HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-04-EC-minCommission on Disability Minutes February 4, 2004 'zz Michael Novack, Chuck Cole, Dan Perez, Leonard Morse- Fortier, William er, Richard Landau, Michael Martignetti, Victoria Buckley for the January 7 0i meeting were unavailable for review at the time of the meeting. f the January minutes will be e- mailed out to Commission members by Leonard Morse- 5;hment of a Clear Sidewalk Standard Letter of the Establishment of a Clear Sidewalk Standard letter were unavailable for - review at of the meeting. Copies will be e- mailed out to Commission members by Leonard Sion Web Page ack is working on a prototype version of the Commission web page that will integrate other helpful disability pages, as well as Adobe access to complaint form. Michael will follow -up with the Lexington IT department about installing and maintaining the ;sion web page and what is the protocol for doing so. Bruneau Lexington Polling Site Visit el Novack and Donna Hooper, Town Clerk, will tour all nine of Lexington's polling places ) a.m. on February 17 with Bruce Bruneau of the Massachusetts Office on Disability. Mr. au is interested in the exterior of the buildings — reviewing path of travel and doorway fiance. Members of the Commission were invited to e -mail Michael Novack any concerns ey might have about particular polling places prior to the February 17 meeting. Michael Len review these concerns with Bruce Bruneau and Donna Hooper. , ay between Carlson Real Estate and Fleet Bank on Massachusetts Avenue 4 Novack researched the driveway between Carlson Real Estate at 1775 Massachusetts and Fleet Bank at 1761 Massachusetts Avenue. The driveway is a private way that is owned between Fleet Bank and the owner of the condominium which Carlson Real Estate ed in. Michael has already been in touch with Neerja Kallo, Assistant Branch Manager, L re: the location of the handicapped space in their private lot. Per Mrs. Kallo, Fleet is ally planning on moving the handicapped spot closer to the building. Michael will again -up with Mrs. Kallo to suggest that Fleet consider locating the new handicapped -van ble spot on the opposite side of the parking lot, so as to allow enough of a turn radius for a armed accessible van. The turn radius for the current space (or any future space on that Michael Novack, Chuck Cole, Dan Perez, Leonard Morse- Fortier, William er, Richard Landau, Michael Martignetti, Victoria Buckley for the January 7 0i meeting were unavailable for review at the time of the meeting. f the January minutes will be e- mailed out to Commission members by Leonard Morse- 5;hment of a Clear Sidewalk Standard Letter of the Establishment of a Clear Sidewalk Standard letter were unavailable for - review at of the meeting. Copies will be e- mailed out to Commission members by Leonard Sion Web Page ack is working on a prototype version of the Commission web page that will integrate other helpful disability pages, as well as Adobe access to complaint form. Michael will follow -up with the Lexington IT department about installing and maintaining the ;sion web page and what is the protocol for doing so. Bruneau Lexington Polling Site Visit el Novack and Donna Hooper, Town Clerk, will tour all nine of Lexington's polling places ) a.m. on February 17 with Bruce Bruneau of the Massachusetts Office on Disability. Mr. au is interested in the exterior of the buildings — reviewing path of travel and doorway fiance. Members of the Commission were invited to e -mail Michael Novack any concerns ey might have about particular polling places prior to the February 17 meeting. Michael Len review these concerns with Bruce Bruneau and Donna Hooper. , ay between Carlson Real Estate and Fleet Bank on Massachusetts Avenue 4 Novack researched the driveway between Carlson Real Estate at 1775 Massachusetts and Fleet Bank at 1761 Massachusetts Avenue. The driveway is a private way that is owned between Fleet Bank and the owner of the condominium which Carlson Real Estate ed in. Michael has already been in touch with Neerja Kallo, Assistant Branch Manager, L re: the location of the handicapped space in their private lot. Per Mrs. Kallo, Fleet is ally planning on moving the handicapped spot closer to the building. Michael will again -up with Mrs. Kallo to suggest that Fleet consider locating the new handicapped -van ble spot on the opposite side of the parking lot, so as to allow enough of a turn radius for a armed accessible van. The turn radius for the current space (or any future space on that of the island) is constricted by cars that are parked behind the Fleet Bank spaces on the con Real Estate side of the private way. akManz and Town Meeting Members Association ;hael Novack and Sue Cusack toured Clarke Middle School with Hank Manz and members of Town Meeting Members Association on Friday, January 3&. The tour was productive and led to increase awareness of accessibility issues. The Town Meeting Members Association nmunications Committee is also going to be involved in publicizing the availability of :unable accommodations for disabled Town Meeting members though the warrant and lectmen Letter lliam Kennedy indicated that the letter from the Selectman to their committees re: the ,mmission on Disability and the Town's commitment to diversity is ready and will be sent out all committees. Weeting: next meeting of the Commission on Disability will be March 3' at 4:00 p.m. in the office off lobby at the Senior Center. Respectfully submitted by Michael Novack, LICSW Commission on Disability Minutes April 7, 2004 Present: Michael Novack, Chuck Cole, Victoria Buckley, Michael Martignetti Absent: Jennifer Aliber, Richard Landau, Sue Cusack, Dan Perez, Leonard Morse - Fortier, William Kennedy Discussion: Minutes: Minutes for the March 3 rd meeting were presented for review at the time of the meeting. As there was not a quorum present, the March 3` minutes could not be approved. The March 3` minutes will be presented for approval again at the May meeting. April League of Women voter's "First Friday" Public Forum on Lexington and the ADA On Friday, April 2 " Sue Cusack hosted the League of Women Voters "First Friday" Public Forum on Lexington and the ADA at her home. Michael Novack presented on the ADA Law and Victoria Buckley and Sue Cusack spoke about the work of the Commission on Disability. Bruce Bruneau Lexington Polling Site Visit Michael Novack, Town Clerk Donna Hooper, and Bruce Bruneau of the Massachusetts Office on Disability toured the nine polling places in Lexington on March 10 "to assess poll accessibility. At the Clarke Middle School, located at 17 Stedman Road, Bruce Bruneau determined that the grade of the sidewalk leading to the rear entrance of Clarke was steep enough to be considered a ramp. As such, he recommended that railings will need to be installed or the sidewalk re- graded by next November. Bruce Bruneau will be following up his visit with a letter to the Town Clerk that will be forwarded on to the Lexington Department of Public Works with Bruneau's recommendations. L'rection ofArchitectural Barriers Michael Novack presented copies of Chuck Cole's previous request for Town Council's advice on whether the Town has the authority to forbid the issue of any building permit that would authorize construction creating an architectural barrier, thereby limiting access by persons with physical or sensory disabilities, where no such barrier existed prior to the issuance of the permit. Michael also presented copies of the 521 CMR 3.3.4 that deals with architectural barriers. As there was not a quorum present, this matter will be taken up at another time. t' = =_} New Business: Chuck Cole raised a concern about Walgreen's and Fleet Bank depositing snow in handicapped parking spots on March 20 Michael Novack followed -up on Chuck's concern with phone calls to the management at both Fleet Bank and Walgreen's. Michael Novack will arrange a tour of the new Cary Library for the Commission on Disability and let members know what future dates and times are possible. Next Meeting. The next meeting of the Commission on Disability will be Wednesday, May 5 th at 4:00 p.m, in Room 105 in Town Hall. Respectfarlly submitted by Michael Novack, LICSW F _ . Town of Lexington Commission on Disability Meeting of May 5, 2004 Room 105 Town Hall Present: Victoria Buckley, Charles Cole, Sue Cusack, Michael Martignetti, Michael Novack, Daniel Perez, Richard Landau Meeting convened by Chair Victoria Buckley at 4:07 PM Minutes for March 3' d and April 7, 2004: The March and April minutes were reviewed and accepted without correction 1. Cary Library Accessibility Victoria Buckley reported that she had observed a tilt with a bump where the front ramp and the front sidewalk to the new library meet. Michael Novack indicated that the next Commission on Disability meeting, scheduled for June 2 " would take place at Cary Library and include an accessibility tour with Carol Mahoney. At that time, any library accessibility issues can be brought directly to Carol's attention. 2. Guidelines for Accessibility at Public Meetings Michael Novack reported that Town Clerk Donna Hooper was in the process of revising a publication of guidelines for town committees on making public meeting more accessible and had requested the Commission's input. Sue Cusack urged that there was no need to re- invent the wheel. Sue Cusack contacted Adaptive Environments which has materials that address this topic. Michael Novack delivered the materials to the Town Clerk, along with the suggestions of the Commission. 3. Whether to Seek Advice of Town Counsel on Prohibition of New Barriers Chuck Cole's on -going interest in this topic was discussed. The issue harkens back to the Dunkin Donuts issue of architectural barriers being erected where previously there were none present. The Commission decided not to pursue this matter since there was no current issue to bring before the Town. There was also consensus amongst Commission members that this approach was far too complicated. 4. Visitability Dan Perez raised the issue of determining the feasibility of visitability, universal design housing, and accessibility housing guidelines for new and non - subsidized housing construction in Lexington. Sue Cusack proposed the creation of a committee to further examine this issue. r.> �. Commission on Disability Minutes June 2, 2004 Present: Michael Novack, Chuck Cole, Victoria Buckley, Michael Martignetti, Jennifer Aliber, Sue Cusack Absent: Richard Landau, Dan Perez, Leonard Morse - Fortier, William Kennedy Discussion: The Commission on Disability took an accessibility tour of the newly remodeled Cary Library with Carol Mahoney. During the accessibility tour, Carol took members of the Commission throughout the new library and highlighted many of the services that the library offers to patrons with disabilities. Carol also noted physical improvements that were made to the library during its renovation which make it more accessible to patrons with disabilities. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Commission on Disability will be Wednesday, July 7 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 105 in Town Hall. Respectfully swhmitted by Michael Novack, LICSW �n Town of Lexington Commission on Disability Minutes for 7 July 2004 Meeting Present: Victoria Buckley (Chair), Michael Novack (Town of Lexington), Len Morse - Fortier, Charles Cole, Bill Kennedy (Selectman Representative) Absent: Jenifer Aliber, Sue Cusack, Richard Landau, Michael Martignetti, Dan Perez QuiekLook: The meeting began officially with a discussion about a new gift given by'fhe Lions Club to the Commission. The Lions Club donated a "QuickLook" device that includes a camera and an LCD display. The device provides a magnified view of written material and serves as an aid to people with impaired vision. A product of Ash Technologies, Freedom Vision markets this device. Library: Michael Novack described the Library tour given to Commission members. Carol Mahoney, Library Director, showed everyone around the new facility, taking time to point out those features that enhance the library's accessibility. LexFest: September 9, 2004 is the deadline for registration to participate in LexFest. Charlie asked whether we should present ourselves this year, noting that although several people participated last year, a significant share of the burden fell to Victoria. This year's LexFest will take place on Saturday, 2 October 2004 from 10:00 Am until 4:00 PM. We decided that we will participate in LexFest and that each of us on the Commission should brainstorm and come up with ideas that we can all discuss in the next two meetings (we must decide what we are going to do and register by the time of our September meeting in order to refine our plans). We agreed that Commission members should circulate ideas via email and certainly bring ideas to the August meeting. What information should we include? What activities, if any, should we plan? Among other things, we should have information on filing complaints. We should also have information on how to apply for parking placards. Note: Please think about this and bring ideas to the meeting on 4 August 2004. Commission Web Site: We do not (as of the date of this meeting) have a web citation on the Lexington Web site. Apparently, we must get at least a rudimentary description to Connie Rawson for her inclusion on the Town Web Site. Sue Cusack has been working on something larger for our website and we should check in with her to find out bow that is going. In the meantime, however, we will forward the basic description of our commission, however dry, just to fulfill the requirements and get something on the site. Victoria agreed to forward a copy to each of us and Michael found a copy of what we gave to the Selectmen (confirmed as such by Bill). There is a need for a very modest change — we are appointed by the Town Manager and,, not the Moderator - and the description can go forward. New Business: Charlie brought up a few items that he is concerned with. Arnong these, we ` discussed the need to increase the number of handicapped- accessible spaces at large £unctions. What arc the protocols? We may not know, but perhaps we should establish them 4nd then c.,M1 provide specific recommendations. Perhaps the Town should keep a supply of handicapped parking space signs, in buckets of sand, and available for short -tenn use on voting days at polling places, for example, but also at any venue where large crowds will likely require a greater -than- usual munber of accessible spaces, etc. A discussion of signs led naturally to a question of budget. Bill noted that part of our charge is to advocate for budget items that are relevant to helping promote accessibility. Each year we must review our recommendations from the previous year, see how things have gone, and revise and reconnmend items for the next year. Aside from a new concern for how to acquire and pay for signs, this extends to all Town expenditures. As an aside, Bill noted that we should call Police Chief Casey to report vehicles parked in or blocking accessible parking spaces. This is reportedly a major problem at the Town Pool when the ice -cream vending hock pulls into the lot and essentially blocks access to both handicapped - accessible spaces. Meeting adjourned with the next meeting to be held Wednesday 4 August 2004. Respectfully Submitted by Len Morse - Fortier Commission on Disability Minutes August 4, 2004 Present: Michael Novack, Victoria Buckley, Charles Sargent of the Lexington Police Department Absent: Richard Landau, Dan Perez, Leonard Morse - Fortier, William Kennedy, Chuck Cole, Michael Martignetti, Jennifer Aliber, Sue Cusack Discussion: Minutes Since there was not a quorum present, minutes from July 7 could not be approved. Approval of the minutes will be sought at the September Commission meeting. Sidewalk Issues On July 26th, there was a disability complaint filed with ADA Coordinator Michael Novack regarding the safety risk to pedestrians created by bicyclists and skateboarders riding on town center sidewalks in violation of the town bylaw that prohibits this. Michael Novack met with Charles Sargent of the Lexington Police Department and William Hadley of the Department of Public Works on July 30th. The following solutions were proposed: 1. That the Commission on Disability formally request that the Historic Districts Commission allow for the placement of additional signage around the town center prohibiting the riding of bicycles and skateboards on the public sidewalk. Any requests for additional signage or proposed changes to the shape, size, and design of the current signage must be submitted to and are subject to the approval of the Historic Districts Commission. Charles Sargent of the Lexington Police Department also presented a list of proposed locations for additional signage that would be prominent to bicyclists in the town center. The Bicycle Advisory Committee undertook a similar initiative in the year 2000. The result was the Historical Districts Commission approving and the Bicycle Advisory Committee purchasing five signs which were posted at the following locations: • In front of the Crafty Yankee boutique —1838 Mass Ave (oval design) • In front of the former Acsops Bagels shop — 1666 Mass Ave (oval design) • In front of Copacafe — 1727 Mass Ave (oval design) • On the stop sign behind the visitor's center — off Meriam Street (rectangular design) • On a telephone pole at the bikeway entrance to the town center — behind Videosmith and the old Kraft cleaners —1713 Mass Ave (rectangular design). This sign is currently missing. If the Historic Districts Commission approves any additional or new signage, William Hadley has indicated that the Department of Public Works will purchase and install it around the town center. 1 1 1 2. Charles Sargent of the Lexington Police Departniekrt created numbered warning cards that police officers can distribute to bicyclists informing them that they are in violation of a town by -law that prohibits bicycles from being ridden on the sidewalk. A flyer from the Lexington Police Department about the by -law can also be mailed out with the tax bills to residents. 3. Charles Sargent of the Lexington Police Department indicated that the Lexington Police Department would run an article in the Lexington Minuteman reminding bicyclists of the by -law against riding bicycles on the sidewalk Violators of the by -law are subject to a $25.00 fine. 4. William IIadley indicated that he would look into placing additional bicycle racks in the town center to prevent bicycles from being left out in the path of pedestrians. 5. Charles Sargent indicated that the Lexington Police Department would increase the foot patrols of officers in the town center on weekends. These officers will warn bicyclists who ride their bicycles on the sidewalk that they are in violation of the by -law and are subject to a $25.00 fine. Michael Novack spoke to Joann Gsehwendtner of the Historic Districts Commission about the protocol necessary for requesting additional or new signage in the town center and obtained copies of the documentation needed to petition the Historic Districts Commission. As there was not a quorum present at the meeting, he will bring the materials to the September Commission meeting for additional discussion. Lexfest The date for Lexfcst is Saturday, October 2 °d from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The Commission on Disability had previously decided in July that they wished to participate this year. Michael Novack had the suggestion of having tables at Lexfest with representatives from the Commission for the Blind, the Commission for the Deaf and Hard of IIearing, and the Lexington Commission on Disability to promote disability awareness and education. In addition to the materials presented by the Commissions for the Blind, Deaf, and Hard of Hearing, the Lexington Commission on Disability could also distribute handouts similar to last year about what the Commission does, an overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act, copies of the Disability Complaint Form, and applications for disabled placards. As there was not a quorum present at the meeting, the Commission can further discuss any additional ideas for Lexfest at the September Commission meeting. The deadline for formal registration is September 9th Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Commission on Disability will be Wednesday, September 1St at 4:00 p.m. in Room 105 in Town Hall. Respectfully submitted by Michael Novack, LICSW —." Commission on Disability Minutes Wednesday September 1, 2004 4 :00- 5 :00pm Attendance: Michael Novack, Victoria Buckley, Len Morse - Fortier, Sue Cusack, Michael Martignetti, Dan Perez, Chuck Cole, and Arthur Katz (guest) Absent: Jennifer Aliber, Bill Kennedy (Selectmen Representative) Bicycles /skateboards: We are gathering forces to make a presentation to HDC requesting more signs (and the replacement of missing signs) prohibiting skateboarding, roller skating and bicycling on the sidewalks. Signs will be proposed where people most likely leave and enter the bikeway. LPS will also be suggesting from additional bike racks from the HDC. Bill Hadley, Mike Novack, Captain Sargent went around town, took pictures, identified areas where the signs are missing. We are forming a coalition with the LPD, Bike Path Committee (Len), Town Center Committee (Len), COA (Sue), Chamber of Commerce (Sue), and Selectman (Sue). The (name) after each committee is the point person to build the relationship with the Commission on this issue. The goal is to leverage other community groups in support of a common goal. The Minuteman will be asked to cover the meeting when it is scheduled. In the meantime, the LPD have been handing out red "courtesy cards" to build awareness about the sidewalk prohibition. To date, the LPD have handed out almost 100 cards. Dan mentioned that he has noticed a difference in recent weeks. Captain Charlie Sargent noted that the LPS have been very aggressive in the effort to build awareness and that the courtesy cards ill also be inserted in the local tax bills. Victoria will be making copies of the approved sign and offering it to store owners to place in store windows. (Not an HDC jurisdiction issue.) Minuteman Special Article: Arthur Katz, a Lexington resident, and part time stringer for the Lexington Minuteman, and supported by Susan Bushey, editor, is writing an article about accessibility in Lexington. He is focusing on: here we are; this is where we want to go; and what are the issues before us. So far he has interviewed Bill Hadley, Mike Novack, Sue Cusack, and Captain Sargent. Victori a brought the following issues to his attention: 1. mentioned the back drop of the 93 audit and the proposal to prioritize the accessibility of the audit. 2. raising consciousness 3. identification of a grievance protocol 4. evolve from a committee to a commission 5. coalition building examples: Lexpress It was noted that most of the public buildings have been made accessible such as Center Fire Station, Carey Hall. As a result of the Mass Office on Disability visit to Lexington polling sites, the town will be grading the path to the back door, and putting in a curb cut at Clarke Middle School. Other Issues Raised: Dan Perez: Visitability (universal design strategies in housing), he would like to encourage high number of accessible housing in Lexington. Conversations with the Harriet Cohen – Fair Housing committee were discouraging. He was told there would not be sufficient interest or support to adoption of the standards by realtors or the Planning Board. Sue suggested that we could initiate a Warrant through Town Meeting to encourage bid incentives for housing developments like 40B with the goal to introduce the visitability standards that applied to fair market and low income housing opportunities. Dan was concerned about the message that would send (promoting low income housing for people with disabilities —would prefer a larger vision). Len Mores- Fortier noted that the progressiveness supported by the committee is absent in the larger community (Hayden, historic sites, Walgreen's parking lot renovation— round- about pathways) Lexfest Commission for the Blind (goggles) and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing will be in attendance. Our table will include: – complaint form, League of Women Voters article, possibly a wheelchair accessible activity? Carey Lecture Series and HP Parking Sometimes there are inadequate numbers of HP spaces for the lecture series. This issue should not be on the sponsors but the owners of the event, next year the locations will be at the Museum of our National Heritage and Hancock Church. Chuck experienced denial of access at a Museum event. They unapologetically ran out of HP parking and accessible seating and they said he could not help him. Nancy Shepard is in charge of the Library Lecture series. We need to develop a strategy for discussing this. Chuck will start conversations with the sponsors with a possible follow -up by Victoria with Nancy. Approved July /August minutes Next meeting on the October 6` Respectfully submitted by Sue Cusack Commission on Disability Minutes October 6th, 2004 r Present: Michael Novack, Chuck Cole Absent: Dan Perez, Leonard Morse - Fortier, William Kennedy, Michael Martignetti, Jennifer Aliber, Sue Cusack, Victoria Buckley Discussion: Minutes: As there was not a quorum present, minutes from the September 1' meeting could not be approved. Approval of the minutes will be sought at the November Commission meeting. Sidewalk Issues At LexFest, Victoria Buckley indicated that she would be attending an upcoming Chairman's Breakfast on October 13' at which she will discuss coalition building with other committee chairs around the issue of sidewalk safety. LexFest Wrap -Up LexFest was a success. Michael Novack, Victoria Buckley, Chuck Cole, Michael Martignetti, and Sue Cusack staffed the Commission on Disabilities table during the day. Partnering with the Commission for the Blind and the Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing helped to increase awareness of the many programs and services available to people with disabilities. Membership Vacancy With the departure of Richard Landau, the Commission continues to have a vacancy. If anyone knows of anyone who might be interested in joining, please contact Michael Novack. Chairman's Breakfast At LexFest, Victoria Buckley indicated she would be representing the Commission at an upcoming Chairman's Breakfast on October 13 New Business Chuck Cole reported that he continues to explore the Cary Lecture Series and the extent to which the Commission can approach its leadership to make its host locations even more accessible. In order to increase attendance at meetings, members of the Commission in attendance at LexFest discussed the possibility of changing the meeting time for future Commission meetings. As meetings are posted according to Public Meeting Law, this would need to be done by a quorum vote at a future meeting. Room availability will also need to be taken into eoasideratigh. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Commission on Disability will be Wednesday, November 3rd; at 4:00 p.m. in Room 105 in Town Hall. Respectfully subivitted by Michael Novack, LIC'SW ft,4 Commission on Disability Minutes December 1, 2004 Present: Victoria Buckley (Chair), Chuck Cole, Sue Cusack, Len Morse - Fortier, Michael Martignetti, Michael Novack (Town of Lexington), Bill Kennedy (Selectman Representative) Guest: Francine Stieglitz Absent: Jenifer Aliber, Dan Perez Agenda Review and September and November minutes Building Finance Advisory Committee ADA Building Compliance — Michael Martignetti (This committee is separate from Capital, formed by the Selectman, with the mandate to review all the buildings in town and make recommendations that are comprehensive (.school and municipal). 1. We need to make sure that the Building Finance Advisory Committee uses the '93 audit to inform their decision malting process 2. Selectman policy is to spend 5% of revenue on capital improvements —if this model is moving forward, we should ensure that the ADA considerations are integrated into all capital improvement plans. 3. Fire Station work has been approved but has not started Capital Expenditures In reviewing our priorities for the coming year, we agreed to keep maintain the current list of priorities with an emphasis on the front doors of the Police Station and the Cary Hall to be modified (window panels and automatic), and window panels in the Town Hall front entrance as well. As part of this renovation, the proposal to HDC should site the ADA, safety issues, and aesthetic issues all the doors should look the same. It was agreed that we should not be costing out the priorities. An additional priority that can be addressed through this process is HP signage. We will send an email to Linda Vine noting for the purchase of additional signage for HP Parking: Bill Kennedy is planning to follow -up with this. New Membership We have 5 applications and one slot. Plan: Michael will send us a copy of the applications. We will discuss and develop an interview protocol at the January meeting and invite them to the February meeting. We need to encourage broader participation in commnittee activities by current and new members, as well as recruit the participation of non - members in our efforts. New Business Snow letter re: clear pathways -what has happened to this letter? Do we know if it was sent? 1. Clarke MS alterations to meet ADA requirements have not yet been addressed. Do we ]<now what the plan is? i .. t{ 2. Cary Rouse Connnittec — Len will contact Connie Rossin to take a closer look at what the issues are. This may be a potential opportunity to use the building envelop allocation to ensure greater community access. 3. A complaint has been filed about a ramp owned by Boston Properties stating that the ramp meets the ADA but deviates from state regulations. Victoria and Len are going to look at it to see if this is a problem. Key Question: what is the difference between state and federal laws? is it substantive? Next Meeting January 5 Respectfully Submitted by Sue Cusack Minutes of the Commission On Disability Meeting 06APR05 Present: Chuck Cole, Francine Steiglitz, Hank Manz, Michael Martignetti; Victoria Buckley Is the Bicycle Committee holding meetings in the Cary Hall Bird Room? Chk w /Stu Kennedy. Issue: Meetings should be held in fully accessible rooms. Issue: Any timeline on installation of lift to Bird Room from last elevator stop in Cary Hall? Bikes in Center Issue: Three out of five no- ride -on- sidewalk bicycle signs have been stolen- - police cannot ticket unless area is posted. Issue: Signs too small. Can HDC be moved on this? Issue: Who is responsible for replacing signs? Issue: Should warring sign about bikes in Center be put up on bike path and if so, who gives permission Cor such a sign? Restaurant chair & table creep on sidewalk - Sidewalk Committee & Lcx Ctr Collaborative are aware -Check w /Mary Jo Bohart Issue: No consistent path for walkers Issue: Can message be sent to restaurants outlining problem? Snow in handicap spaces Issue: Requires constant personal interface with all those responsible for maintaining handicap spaces. Curb cuts -pitch & presence Issue: Who is responsible for signing off on handicap /ADA compliance? Issue: Harrington School curb cut in back of building follows Clarke model- - too far from door - -what is design review process for such projects to ensure compliance? Cary Door will be handled under Article 32A. Commission is grateful, but feels window is needed because of size and weight of door. Issue: Can and do Selectmen ever override HDC? Issue: Victoria would like to make a short comment on need for more attention to these details - -how should this be handled? Liaison note: Why not at least a comment from Presenter's Microphone when 32A comes up? Issue: Whole area of design review appears to be a gray area. Need better idea of how this whole process works and there needs to be a stated commitment to design review for all town projects with eye to accessibility requirements. Michael Novack is no longer whys -plan to train from within per Lauren McNeil (Old news, except to liaison) Issue: Time frame for person to be fully on deck? Issue: Will Michael's duties now be handled on an As- I- Have -Time basis or will there be some sort of priority to requests? 50K per year plus 100K kitty Projects in works Fire Station accessibility Police Station door Cary Hall door and ramp Miscellaneous Issue: How does town handle complaints? Issue: Will walkway between Gravistar & bank bldg on Waltham be ADA- compliant? How can that be checked and how can compliance be insured? Issue: Need map of HDs so where HDC must be involved will be known. Commission on Disability Meeting Minutes February 2, 2006 Present: Victoria Buckley, chair; Charles Cole; Francine Steiglitz; Sue Cusack; Hank Manz, Selectman liaison; and Kelly Magee, ADA Coordinator Invited guests: Steve Frederickson, Building Inspector, Town of Lexington Colin Smith, chair, Design Advisory Committee Materials and Construction of Sidewalks with Lexington Center Colin Smith conducted a formal presentation of the proposed connectivity piece between Bank of America and public parking area in rear. As proposed, Colin suggested that this connectivity piece would create accessibility to parking lot for all persons, encourage cyclists and skaters to use bench areas and bike racks, and would also promote increased appropriate signage. From this presentation, there was greater discussion as to the materials used for sidewalks within the larger area of Lexington Center. Colin expressed that the DAC wants to encourage building consensus regarding the use of materials among various groups within Town, including the Commission on Disability. Primary factors considered when determining use of sidewalk materials are safety, aesthetics, and cost. Snow removal was also discussed as another factor for consideration, though Hank and Francine noted that the Town is taking steps to address improving snow removal on sidewalks. Per Colin, bricks and concrete are the most commonly used sidewalk materials. The benefits and deficits of both materials were discussed in great detail on the basis of the above listed factors, as well as snow removal and durability. Members of the Commission expressed concerns regarding the use of bricks as a not only a physical barrier for persons with disabilities, but discussed the psychological impact which may result. Bricks often result in increased fatigue for persons with disabilities, and thus may limit aperson with a disability from accessing a certain area due to the anticipation of increased exertion of energy having to travel over bricks. At this time, DAC is proposing the use of wire -cut brick sidewalks for uniFormity within Lexington Center, citing both its preferred aesthetic and sustainability (with proper sub- base). Colin cited examples of these materials, with new instillations at Massachusetts General Hospital and on Federal Street, Boston. He again emphasized that the DAC's goal is to establish a dialogue with the Commission, as well as other groups, to address the varying concerns and interests of such groups regarding materials used in Lexington Center sidewalks. Following Colin's departure, the Commission reviewed the information presented by Colin, and Chuck suggested that the Commission form a collective opinion on the DAC proposal. Sue suggested that it might be beneficial to research the stance of other municipal, state, and federal organizations, including (but not limited to) the Council on Aging Board, and MA Commission on Disability. The Commission will continue to revisit this topic at our next meeting. Updates Steve Frederickson updated the Commission on compliance issues previously noted at Jasmine Sola. The actuator was installed as of February 5, 2006, and Steve has advised that hand rails also need to be installed. Miscellaneous Hank Manz informed the Commission that the Boy Scouts are looking to complete a Citizenship in Community project and may benefit from increased disability awareness. Charles Cole agreed to represent the Commission at the next Boy Scouts troop meeting. The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:30 p.m. Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Kelly Magee, Social Services Coordinator /ADA Coordinator.