HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-14-Hastings-min School Council Minutes February 12, 2004 Present: Jennifer Hertzel, Susan Campbell, Barbara Lockwood, Jessie Steigerwald, Bette Piece, Maria Maxon, Tammy Mulligan, Janet Lane, Lynne Stinson 1-PLANNING THE FEB. 13 BUDGET MEETING : Jessie will explain how the budget is formed, what stage it is in now, and where parents can participate and give input. We’ll meet in the cafeteria. Tammy will bring coffee and munchkins. We will circulate index cards for questions following the presenters. Jessie will group like questions and Tammy will state the questions. Barbara Lockwood will come representing teachers. JoAnne Benton will come. She has stated 1.5 million additional cuts are coming if there is no override (flat funding) because of increases in contractual obligations. We’ll have copies of her two tiered priority list of restoration funds should some level of override be approved. Tom Griffiths, Helen Cohen, Tony Close from School Committee will come Dawn McKenna from Board of Selectman Lucy Lockwood, Larry Belvin, Bob Phelean, Tom Hardin from Town Meeting will come. WEEKLY BULLETIN For people who can’t come, the weekly bulletin should list some information sources and ways to get involved. 2- SCHOOL BUDGET OUTLOOK The budget is currently cut “to the bone”. On paper it may not look so bad. For example: The Hastings Assistant principal is theoretically available but she is on site when Lynne has to be away. Two half days is not enough to provide a real presence at the school. Having the assistant principal position in the budget looks as if more resources are available than in truth she can provide. E.G. Lynne now has to track down teacher’s qualifications, licenses, PDP to comply with No Child Left Behind– this function previously done by other supports. Winchester has closed its town library. Some people Lincoln discussing eliminating METCO. Last time Lexington replaced 146K in state funding reductions to METCO by finding grant money. No replacement funds available this year. Current proposals include 4 more personnel cuts to the central office, 18-20 town wide positions in school system. Joanne Benton’s estimates of a needs-based budget (no frills) would require a 7.3% increase, not even replacing those things that have been cut. Feb. 24 Summit Meeting between Selectman and School Committee Feb. 25 Final Vote on the budget 3- SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS Postponed this discussion to next meeting. We should be actively recruiting interest and inviting interested people to attend. 4- VOLUNTEEERISM MEETING REPORT a) Survey results posed questions of duplicating efforts, am I needed or wanted in the classroom? b) School Council after school meeting focused on questions of how to sustain efforts. Volunteers were flexible about the specifics of where they worked, although they had preference areas. For example interest in science support, but not specific to any one Volunteers want to work where they are needed. project or program. THEME: Other themes: More communication between committees important. More training needed. How can we avoid reinventing the wheel as parents pass to new schools and new parents take over programs. Need to know where the PTA money is going to make direct ties between fund raising and its importance to the school How to avoid Burnout? c) PTA evening meetings- Lynne attended. The two meetings yielded very different results. PTA and School Council task force need to meet to assess results. Using these 3 modes of getting feedback was a good idea. Broader more representative sample. 5- QUESTIONS RE: THE SNOW BALL A very successful fund raising event. (18K raised!), but one member observed there was a lack of racial and ethnic diversity at the event. Few Asian and no people of color, no families from Boston. Several couples came that had no children in the school. Neighbors invited neighbors. Was there any way that the event was planned that would make it uncomfortable for people of color? Was there a competing event? It was observed that the SNOW BALL pamphlet cover was quite elegant and that there was little information about what kind of an event it was going to be (sit down at tables, roam a room standing? dancing? concert? ) Did the word “ball” sound like a black tie affair? Although people wore a wide range of styles, some may have had the impression they needed fine clothes for this event. Did that keep people away? It was the first event of it’s kind so there was an element of risk taking some may not have wanted to venture. Lynne will take this question to the Anti-bias committee. She will also ask about planning for the fair in ways that make it more inviting to people of color. Lynne observed there were no staff people there other than the principal and that it is in the Hastings culture that staff doesn’t socialize with parents. 6- SCHOOL SURVEY TABULATION We began by reading the children’s responses, which were brief. Themes included: better food, more gym, choice and recess, art, music. Kids enjoyed donating food and all subject areas were mentioned. Kids asked for “No bullies”, and better peer behavior, more drinking fountains, no being talked down to, friendlier supervision, relaxed toys at school policies. We propose we share the results of both surveys with the children in abbreviated form at all school meeting. Adult surveys were in many cases detailed and will take more time to tabulate. Lynne had read all the adult responses prior to our meeting. Most reflected satisfaction with teachers, frustration about parking and the end of the school day, some criticism with the principal, and many responses that were contradictory (one parent’s observations or wishes taking an opposite position from another parent’s). (RE parking one person suggested buses go to the end of the road by kindergarten and that parents use the circular drive for drop off and pick up). We gave several survey responses to everyone present who will summarize responses and email them to Janet Lane to collate and report back. We should share the results of both surveys with adults through our weekly bulletin, or possibly a letter home to parents. Survey results and how to share them will be discussed at our next School Council meeting. NEXT MEETING: MARCH 11, 3:45 at Hastings School.