HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-02-06-SCAP-rpt Town of Lexington Report of the Senior Center Action Plan Committee 6 February 2006 The Senior Center Action Plan Committee (SCAPC)was charged with reviewing and assessing the programmatic and space requirements of the Senior Center. reviewing and assessing site options identified b` earlier site selection committees and identifying one for further pursuit; and establishing a budget and timeline for the design and completion of a new Senior Center (See Exhibit A, Senior Center Action Plan Committee, for SCAPC s complete charge and Exhibit B for a list of committee members ) The Committee determined. • The Council on Aging (COA)will require about 28 000 square feet to support its programs over the next 15 years, including a 24 000 SF Senior Center and a 4 000 SF Supportive Da\ Care facilrt` To provide a two-store building, and parking for 100 cars, a viable site must be at least two acres of useable land depending upon setbacks and the configuration of the site (See Exhibit C COA Program Worksheet, for detailed space need calculations ) • Neither the existing Muzze` Senior Center nor the Supportive Da\ Care facilrt` at 22 Mill Street in Lincoln adequatel` supports the COA s immediate near-term, or long-term, programmatic needs The Senior Center, at less than 10 000 SF is too small, oddl` configured, and needs renovation and repairs While some consider the space attractive,the Senior Center is functionall` obsolescent. 22 Mill Street is subject to a short-term lease from Minuteman Regional High School, is located in Lincoln far from most Lexington seniors is barel` adequate for the 30 clients now served, and incapable of supporting the 40 clients the COA hopes to serve • Of the potential sites considered b` the Senior Center Siting Committee in 2000-2001 the SCAPC identified four sites as being available for further consideration. The former Harrington School Meriam Street Parking Lot Muzze` Pla\ Field The former Munroe School (See Exhibit D Current Status of Origmall` Identified Sites, for a full list of sites considered b` this committee ) • Each of these sites presents challenges, issues, and complications The former Harrington School will not be available for at least 10 to 15 years The School Committee plans to use Harrington as swing space to complete either renovations to or construction of new schools at the four remaining elementarn school sites The timing and level of funding available from the State s School Building Assistance Program are unpredictable at this time 2 Building a new Senior Center on the Meriam Street Parking Lot would require a multi- level parking structure After allocating appropriate space for Senior Center parking, there would be fewer spaces for public parking than are currentl` available This is the onl\ site that would require a parking garage be built to accommodate parking needs Building on Muzzey Play Field and/or adding space to the existing Senior Center would be problematic for a varlet` of reasons The pla\ field is not large enough to accommodate the building and parking necessary An addition to the existing Senior Center would require amending the Muzze\ High Condominium master deed and would require approval b\ the Muzze\ condo owners The Recreation Committee would be forced to find another field to accommodate Lexington youth soccer programs The former Munroe School is too small to accommodate both a new Senior Center and Supportive Da\ Care program, has limited parking, and is currentl` occupied b\ a communit\ arts center (See Exhibit E, Prelimmarn Project Cost Estimates, for information on renovation and/or construction costs for each of these four sites ) BEST OPTION RENOVATE EXISTING SENIOR CENTER AND MUNROE SCHOOL • The former Munroe School, in conjunction with the existing Muzze\ Senior Center presents the best approach. The current Senior Center would be substantiall\ renovated to house the Supportive Da\ Care program and social services, while the Senior Center social programs and activities would be housed in a renovated Munroe Center with expanded on-site parking. The new Senior Center at the former Munroe School could provide meeting and activit\ space for other communit\ needs in much the same wa` the Librarn meeting room does • The former Munroe School is the onl\ viable and reasonable currentl` identified site for a new Senior Center Apart from the former Munroe School,the SCAPC sees no near term solution for the COA programmatic needs The SCAPC is not aware of an additional Town- owned sites or existing buildings that will meet the COA s needs • If the Board authorizes feasibilit\ studies of these two sites within the next three months,then the renovations to Muzze\ and to the Munroe School could be completed for occupanc` b\ 2010 (See Exhibit F Prelimmarn Project Schedule ) RECOMMENDATIONS • The Board of Selectmen should determine before the 2006 annual town meeting how the former Munroe School can best serve the communit\ • If the Board of Selectmen decides that the Munroe School should be used for COA programs, then the SCAPC recommends that the Board immediatel` authorize the Permanent Building Committee to undertake a feasibilit\ stud\ to confirm that the existing Senior Center and Munroe School will accommodate the COA program,to develop cost estimates and to provide other needed information that would impact the scope of the renovations. (See Exhibit G Proposed Scope of Feasibilit\ Stud\ ) • Should the Board determine that the former Munroe School be used for some purpose other than COA programs,the SCAPC recommends that the Board of Selectmen establish a new committee whose charge would be to identif\ and acquire an appropriate site from a private part\ 3 SCHEDULE OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A. Committee Charge Exhibit B Committee Membership Exhibit C COA Program Worksheet Exhibit D Sites Considered Exhibit E Preliminary Project Cost Estimates Exhibit F Preliminary Project Schedule Exhibit G Proposed Scope of Feasibility Study Senior Center Action Plan Committee Exhibit C Council on Aging Program Worksheet Existing and Proposed Square Footage Existing November 2005 Program Element Spaces Proposal Comments Senior Center Existing spaces in Muzzey Condominium, 1475 Mass Ave Welcoming and Hospitality Entry' 424 500 Reception 100 150 Could be incorporated in administrative area Lounge/Waiting Area 400 Coat Closet 40 400 Storage 150 Janitor's Closet 80 Restrooms 543 500 Subtotal:Welcoming/Hospitality 1,107 2,180 Multipurpose Room Large studio that can be divided into three studios for Multipurpose Room 4,500 exercise classes,dining,other programs,kitchen at one end,place for risers/platform at other Multipurpose Room Storage 500 Stacking chairs,tables,AV equipment,etc Subtotal:Multipurpose Room 0 5,000 Fitness and Exercise Exercise/Dance Studios 935 0 Use multipurpose room that can be divided as needed Exercise Equipment Room 750 Limited number of aerobic exercise machines Billiards 350 Currently located in open exercise space Table Tennis 936 1,000 Two tables @ 500SF each Storage 200 Store table tennis tables when not used Subtotal: Fitness and Exercise 1,871 2,300 Classroom/Conference Rooms Muzzey Room 692 1,000 Muzzey Closet 96 0 Classrooms 335 1,100 Two @ 550 SF Conference Rooms 268 800 Two @ 400 SF Storage 200 Subtotal:Classrooms/Conference Rooms 1,391 3,100 I I Library,Shops,and Studios Library/Reading Room 280 600 Windowpane Shop 353 500 Windowpane Shop Storage 60 100 Elmer Bull Fix It Shop 368 700 Elmer Bull Fix It Shop Storage 100 Arts and Crafts Studio 1,200 One flexible space Ceramics Studio 0 Music Studio 0 Use multipurpose room Computer Storage 80 80 Laptops on carts for use in various spaces Subtotal:Library,Shops,and Studios 1,141 3,280 Counseling/Volunteer/Administrative Administrative Director 145 150 Private office Office Manager 121 80 Department Clerk 56 80 Volunteer Coordinator 120 New position Program Coordinator 184 120 New position Copier/Printer/Fax 65 Staff Break/Lunch Room 150 Same size as private office Subtotal:Administrative 506 765 SCAPC Report-Exhibit C, 1 Feb 06 1 of 2 1/31/06 Senior Center Action Plan Committee Exhibit C Council on Aging Program Worksheet Existing and Proposed Square Footage Existing November 2005 Program Element Spaces Proposal Comments Counseling Social Workers(3) 374 360 Private offices Three @ 120 SF Nurse 100 Veterans'Agent 100 Examination/Screening Rooms(2) 240 Two @ 120 SF Conference Room 150 Health Consultation 0 Included in Exam/Screening rooms Closet 42 0 Subtotal:Counseling 416 950 Subtotal:Counseling/Volunteer/Administrative 922 1,715 Food Services Dining Room 1,667 0 Use multipurpose room added above Kitchen 396 800 Located at one end of multipurpose room Dining Room/Kitchen Storage 112 50 See multipurpose room storage Subtotal: Food Services 2,175 850 Mechanical and circulation(30%) 766 5,528 No mechanical space accounted for in existing total Senior Center Subtotal 9,373 23,953 22 Mill St:Adult Supportive Day Care Dining/Activity Room 900 1,200 Assume 33%growth to 40 clients/day Activity Rooms(2) 288 400 Staff Offices 144 300 Kitchen and Laundry 350 Bathrooms and Lavatory 400 Garage(heated seating,access ramp) 500 Open porch 750 SF(15 x 50) Other 1,028 Plug figure to equal total area in ADC Report Mechanical and circulation(20%) 630 Adult Supportive Day Care Subtotal 2,360 3,780 Total Interior Space 11,733 27,733 Gross square feet Site Improvements/Site Requirements Parking and Traffic Circulation #of Parking Spaces for Residents 71 Muzzey total 131,each unit entitled to one space #of Parking Spaces for Senior Center 60 100 Meet additional peak parking needs on-street Site Required for Parking and Traffic Circulation Parking lot area(SF) 48,000 36,000 Assume 25%reduction from 131 existing spaces to 100 On-site roads and sidewalks(SF) 12,000 9,000 One-way entrance and exit Estimated Square Feet Required 60,000 45,000 Flower and Vegetable Garden 3,500 3,500 Outdoor Seating and Gathering Spaces 2,000 Building Footprint 14,000 Assume two-story building Total Site Requirement 63,500 64,500 At least 2 acres required Notes on Total Site Requirement 1 The"Total Site Requirement"of 64,500 square feet does not include any allowances for setbacks, landscaped buffers,etc 2 The configuration and topography of a site may limit site development Any site less than two acres may not be adequate SCAPC Report-Exhibit C, 1 Feb 06 2 of 2 1/31/06 Exhibit D Current Status of Originally Identified Sites Removed from consideration Lowell Street (May be unbuildable lot, has water/sewer problems) Meriam Street Parking Lot (Would require a multilevel building and underground parking) Metropolitan State Hospital (Recently researched, Kline Hall could not be made to work) Militia Drive (Privately owned, expensive, would require major renovations) Pelham Road (Highland Avenue) (Transferred to conservation) Walgreen's (Could not establish partnership with owner) North Street (Transferred to conservation) Not now available 430 Concord Avenue (Privately owned, existing buildings, remediation of land probably needed) Waldorf School (BOS voted in 2000 not to exercise town's option to acquire property; renovations costly; would have to eliminate playing field to accommodate parking) Harrington School (Under control of School Committee, needed for swing space for schools for several more years) Unlikely or Impractical 201 Bedford Street (BOS voted to retain DPW at site, not likely room for both facilities) Wood Street (Remote location, only accessible via a secondary road) Worthen Road (Under jurisdiction of School Committee, parking limited (and perhaps in competition with students, environmental concerns) Remaining possible sites Munroe Center (Site may be too small, especially if it is to accommodate Senior Center and Center for the Arts, parking limitations) Muzzey Play Field (Would eliminate a less-than-regulation size soccer playing field, question of `ownership' of the site) Harrington (9) Prepared bN Manan A.0 Cohen October 23 2005 Town of Lexington Senior Center Action Plan Committee Exhibit E Preliminary Project Cost Estimates Parking Renovations Construction Structure Total $213/SF $250/SF $20,000/space Project Cost Comments Harrington School 5,964,000 0 0 5,964,000 Renovate 28,000 SF of 55,000 SF available Meriam Street Parking Lot 0 7,000,000 2,000,000 9,000,000 100 parking spaces in garage for COA Muzzey Senior Center 1,996,449 0 0 1,996,449 Renovate existing 9,373 SF available Munroe School 4,526,676 0 0 4,526,676 Renovate 21,252 gross SF available Muzzey Field -New Construction 0 7,000,000 0 7,000,000 28,000 SF new building Muzzey Field -Renovate/Construct 1,996,449 4,500,000 0 6,496,449 Use existing Senior Center @ 9,373 SF Construct 18,000 SF on field Recommended Option: Renovate existing Senior Center and Munroe School Renovate Senior Center 1,996,449 Renovate Munroe School 4,526,676 Total Estimate 6,523,125 Notes and Assumptions 1 COA program requires 28,000 SF (including 4,000 SF for Adult Day)and 100 parking spaces 2 Phil Poinelli, Chair, Permanent Building Committee, suggests estimating new construction costs at$250/SF and major renovations at 85% of the cost of new construction (85% of$250/SF = $212 50/SF) 3 Harrington School cost of renovations does not include any costs for demolishing or renovating the roughly 27,000 SF remaining in the building that are not needed for COA programs 4 Meriam Street Parking Lot project cost estimate includes only a parking structure for the 100 cars to meet COA program requirements However, building a new senior center and adult supportive day facility and the associated parking structure would require building a parking structure to replace lost surface parking spaces SCAPC Report- Exhibit E, 2 Feb 06 1 of 1 1/29/06 TOWN OF LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER ACTION PLAN COMMITTEE EXHIBIT F PRELINIINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Activities 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q Predesign Evaluation of Alternative Sites b b b b Site Selection i Select Architect for Feasibility Study Design Feasibility Study b b Schematic Design b b Design Development b b b b Construction Documents b b b b Construction Administration b b b b b b b b Construction Bidding Groundbreaking 0 Construction b b b b b b b b Ribbon-Cutting Town Actions Selectmen approve site 1/ Selectmen report to TM. site selection,feasibility study preliminary budget and schedule COA reports to TM. feasibility conceptual design,budget, schedule: TM appropriates design funds TM approves project cost and debt 1/ exclusion override Debt Exclusion Override Vote 1/ 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 SCAPC Report -Exhibit F 1 Feb 06 Page 1 of 1 1/29/06 Senior Center Action Plan Committee EXHIBIT G PROPOSED SCOPE OF FEASIBILITY STUDY OBJECTIVE OF THE FEASIBILITY STUDY • To determine the scope and cost of renovations, upgrades, and additions to the existing Muzzey Senior Center and to the former Munroe School to support the Council on Aging's anticipated program needs for the next 15 years. SCOPE OF NECESSARY SERVICES Facilities Audits Perform facilities audits of the Muzzey Senior Center and the Munroe School to assess the existing condition of all building components, including, but not limited to parking areas and on- site roadways the building envelope structural systems mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems fire alarm and fire protection systems elevators interior finishes etc Code Compliance Review Identif` all upgrades and improvements to the Muzzey Senior Center and the Munroe School needed to enable these facilities to comply with all relevant and current building codes, accessibility regulations, and other regulations governing use of these facilities by and for seniors Zoning and Other Town Regulations Identif` and document all zoning requirements that would affect changes or additions to the Muzzey Senior Center and Munroe School, including zoning provisions that would govern building and site development on the Munroe play field. Historic Districts Commission Jurisdiction Determine the extent to which the Historic Districts Commission has jurisdiction over building additions, new construction, and exterior changes to the Muzzey Senior Center and to the Munroe School. Conceptual Site Plan and Floor Plan Options Prepare conceptual site plans and floor plans demonstrating the extent to which the existing Muzzey Senior Center and Munroe School would accommodate the COA s program space requirements The conceptual site plan for the Munroe School site should demonstrate alternatives for parking and building an addition to the school or a new buildings on Munroe playfield. Cost Estimates Prepare and present order of magnitude construction and project cost estimates, including costs per square foot, for the all options identified. Schedules Prepare and present schedules for each option showing estimated time required for annual and special town meeting approvals, design, construction, and occupancy. Ranking and Recommendations Rank the options and recommend the option that will provide the most cost-effective and administratively straightforward approach to addressing the COA s program needs SCAPC Report-Exhibit G, 1 Feb 06