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heeting called to order by the Moderator, Robert E. Holt, at
8:09 2.1d.
There were 172 Town ileetTng Members present.
Article 2. George C. Sheldon, Chairman of the Appropriation
Committee, presented the Appropriation Committee Report, moving
same be accepted and placed on file. Seconded and voted unanimously
at 8:10 P.M.
Article 2, A. Randall Soderberg, Chairman of the Airpert Com
mission, read the report of the Commission, moving same be accePted,
filed, and Commission be discharged. Seconded and so voted,
8:15 D.M.
Article 2, F. Stanley Love presented the following:-
move, that a Committee of three be appointed by the Moderator,
within thirty days, from the Town Meeting Members, to investigate
our Publib Telfare situation, and that Committee to make recommendations
endeavoring to reduce our welfare costs.
Carried Unanimous 8;19
Article 2, Selectman, Archibald R. Giroux, presents the foll-
VOTED:' That it is the sense of the Town Meetins that the Sel-
ect-len shall appoint a Committee of Five to make a complete study
of salaries of all Town employees for the establishing of minimums,
maximums,' and automatic increases, or any other matters -oertaining
thereto; this report to be submitted to t-ne Selectmen before December
1, 1041, Carried Unanimous 8:24 P.M.
Selectman, Archibald R. Giroux, moves to lay Article 2 on the
table . Carried Unanimous 8:24
Article 3. Presented by Selectman Archibald R. Giroux;-
. VOTED: That the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Sel-
ectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to
time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning
January 1, 1942, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable with-
in one year' and GO renew any note or notes as may be given for a period
of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44,
Genera' Lars , Carried Unanimous 8:25 P.M.
ArtiCle 4, Presented by Selectman Archibald R. Giroux;-
VOTED: That the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Sel-
ectmen, be and hereby is authorized to refund any or all of the rev-
enae note S issued in anticipation of the revenue of the year 1941,
In accord-ance with the provisions of Section 17, Chapter 44, General
Laws; any debt so incurred to be paid from the revenue of the year
1941. Carried Unanimous 8:25 P.M.
Article 32, Presented by Randall E. 7-_ouc,ehton;-
70=12: That the sum of ( 11/814.00 be appropriated for the pear-
chase and installation of an Automatic Sprinkler System for the Lex-
ington Junior-Senior High School, to be expended under the direction
of the School Committee . To meet said aPpropriation, the sum of
'1e1,902.87 be transferred from School Department Sprinklers—Hancock
School, andthatc9,321.13 be raised from the revenue of the current
Amendment -resented by Selectman A, Edward Rowse, total be
e8100 .00, ,(el992.87 be transferred from School Department Sprinklers-
Hancock School, 6107.13 be aloropriated.
Amendment declared lost 8:41 P.M.
Main motion as presented declared carried 8:42 P.71.
Selectman Archibald R. Giroux moves to tq14-e Article 2 from
table. Carried Unanimous 6:42 PQM
Article 2® Presented by Selectman Archibald R. _4-iroux;-
VOTED: That the Moderator appoint a Committee of three ( 3)
to study the question of Civil Service for all Town Employees,
this Committee to re'cort its recommendations at a later Town. Meet-
ing. Carried Unanimous 8:42 P.M.
Seleotrar„ Archibald R. Giroux moves to take Article 5, with
the following being presented by the Moderator, Robert H. Holt:
Arts 5, VOTED: That the following amounts be appropriated and
assessed for the current year:
Appropriation Committee
Personal Serv-ices 6OO,CC
Expenses 425.00
Carried Unanimously 8:49 P.M.
Selectmerls Department
Personal Services 9Z5 33
Expenses 174200
Carried Unanimously 8:56 P.M.
Accounting Department
Personal Services 4,526,50
Expenses 205.00
Carried Unanimously 3:56 P.M.
Treasurers Department
Personal Services f4,634.67
( Of which ; 1,000.00 is for salary of Town Treasp_rer)
Expenses 517.00
Carried Unanimously 8:37
Other Finance Offices L. Accounts
Expenses F?150.00
Carried Unanimously 6:57 P.M.
Collectors Department
Personal Services 4,936,67
( Of which 25850.00 is for salary of Tax Collector)
Expenses 1,553fp,1
Carried Unanimously 8: 57 P.M,
Assessors Derartment
Personal Services ':p50761.33
Expenses 485.00
Carried Unanimously 3: 58
Law De-cartment
Personal ServIces ,21,L,-CO 0 L.Or)
Expenses 300.00
Car-led Unanimously 8: 58 P.M.
Town Clerks Deoartment
„p .
Personal Services 2,4333
( OP which ;?1,800.00 is for salary of the Town Clerk)
Expenses 180.12
Carried Unanimously 8:38 P.M.
Elections Department ( Jurisdiction of Selectmen)
::: : es 488,5C
Carried Unanimously 3:39 P.1,1.
Elect7ong Deoc? tment ( Jurisdiction of Town Clerk)
Ex-Denses (,;,133,07)
Carried Unanimously 8:59 P.21.
• 587
Registration Department
Personal Services 469 .00
Carried Unanimously 3: 59 Poll,
Public 7:orq - Superintendent' s Office
Personal Services r
-,LL 382 67
Expenses 150,00
Carried Unanimously 9:00 P.M.
To-wn Offices 3: Cary Memorial Building
Personal Services $,D99,67
Expenses 6,225,00
Carried Unanimous15, 9:00
Engineering Department
Personal Services
Expenses 875,00
Carried Unanimously 9:00 P.M.
Planning Board
Excenqes 25000
Carried Unanimously 9:01 P,T'�7®
Board of Appeals
Expenses g ' 00.30„)
Carried Unanimously 9:07 P.71.
Board of Retirement
Expenses 1-)253000
Carried Unanimously 9: 01 P.M,
Selectman, Archibald R. Giroux, moves to lay Article 5 on
;he table. Carried Unanimously 9:01 P.7.,
Selectman, Archibald R. Giroux„ moves to take up Article 29.
objections-No from the To-Tri Meeting Members,
embers. Carried Unanimously 9:02 P.M,
29 , VOTED: That the To-1n aoprocriate the sum of • 2,435.515
for the purchase of a radio transmitter and necessary
equipment therefor for the Police Department, this money
to be provided from the revenue of the current yea-r'.
Motion by William R. Greeley as a substitate motion, be re-
ferred to Planning Board or Committee for further investigation
to be reported at Next Adjourned Torn Meeting,
Declared Lost 9: 73 P.M.
Main motion as presented Declared Carried 9 :16
Selectman, Archibald F. Giroux, moves to take Article 2 from
the table. No objections, Carried Unanimously 9: 16 PoTi.
Art , 2, VOTED: That a committee of three be appointed by the
Moderator to have charge of the Cary Lectures for the
seasoc. 1947-1942,
Carried Unanimously 9 : 16
Selectman, Archibald R. Giroux, moves to take Article 5 from
the table. No objections , Carried Unanimously 9: 17 F.M.
Art , 5, Presented by the Moderator, Robert H. Foil- ,
Police Department
Personal Services 38,553,29
Carried Unanimously 9 : 17 F0:10
Fire Department
Personal Services 33,330,50
Expenses 9,155.00
Carried Uriainously 9:18 D.M.
Building Depa-tnert
Personal Services .1, 100 .00
Exo_ -
ses 118,T5
Carried Unanimously 9 :18 P.M.
7-Ire Department
Personal Services
Expenses 100 .00
Carried Unanimously 9: 18 P.14,
Weights & Measures
Personal Services
;?°00 .00
Expenses 230 ,00
Carr- ed Uraninously 9: 18 P.i"I®
Insect Suppression
Personal Services Car, 9:2A- 300600
Expenses & Tec.es 4, 520,00
:lotion by Selectman, A, Eduard Ro-gse, that wages and
expenses by amended to read 3,300.00 instead of 4, 520.00 .
Amendment carried 9:23 P :„
Amended; 'a-es & Expenses 39 300 00
Carried 9: 24 P.:=1,
Shade Trees
Expenses 1,415,00
Carried. Unanimously 9:24 P.M.
Forest Fires
Personal Services 200,00
7a-es and Expenses 1,200 .00
Carried Unanimously 9: 24 P.1:,
Dog Officer
Personal Services 100.00
Expenses 10 ,00
Carried. Unanimously 9:25 P.I .
Eealth Department
Personal Services
Expenses 5,500.00
Carried Unanimously 9 : 25 P.M.
Tdilk Inspector
Personal Services 300,00
Carried Unanimously 9: 25 P.M.
Dog Clinic
Expenses j?'475,00
Carried Unanimously 9:25 P.M.
Dental Clinic
Personal Servicegcl '750•On
Expenses 100.00
Carried Unanimously 9: 25 P.71,
Posture Clinic
Expenses 625.00
Carried Unanimously 9:25 72,, „
Vital Statistics
Expenses 25.00
Carried Unanimously 9: 26 P.M.
Animal Inspection
Personal Services ;4:500,00
Carried Unanimously 9: 26 P.M,
S1auL7'-iterin Inspection
, .
Personal Services 30000
Carried Unanimously 9:23 Pe-:.
Plumbing Department
Personal Services 875.00
Lxpenses 128.75
Carried Unanimously 9: 26 P.M..
Sewer Maintenance
,Personal Services 21_,249.58
.Tages C): Expenses 3,--((-'0 cr
1' lk ..,
Carried Unanimously 9:27 P.M.
Sewer Services
7:ages ±xpenses 21500.00
Carried Unanimously 9: 27 P.M.
. Surface Drainage Construction .
Wages & Expenses ,,2„650.00
Amendment presented by William Y. Aquaro that total amount
be made to read ; 5,700 .00, to include the work on Eow Street.
Amendment Carried 9:32 P.M.
Hain motion as amended for ;;351700.00 doubted.. Rising votes
) taken as follows:
In Favor Tellers Opposed
25 Arthur E. 0-raves 9
73 Lester T. Redman 17
25 Richard Rowse 2
7775 Total 28
Carried 9 :35 P.H.
Care of Dumps Cc Removal of Ashes
-ac-es (:c ExpensesSIp *900 00
Carried Unanimously 9:35 P.M.
Garbage Collection
Expenses 5,
T) 2300.00
. Carried Unanimously 9:36 P.M.
H" .0-hwa-7.
-,,,.._ , Maintenance
Personal Services
;-, 2,531.34
Wages & xpenses 36,000.00
Carried Unanimously 9:36 P.M.
Snow Removal
Wages C.: Expenses 0.7,500000
Motion -made by Selectman, A. Edward Rowse, tu,,,,, 3s.le amount
be reduced to 15,500 .00. Amendment put to vote, same do'.7..bted.
Rising vote taken as follows:
In Favor . Teller Opposed.
13 Arthur E. Graves 21
.56 Lester T. Redman 33
14 Richard Rowse 18 Z.
Total 79
Carried 9:48 v .H.
Snow Removal
Wages C- ExpensesN.1.0,-- -, _-,
gp .-
v 5u ,
- ,
Carried Unanimously 9: 48 P.M.
Traffic Regulation & Control
Wages C.: Expenses j31,500,00
Carried Unanimously 9:49 P.M.
Street Lights
Expenses 22,700,00
- Carried Unanimously 9: 49 P.M.
Street Signs
Wages & Expenses 400.00
Car-ledUnalimously 2 : 49 P.H.
590 y
Ei2hway Department - Road Machinery
Expenses ,10P-00 00
( This amount to be transferred from the Road Machinery Fund
Carried Unanimously 9:51 P.M.
Public yelfare
Personal Services %)4,122.00
To-1n Physician 750.00
Administration Items 975.00
Commodity Distribution
Carried Unanimously 9:53 P.M.
ExPenses 063,000.00
Selectman, A. Edward Rowse, moves the amount be reduced
to 157,000.00. Amendment as presented Carried 10:09
Aid & Expenses 6'570000.00
Carried 10:09 D,Td,
Dependent -Children Aid
Personal Services • 602,34
Administration 35.00
Aid & Expenses 13,000.00
Carried Unanimously 10: 10 PeT1,
Old Age Assistance
Personal Services
Administration Items 125.00
Carried Unanimously 10:10 D.M.
Soldiers Relief
Personal Services S 384.33
.Administration 15.00
Aid ?„: Expenses 7,000.00
Carried Unanimously 10: 10 P.V..
State Aid
CashC-rnts 900.00
Carried Unanimously 10:10
::ilitary Aid
Cash rs,rqnts
Carried Unanimously 10: 11 P.M.
Soldiers Burials
- Burial Expenses p.100,00
Carried Unanimously 10:11 P.TI.
Old Age Assistance
Aid Zr Expenses -$30 000.00
Carried Unanimously 10:13 P.71,
School I:aintenance
Personal Services D184„628.33
Expenses 380 025.00
Americanization Classes 203,00
Vocational Education: Thition556 0")
„3 a _
Carried Unanimously 16 : 14 P.M.
Cary Llemorial Library and Branch
Personal ServicesP-n
Expenses 4,620,00
(Thicil includes the amount received by the To7./n for dog fees,)
Carried Unanimously 10: 15
Parks 2z Playgrounds
Personal Services 4,229067
7ages Z: Expenses 1G,4253O
Amendment presented by Dec: 2e C. Sheldon, to reduce per-
sonal services to 3,884.67® Amendment: Carried 10:16
Personal Services 3,884.67
-a.P.7es 2- Expenses 10, 425.00
Carried 10:16
Te-lora- Day
Expenses 2250.0.0
Carried Unanimously 10: 1- FJe
Patriots Day
Expenses _3500,00
Carried Unanimously 10: 17
Fire Department
Carried Unanimously 10: 17 P.E.
Contributory Retirement System
Pension Accumulation Fund 0_3,777,00
Interest Deficiency on Funds 404,77
Carried Unanimously 10:18 P,M,
Public Works Building
Wages & Expenses 0,760,50
Carried Unanimously 10:18 P.M,
Premiuns 8,300.00
George C. Sheldon moves amount be amended to " 5,500.000
Amendment vithdrawn,
Amendment presented by Harold 5, Lamont to read 5,900.00 .
Amendment declared lost 10: 26 P.M.
Hein motion presented, Philip M, Clark moves to lay motion on
the table, Same lost 10: 27 P.M.
Main motion presented.
Premiums „D8,300 .00
Carried Unanimously 10:28 P.M.
Administration of Trust Funds
Expenses ,!?' 70,00
Carried Unanimously 10: 29 P,M.
Tom Report
Expenses 627 ,51
Carried Unanimously 10: 29 P,M„
Ambulance Maintenance
Expenses 209 .00
Carried Unanimously 10: 29 P.M.
Expenses fl3325,00
Carried Unanimously 10: 29 P.M.
Water Maintenance
Personal Services 4,684,18
Waes Ez Expenses 19,200.03
Carried Unanimously 10:29 P.M.
Water Services
Wages & Expenses 7,000,00
Carried Unanimously 10:30 P.M.
Cemetery Maintenance - Munroe
Personal Services 300.00
Ta7es & Expenses 1 ,953.03
Carried Unanimously 10:30 P,M,
Cemetery Maintenance - Westview
Perso-nPlServices (1,A.)
Th-es a. Expenses 3,063.90
( Of which ;23,060,00 is to be provided by transfer
from Westview Cemetery Sale of Lots Fund)
Carried Unanimously 10:30 P„-I.
Interest on Debt
Interest )9,523.75
Carried Unanimously 10:30 D.M.
Maturing Debt 74,202.00
Carried Unanimously 10:30 P,M.
Meeting adjourned until April 7, 1941, Unanimous 70:32 P®M
Attest: In 7erz
HELD, APRIL 7 ,1941 ..
Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Robert H. Holt,
at 8:08 P.M.
There were 167 Town Meeting Members present.
Selectman, Archibald R. Giroux, moves to have Article 5 re-
opened. No objections from Town Meeting Members.
Carried Unanimously 8:09 P.M.
Art. 5. VOTED: That the sum of 55, 500.00 be transferred from the
Sewer Assessment Fund and the sum of $14,000.00 be trans-
ferred from Water Department Available Surplus Account to
meet, in part, the appropriation already made for Maturing
Debt - the transfer from the Sewer Assessment Fund to meet,
in part, the maturities of Sewer Loans and the transfer
from Water Department Available Surplus Accountto meet
the maturities of Water Loans as included in Maturing Debt.
Carried Unanimously 8:10 P .M.
Note : Unless otherwise noted all articles presented by Selectman,
Archibald R. Giroux.
Art. 6. VOTED: That the following unexpended appropriation
balance be transferred to the Excess and Deficiency Account:
From Engineering Department - Automobile
Replacement $ .31.80
From Loam Supply Development 182.04
From Demolition of Old Adams School 50.00
FURTHER VOTED: That the following transfer be made to
the Water Department Available Surplus Account :
From Water Construction - Elimination of Dead Ends-
Grant Street $741.85
Carried Unanimously 8:10 P.M.
Art. 7. VO'1'ED: That the Assessors be authorized to use an amount
not in excess of $25 ,000.00 from the Excess and Deficiency
Account toward the reduction of the 1941 tax rate.
Carried Unanimously 8:10 P.M.
Art. 8. Indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 8:11 P.M.
Art. 9. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to sell
and convey any of the real estate acquired by the Town by
foreclosure of tax titles, upon such terms and conditions
as they may approve.
Carried Unanimously 8:12 P.M.
Art. 10. VOTED : That the sum of $15,000.00 be appropriated for
the Reserve Fund, as provided by Chapter 40, Section 6,
General Laws.
Selectman, A. Edward Rowse, makes an amendment to the Article
to read 47 ,000.00. On the motion of A. Edward Rowse to amend to
$7 ,000.00 ; same being doubted. Rising vote was taken as follows:
In Favor Tellers Opposed
17 Arthur E. Graves 19
62 Everett E. Morrill 24
11 William R. Greeley 22
90 Total �5
Carried 8:40 P.M.
Art. 10. ,VOTED: That the sum of $7 ,000.00 be appropriated for the Re-
serve Fund, as provided by Chapter 40 , Section 6, General Laws.
Carried Unanimously 8:40 P.M.
Art. 11. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to pe-
tition the Director of Accounts of the State for an audit
for the year 1941.
Carried Unanimously 8:41 P.M.
Art. 12. VOTED : That the Selectmen be authorized to install
water mains not less than 6" nor more than 16" in
diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be
applied for during the year 1941, and to take by emi-
nent domain any necessary easements theref or and for
the purpose of said installation the sum of 440, 000.00
be appropriated, and that the Town Treasurer be and
hereby is authorized to sell under the direction of
and with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, bonds
or notes of the Town issued and payable in accordance
with the law, for a period not exceeding eight years.
VOTED : That the water mains installed during the year
1941 in accordance with the vote taken under Article
12 of the Annual War-rant shall be subject to the
Assessment of betterments, in accordance with authority
contained in the By-laws of the Town.
Carried Unanimously 8:42 P.M.
Art. 13. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to install
sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as
may be applied for during the year 1941 in accordance
with St. 1897 , Ch. 504, as amended, or otherwise,
and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements
therefor, and for the purpose of said installation
the sum of $8,000.00 be appropriated from the revenue
of the current year.
The following amendment presented as a substitute motion
by Selectman, A. Edward Rowse :
Article 13. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to in- j
stall sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted
streets as may be applied for during the year 1941
in accordance with St. 1897 , Ch. 504 as amended,
or otherwise , and to take by eminent domain any
necessary easements therefor, and for the purpose
of said installations the sum of $8,000.00 be appro-
priated, and that the town treasurer be and hereby
is authorized to sell under the direction of ands?w
with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, bonds
or notes of the town issued and payable in accord-
ance with the law for a period not exceeding eight
Substitute motion declared carried, which was
doubted and a rising vote taken as follows :
In Favor Tellers Opposed
22 Arthur E. Graves 13
78 Everett E. Morrill 10
14 William R. Greeley 11
114 Total 34
Being a 2/3 vote, substitute motion carried 8:50 P.M._
Art. 14. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to construct
granolithic or bituminous concrete sidewalks in such
streets as they may determine , subject to the assess-
ment of betterments in accordance with G.L. Ch. 80,
and for the purpose of said construction the Select-
men be authorized to use the unexpended balance in
the Sidewalk Construction Account.
Carried Unanimously 8:51 P.M. -
Art. 15. VOTD : That the Selectmen be authorized to install
street lights in the following unaccepted streets :
Richard Road ; Lexington Avenue.
Carried Unanimously 8: 51 P.M.
Art. 16. VOTED : That the Town raise and appropriate the sum of
$15,400.00 for providing co-operation with the Federal
Government in unemployment relief and other projects, of
direct or indirect benefit to the town or its inhabitants ,
said sum to be provided from the revenue of the current
year and expended under the direction of the Selectmen.
Carried Unanimously 8: 52 P.M.
Art. 17. VOTED : That the Town raise and appropriate the sum of
$340.00 to be expended under the direction of the Select-
men for the purchase of materials and equipment and for
wages of superintendence on public works for which the
Town has power to appropriate money to be designated by
the Selectmen, in which works recipients of welfare aid
from the Town may be required to work.
Carried Unanimously 8:53 P.M.
Art. 18. Presented by Randall B. Houghton, Chairman School Com-
mittee , as follows :
VOTED: That the slim of 4100.00 be appropriated and
assessed to pay the necessary expenses of School
Officers incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing
information upon matters in which the Town is interested
or which may tend to improve the service in the School
Carried Unanimously 5:54 P. Z.
Art. 19. VOTED : That the sum of $1,000.00 be appropriated and
assessed for highway maintenance ; said sum, or any portion
thereof to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen
and to be used in conjunction with any money which may be
allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose.
Carried Unanimously 8:54 P.M.
Art. 20. VOTED : That the sum of $5,000.00 be appropriated and
assessed for the construction of Spring Street ; said sum,
or any portion thereof, to be expended under the direction
of the Selectmen and to be used in conjunction with any
money which may be allotted by the State or County, or
both, for this purpose.
Carried Unanimously 8: 55 P.M.
Art. 21. VOTED: That the sum of $1,000.00 be appropriated and
assessed for the installation of curbing in Woburn Street,
said money to be provided from revenue of the current year.
Carried Unanimously 5:55 P.M.
Art. 22. VOTED : That the Selectmen be authorized to construct and
improve Follen Road , and for this purpose the sum of
$18,000.00 be appropriated , of which 43 ,000.00 shall be
provided from revenue of the current year, and that the
Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell,
under the direction of and with the approval of the Board
of Selectmen, bonds or notes of the Town in the sum of
$15 ,000.00 , issued and payable in accordance with the law,
for a period not exceeding five years.
Carried Unanimously 8: 56 P.M.
Art. 23. VOTED : That the Town accept the layout as a town way of
Patriots Drive, from Meriam Street a. distance of approx-
imately 793 feet, as laid out by the Selectmen, and shown
upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk dated
February 27 , 1941.
Carried Unanimously 8:58 P.M.
Art. 24. VOTED : That the Town purchase from Robert C. Merriam
the water main and appurtenances , the sewer main, and
the drainage system constructed by him in Patriots
Drive , and for this purpose the sum of $700.00 be appro-
priated, this sum to be provided by transfer from the
Water Department - Available Surplus Account.
Carried Unanimously 8:59 P.M.
Art. 25. VOTED : That the Town accept the layout as a town way
of Patriots Drive, from Edgewood Road, a. distance of
approximately 305 feet in a southwesterly direction,
as laid out by the Selectmen, under the Betterment
Act , and shown upon a. certain- plan on file in the
office of the Town Clerk, dated February 27 , 1941,
and for this purpose the sum of a1500.00 be appro-
priated, said money to be provided from the revenue
of the current year.
Carried Unanimously 9 :00 P.M.
Art. 26. VOTED : That the Town purchase from the Lexington
Trust Company the water pipe and appurtenances in
Blake and Preston Roads, and for this purpose the
sum of $1,415.47 be appropriated, this sum to be
provided by transfer from the Water Department-
Available Surplus Account.
Carried Unanimously 9 :01 P.M.
Art. 27. VOTED: That the Town appropriate the sumof $1,450.00
for the improvement of the traffic control system at
the junction of Marrett Road and Waltham Street.
Carried Unanimously 9 :01 P.M.
Art. 2$. Presented by Randall B. Houghton, Chairman of the
School Committee :
VOTED: That the sum of $1,000.00 be appropriated
for the installation of a new lighting system at the
Cary Memorial Library, said money to be provided
from revenue of the current year.
Carried Unanimously 9:07 P.M.
Art. 30. VOTED: That the Town appropriate the sum of $4,600.00
for the purpose of erecting a fence to enclose the new
fields at the Center Playground, and for any other items
in connection with the fields, this money to be provided
from the revenue of the current year.
General Discussion by various speakers. Selectman, A.Edward
Rowse proposing postponing for one year. Main motion presented,
voted upon and Declared Lost 9:20 P.M.
Art. 31. VOTED: That the Town appropriate the sum of $1,650.00
for• the installation of a water main and service to
the Center Playground, this money to be provided from
the revenue of the current year.
Carried Unanimously 9:20 P.M.
Art. 33. VOTED: That the Town accept a gift of $5,000.00 under
the will of Leroy S. Brown, the income to be used to
help defray the expenses of the 19th of April celebra-
tion, and that said bequest be under the jurisdiction
of the Trustees of Public Trusts.
Carried Unanimously 9 :20 P.M.
Art. 34. VOTED: That the Town accept a gift from the Boston
and Maine Railroad of the driveways leading from
Massachusetts Avenue to the railroad station in Lexington
Center, containing 20 ,630 square feet , more or less, upon
the condition that the same shall be forever kept open and
used for highway and sidewalk purposes.
Carried Unanimously 9 :21 P.M.
Art. 35. VOTED : That the Town accept th4 layout as a town way
of the driveways leading from Massachusetts Avenue to
the railroad station in Lexington Center, containing
20,630 square feet, more or less, as laid out by the
Selectmen, and shown upon a plan on file in the office
of the Town Clerk dated March 24, 1941.
Carried Unanimously 9 :21 P.M.
Art. 36. 'Presented by Town Counsel, Sydney R. Wrightington:
VOTED: That the Town accept General Laws, Ch. 41 ,
sec. 100 A as inserted by St. 1931, Ch. 458, sec. 4,
as amended by St. 1934, Ch. 291. sec. 3.
Carried Unanimously 9 :28 P.M.
Art. 37. Presented by Town Counsel, Sydney R. Wrightington:
VOTED : That the Town indemnify Wallace C. Weisinger
against a claim of Helen B. Matthews for property damage
to her automobile resulting from a collision with a snow-
plow and that for the purpose of settling said case in
accordance with the Auditor' s report, the sum of $145.95
be appropriated and assessed.
Carried Unanimously 9 :28 P.M.
Art. 38. VOTED: That the sum of $150.00 be appropriated to cover
the expenses of printing the proposed Building and Plumbing
By-laws of the Town for distribution to the Town Meeting
Members, this money to be provided from the revenue of the
current year.
Carried Unanimously 9 :29 P.M.
Art. 39. VOTED: That the Town appropriate the sum of $625.00 for
the installation of fire alarm boxes, this money to be
provided from the revenue of the current year.
Carried Unanimously 9 :30 P.M.
Art. 40. VOTED : That the Town appropriate the sum of $425.00 for
the purchase of a resuscitator for the Fire Department, this
money to be provided from the revenue of the current year.
Carried Unanimously 9 :30 P.M.
Art. 41. VOTED : That the Town install the Federal Surplus Commodity
Stamp Plan and purchase Federal Surplus Commodity Stamps
for use under the direction of the Welfare Department
and the Selectmen, as the Board of Public Welfare , are
authorized to conform to the regulations of the Federal
Surplus Commodity Administration and to incur expense
incidental thereto.
FURTER VOTED : That for the purpose of purchasing
Federal Surplus Commodity Stamps, the sum of $3 ,000.00
be appropriated and assessed.
Carried Unanimously 9:31 P.M.
Art. 42. Indefinitely postponed.
Carried Unanimously 9 :32 P.M.
Art. 43. resented by Town Counsel, Sydney R. Wrightington.
VOTED: That ;the "Town amend the amendment to Article V,
sec. 2 (a) of the building By-law adopted January 15 ,
1940 by substituting therefor the following:
"Article V, sec. 2 (a) . Before approval by the
Board of Survey of a subdivision plat under G.L. Ch.
41, sec. 81-F, it shall require that the ways laid out
on such plat shall co-ordinate with other existing or
proposed streets with which they may connect, and 'it
shall require such provisions for the disposal of sur-
face water as will prevent damage to the said streets
and utilities and to other ways in the town, and shall
require an agreement by the subdivider, to construct the
ways and/or utilities in the manner and location shown
on said plat as finally approved, within a reasonable
time, to be specified in said agreement , and to conform
to the regulations of the Board of Survey regarding such
construction, performance of which agreement sahll -he
secured by a performance bond in form approved by the
Board of Survey with a surety company, authorized to do
business in Massachusetts , as surety, in such form and
such penal sum, equal to the estimated reasonable cost
of construction, as the Board of Survey shall determine ,
as liquidated damages. Tn place of a surety,rbond the
Board may accept cash or obligations of the united States
of America or of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in
a face amount equal to the estimated reasonable cost of
such construction."
Vote not unanimous, therefore, rising vote taken as follows:
In Favor Tellers Opposed
30 Arthur E. Graves 0
75 Everett E. Morrill 2
32 William R. Greeley 1 •
137 Total 3
Carried 9 :40 P.M.
Art. 44. Presented by Town Clerk, James J. Carroll:
VOTED : That the Town accept Sec. 103A of Ch. 54 of the
General Laws as amended by Ch. 77 of the Acts of 1937.
Carried Unanimously 9 :41 P.M.
Art. 45. VOTED : That it is the sense of the meeting that the
Selectmen should, so far as they legally can, protect the
position of any persons employed by the Town who may be
called for service with the armed forces of the United
States or any subdivision thereof during the present
emergency, so that they may be restored to their posi-
tion and rating upon their return from service , if they
so desire.
Carried Unanimously 9 :42 P.M.
Meeting declared dissolved at 9 :43 P.M.
A. \