for funding. Jay has not formally contacted the Lab at this point, but has discussed the project in general terms with well - positioned Lab staff. Jay presented a map. Alex showed a larger town map as reference. Bob: Will bring a projector to future meetings for more detailed discussion with a projected map where it will be useful. Howard, Keith — discussion of role of GCC in Town planning for trails. GCC has assumed role of previous ad hoc WLG Task Force, and provides a more formal structure. 2.3. Ma-p Planning Work (Rick, Alex) Alex discussed the town -wide map in more detail, as a very useful aid toward greenway corridor planning. She will obtain larger map from Emily. She noted that 2013 is Lexington's 300' "birthday" and would be a good occasion for producing a comprehensive map of trails. Keith: Newton map book is a good example. It is sold by the town. Mike: Suggestion for umbrella name for trails /map project: "Lexington Tricentennial Greenway." Keith: Hank Manz (at time of GCC creation) expected the Committee to drive projects like that. Rick Abrams — Volunteered to coordinate GCC interactions with Town Tricentennial Committee. Michelle: Suggestion: Could identify 300 trail - related links (access points, interesting elements along trails, etc.) which people should find, like a scavenger hunt, within some time period associated with the Tricentennial events. (Probably several months, at least.) 2.4. CPA Funding Process Discussion with Nattie Rice (Keith) Keith: I met with Nattie a week ago — Application deadline for CPA funding is November 1. Possible CPA applications: (1) 75% design funding for Minuteman Connector portion of West Lexington Greenway (WLG) —but need to coordinate closely with town on priorities in the Hartwell Ave. /Wood St. area; (2) fund infrastructure improvement for Stewards to build regular - quality trail from Minuteman Bikeway to Wood St. at the power line crossing. Keith: [Update to minutes, from email dated 17 May 2011 ] We need to come up with a better term to refer to the various design levels for trails proposed. Let's use Regional Connector Quality to denote paved or other hard surfaced trails equivalent to the Minuteman Bikeway and Local Connector Quality to denote our typical single track trails with simple boardwalks /bridges unless others have an alternate suggestion. 2.5. Closure of present West Lexington Greenway Master Planning process, discussion with v s v Karen Mullins (Debi Deb talked to Karen, who has talked with VHB and they have committed to getting completed WLG Master Plan submitted by June 1. GCC will need to send acceptance report to CPC, notify Hank Manz & Selectmen. Keith: The existing nearly- completed WLG report clearly highlighted challenges of a direct connection (Minuteman bikeway to Wood St. & Battle Road) through wetlands. Richard Canale: Regarding the Minuteman Connector, and particularly the Wood St. to Battle Road part — since the MPO planning process feeds into state long range planning — It's important for the Town to prioritize confirming support or non - support for the status of the section as a "regional connector." If the WLG path is not feasible as a regional connector now, we should be clear about that, and should advocate for a different connector between the Minuteman Bikeway and the Battle Road. It could most easily be done via Mass Ave., with designated bike lanes ( and could be done in the near term). This would clearly establish a Regional level bikeway interconnection between the Minuteman Bikeway and the Battle Road. The other possible alternative of bike lanes on Hartwell and Wood is likely to take much longer. (10 -15 years; would be doubtful if MPO funds it.) Beyond the MPO process, another possible funding source, through a Scenic Byway application, would be due in one week; not enough time to follow up on that. Rick: Please explain regional aspect. Richard: State or federal funding would likely be focused on paths identified in state bicycle plan as "regional connections." Keith: Regional connector - our terminology would make this a paved bikeway, while a "local trail" would be like existing trails — hiking /mountain bike. 2.6. Easement Monitoring Updates (see assigned list in April minutes Tom Whelan will monitor Shire easement (conservation restriction) planning. Paul — Victory Garden Way easement for a trail is shown on a map on the developer's web site. Stew: School engineering is planning to build a sidewalk from the Diamond Middle School side which will join that one, so this one seems to be clearly established now. 3. Old Business 3.1. Continue /finish discussion re defining design standards for the Minuteman Connector portion of the West Lexington Greenway, i.e. designate as a Regional or Local connector. Keith led the discussion: Keith: A hard surface trail will be problematic. In short term, we can designate it as a local - quality trail, and likely construct from Minuteman Bikeway to Wood St. at the power lines. Stew: Wood St. to Battle Road (MM Nat. Park) — NSTAR is installing a hardpack gravel surface road over Bloody Bluff. It may eventually cross the entire length between the Battle Road and Wood St. (NSTAR representative at recent tour of site was not sure of the planned extent.) That would establish a very functional connection on the south side of Wood St. Keith: Are we as GCC ready to make a recommendation to the town on this issue? Stew: Close to abandoning the idea of a regional quality trail. But Duke Bitsko thought it might be feasible. Would like to get him involved with decision. Paul: Recent unblocking of culvert under Hartwell Ave. lowered water levels in the area significantly. Keith: We need to come to some closure and make a recommendation to the Town soon. We also need time to prepare an application to CPA and get support from various board, committees, etc. in order to be seriously considered. Michelle: Is cost of the Minuteman Connector project as a regional connector known? Stew, Keith: About 1.7 miles, at about $2 million per mile, close to $4 million. The VHB proposal was for extensive earth- moving and filling; but Conservation Commission would prefer more boardwalk due to its lower impact on wetlands. Richard: NSTAR requirements need to be considered. Keith: Crossing preferred NSTAR truck routes at close to right angles would minimize interaction. We've recently looked at ways to do that, with a local connector trail in mind. We can avoid the main truck access routes in much of the areas where boardwalk construction is needed. Stew: Are we at a point where we should form a subcommittee to make a recommendation? Bob: Would like to try to plan a walking tour of the Minuteman Connector area. Paul — Will lead a tour. (ACTION) Details: Date: Monday, May 23 Time: 5:00 to about 7:00 PM Meeting place: Back end of parking lot at 110 Hartwell Ave. (Last drive on left before Wood St.) Route: About 4 miles — Paul to send map (ACTION) Preparation: Waterproof shoes /boots; mosquito /tick repellent clothing, walking stick for balance on some water crossings. Meeting Adjourned : 6:00 4. New Business [Agenda item not considered due to lack of time.] - Review possible CPA funding application for next year's money: ➢ Define project— request for bridge building funds ?? Other ?? ➢ Finish present Master Planning project and prepare report to CPC ➢ November 1 application deadline Respectfully submitted, Paul Knight, Secretary