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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss.
To the Constable of the Town of Lexington, in said.
County, Greeting:
In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to
notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified
to vote in Elections to meet in the Adams School, East Lexington
(Precinct One ) and. Cary Memorial Hall, Lexington Center (-Precinct
Two, Three and Four ) , on
at 6 :00 o'clock A.M. to cast their ballots for the following
officers :
Presidential Electors; Governor; Lieutenant Governor;
Secretary; Treasurer; Auditor; Attorney General; Senator
in Congress; Representative in Congress ; Councillor ;
Senator; Three Representatives in General Court;- One
Clerk of Courts; One Register of Deeds; Two County Commis-
sioners; County Treasurer,
'And to take action on the following questions:
To obtain a full expression of opinion, voters should- vote on
all three of the following questions :-
(a) If a voter desires to permit the sale in this town of any
and all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on and off the premises
where sold, he will vote "YES" on all three questions.
(b ) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and malt
beverages only to be drunk on and off the premises where sold,
he will vote "TO" on question one, "YES" on question two and
"NO" on question three.
(c ) If he desires to permit the sale herein of all alcoholic
beverages but only in packages, so called, not to be drunk on
the -premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on questions one
and two, and "YES" on question three.
(d ) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and malt
beverages to be drunk on and off the premises where sold and
in addition other alcoholic beverages, but only in packages,
so called, not to be drunk on the premises where sold, he will
vote "NO" on Question one and "YES" on questions two and three.
(e ) If he ,desires to prohibit the sale herein of any and all
alcoholic beverages whether to be drunk on or off the premises
where sold, he will vote "NO" on all three questions.
1. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale 7E,
therein of all alcoholic beverages (whiskey, rum, gin, 1\0
malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic beverages )?
2. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale YES
therein of wines and malt beverages ( wines and beer, ale NO
and all other malt beverages ) ?
3. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale
therein of all alcoholic beverages in packages, so called,NO
not to be drunk on the premises?
"Shall the Senator from this district be instructed to vote Ego
for legislation providing for ten dollar weekly payments to NO
each recipient of old age assistance?"
"Shall the Senator from this district be instructed to vote
for the establishment of a lottery to be conducted by the • S
Commonwealth, the net proceeds of which shall provide add- El
itional revenue for the Old Age Assistance Fund'?
The polls will be open at 6:00 A.H. and will remain open
until 8:00 P.M.
And you are directed to serve this Warrant seven days at
least before the time of said meeting as provided in the 2y-laws
of the Town.
Hereof fail not, and make due return on this Warrant, with
your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of
said meeting.
Given under our hands at Lexington, this 21st day of October,
A.D. 1940.
Archibald R. Giroux
A. Edward Rowse
George W. Sarano
illiam G. Potter
Errol H. Locke
October 28, 7940
To the Town Clerk,
I have notified the inhabitants of Lexipzton by 1-).0t1rIc
icrinted copies of the foreons arra-,s in t-he vestbuTh of
the Town Office Euildinz and seven otheY, places in the Town,
-oy mailins•
e printed cocy of the same to eve77 regqte-ed
vctel, in the _To= ei-ht days before the time of said r:eetinf .
J07,"--, C. Russell
TTS„eriber 3,, 1940
7_ "ollc-firg fol ..;-firelection officers ^_r'J.L! neer appointed by the
Selectren and were ass- ie` to duty at the four - rec__",cts as
of lows
Precinct Cre Precinct
Charges J. Dailey u:a'rde: Irving 3. Pierce
Paulire E =art ett Irgpector John 7 Daaey
G e a r "rte
zoster Inspector Lucius pig.;st o ---
ar` E� ?tankard Clerk Rardall Richards
Mary A. Ro7fland Arthur L. Hanson
Donald Gayero.r Teller ”d'rrd 1cGrcr,
Marr ACowdrey Teller Elizabeth
George F. S ySl es •elle Madeline J. Corbett
_ aha ;re 7.7 el c •Te le Madeline V. Peterson
Helen 3,. Po_ar. lel ler N-A "ll am.
. Brawba 4
L , Rllsn;ort P erJ Teller S�uGarry:ray
Alice G. Marshall Teller Jesse CordirOno
Additional officers added byAdditional of_f ceradded
Charles J. Pe ley % 7a rd en :r7"_ C P® P^ erre, Ta den
Richard .�-s
. Truesdell, R Marjorie Pierce, 53 Merest St.
Arrl'e H. UcLonr el l P John Kelley, u`3 =uZZey St.
E i th K. F gen o u•_i
Precinct - wee Precinct Four
Howard E. Custence
C 4n s r l e s s-p S c? o f i, e k C" ", l''x '1 y ? 3 rp 1 i 's P✓ �p
� i e_ ! a_ e,' /� `� aP � 1
Alfred A. Adler Inspector Daniel A. Gorman, Jr.
Charles E. :cloy,, Jr. I1'isrectorFrank. I1c.,f •.v re
John he Kea,nes= Clerk /� ,lliam Dailey
Cornelius TPe Cronin, TI eller 'George B 9loc"Y
Samuel N, I Jell in Jon Teller Car: Hauck
• Fove,., Teller .nes Hall
Jo n- J. I McCorra ckr "eller Robert Cady
Henry- Meade 'eller mm Thomas Fer-
Estlner Grahan Teller Charles D sY'i Eger e
leo-lard Foss Teller Maiy J. Ferry
Add ti"+_al officers added by Additional officers added by
Charles T; woofiel Harder Hoo°,=a�d B Ci5st "s t -1,; r�e•"`q
H. � E. �Qa._� � a._�s:.b
R Hazen T. Hamlin, 30 Gleason Rd . Harry Howard
D Katherine V au`n, 5 Cottage St. Fred Tullar
' ^a Cus' a_nce
3' `,p-r I r.„e T o o G f.',`a.rs#
To-rn 7a nes 7, Carroll. read the .'c.rrar t for the State
Election until further rea"lig was valve , � notion o_-F Tr�v?rp:
Pierce, w..` ich -as seconded and declared a unanimous vote
-- pol._ls were declared ewer =_r each nrenirct at silv T„
01,1_� n e ±c,i n e .°..p en -i n
� T'
after due notice, they were closed.
T-he e e€nt-ion officers were sworn to the faithful performance
of Gir_le._r duties. 'he ball_o ,s were counted by theelection° o _ officers
i r each rrx6i_2'i, the tallysheetsand total, T. ote sheets prepared
by &e ''own C l e r= i1 e 'l C' 1„?s e y�S
� .
total registration of voters eras 6263f ( six t'r ounk two
hundred s .x? yr three) .
Precinct le Total nunber of voters : 7704 Seventeen v e 's.dred four
Prec a of 2. Total Y'unbe-'r of voters: 1435 .Fourteen Hundred thirty-five
Precinct 3. T� ;Uaru 'ibe r o" voterl4_PS Fourteen hundred e?tr�7�,
z ecinct A. Total number of voters: 763s Sixteen hundred thirty®e g t
The Torn Clerk and Board of Registrars canvassed the result
as s of loins:
Precinct 1 Ballots cast: 1610 Sixteen hundred ten
Precinct 2® Ballots cast: 1365 Thirteen hundred siTi—five
Precinct 3. Ballots cast: 1405 Fourteen hundred five
Precinct 4® Ballots cast: 1532 Fifteen hundred thirty-t:Co
Total vote cast : 5912 Five thousand nine hundred triel ve
President and. Vice Preside=
Prete7ePrec€2.Prec .3 Prec.4,1 iota',
Aiken and Orange 1 1 0 0 2.
Babson and Moorran 0 0 0 2 i 2
Bro ?der and Ford 0 1 1 1 3
Roosevelt and 7a- lace 538 363 344 444 1689
Thomas and Krueger 7 0 0 2 9
Ti l ie andicy ,-,—: 1036 987 104.0 1066 ,4129
Blanks 28 1 20 Ire ra8
Total 1610 1365 7405 1532 5912
H err ing A. Bl omen 1 0 1 0 2
e f're -.:. Cam bell 3 0 0 a 7
Paul A Dever 517 299 313 372 1501
Otis Archer Hood 1 0 2 " 2 5
C 7 - 2
E. 2a11m-.dMe Root 1 �v�
Leverett Saltonstall 1070 1052 1060 1132 4314
Blanks 17 14 29 21 81
`" '- 1 1610 1365 14-05 1532 5912
Lieutenant Governor
Horace T. Cahill 1086 1059 1066 1119 -4330
Hugo De1 r egory 2 1 1 1 5
Over h.® �allagher 459 258 297 353 1361
Falter S. Hutchins 8 0 0 6 14
George L. ::cc--1 3 1 1 0 5
C,:y S® j'':i,ll ia ds 0 2 7 4 13
Blanks 52 44 39 cg 184
Total 1610 1365 7405 1532 59 2
Frederic „ Cook 1155 1092 7095 175s 4500
Katherine A, Foley 379 216 269 298 1162
Thomas 7. P O l Dea 2 1 2 2 7
nodes t ino Torre 3 1 0 5 9
Peter hart i ai nen, r® 7 ?_ 1
5 lzi
Ple_nks 64 54 78 64 220
16=C 7365 7-Z-05 1532 75912
oon J. Donahue 407 233 275 321 1236
HenryGrossman 5 0 2 1 8
-11-,o-.._as :T_-„-1i 1tcn 8 4 6 6 24
r i f __ami Em Hurley _107 1070 1076 113/ 4390
Yaloolm TQ pie''re 1 N 1 2 3
.Andre-? :S ien s on 9 0 2 8 19
Blanks 73 57 a3 59 232
To al 1670= -7,65 1 LN 157,2 5912
Auu67 tovs
_ Prec.l Prec.2 Prec ®3 Prec ®3. Total
--E,t1 u— a_�. 3J.c'i-1.39 6 4 2 21
C�io ,a s ' e 123Buckley 478 256 289 355 733E
61-Arles H. Daniels 8 0 1 L 13
Dernard G Kell;, 3 0 0 Harry T. K mba1 3 3 5 - 9 20
Russell A,. T cc5 1061 1052 1058 1088 4239
7,Blanks 8S 68 48 72 276
Total 1610 1335 1405 1532 5912
Attorney General
James Henri Drennan ° 598 256 272 322 2,,�_
rob-;€ert m® - :' ell 1117 1058 1036 1136 A397
1..ose-r_,h C. 71 u.e re o 5 1 2 4 12
Aust'- H �,tz 3 _ 2 5 71
a . m i 1 v
Charles H. TJX z^'
Fred E. Celcher 0 0 0 0 0
Blanks 89 49 43 50 2-2
,71.. -f._ - i',0 53 5 1532 5912
Sena_:o- In Congress
P1-1111 Hr2.r17-"el _ 2 0 2
Horace I Hillis 2 v 0 1 3
George Lyman Paine 4 1 1
Henr7 Parkrnan Jr® 92 927 984 982 3819
George L Thomtr7, 3 9 4 9 22
Band I. ,.,.rel _r1 s' 614 390 782 495 1887 i
Blare=s 59 41 32 37 169
0tw_ 1610 1365 1405 1532 5912
r •
=^c_-:,ras_ . s�. tri
Francis J Roane 2.62 180 184 229 855
Edit Tourse Toyer` 12687131
7.' 1 ,2L. 7253 485E
lanks 60 54 37 50 `20
Total 1610 1355 1405 1532 5912
James J. Drennan �?61 283 296 364 70-04
Eugene A. F. Burnett 70211 984 705L_ 7054 4093
P ac-,:s ' 9P 98 75 1 14 A 1=5
T01.- 7 1610 65 X05 1532 `972
Ar riui s Coolidge 1074 9026 8`_3 11098 1257
2 111iam D. Dacey 412 251 287 347 1297
Blanks 124 68 - 65 87 364
Tc tat 7670 1365 1405 1532 5972
Representa Ines _n General Court
6 7791
Chart e: J. Ferguson 1 227 1'0"1 17 2 1201 4581
I. a_rb�asn `896 897 936 c+3? 3660
-7Y0.-- Ba Jenney 246 225 125 236832
Jose-ph D. McCar•th ,5 193 219 267 988
RobertS. 'a.rd 296 189 201 247 924
3lanks 657 5c36 6 "747 2910 _ _
Total 4830 4995 4215 4596 17736
Clerk of Courts
J. Gordon D ffy AL 247 294 364 1351
7-0'''f '
of c L s D')-7:'1,2n 70:59 .-)'7,=`, - "-,' 7'2- 1n79 L1 91
^:J '25 92 57 0_.� 370
`c 1al 7 J`' 7585 74-15 1532 5912
7-3e ' ste.r (--" Deeds
pre„1 D-ro'e,2 12re„5 Fre„4 Total
Fol-,n 9, ?lair 403 236 270 333 1242
112onas Leighton 1070 7096 1069 7003 4255
Flanks 13'7 lr"'7-,
.„. , 66 109 45
Total leio 7365 1405 1532 5972
County Corl-nisoners
7at'-lalni./ -, 9o--7'te-1 873 581 922 A
,,,-- 3590
TholTas ,-.2,, Drennan 270 171 193 232 866
A-e---0,1a F. 1-='-ol= .1302 1106 1170 72418 4990
Francis 0 . Kelley 225 139 165
218 747
Bans_ 550 433 360 452 1795
mnr,7,1 -.327-'- 7777 2810 3 777n
County Treasurer
Charles 2„ 2-crar51 1069 1009 1954 7929W 4212
s- --, - - 7-7 ----- --(,7 -7- 43 258 290 355 1326
312.-,,ks 127 95 61 88 374
Total 1,59, 1355 1405 1552 7797-7
No. 1
Yes 450 297 339 408 1494
7o 893 315 810 851 5375
3lar-7:s 264 250 256 273 1045
Total 14:;10 1365- 1-4-n, - 539 :5379
1.10„ 2
Yes L-1 .7'7, 325 369 427 1524
- -
Do 929 .--/,-9
, C,, 748 792 3131
313 278 288 '•--,- 7 1197
BlanksTotal 1613 1365 1495 1532 5912
Yes327 764 896 865' 3320
523 /4--rA--:-: /1.3l -7.,..-t'Qbn^
Flanks 197157 / Rs 701 1733
- -,,,- J-J- - ,.)--
70,-,-P,7 - 7510 7765 1405 1532
Old Are Assistance
,-7- s
-,..„ 709 747 919 3365
7o 521 r,-sa
'--,J, 395 337 1453
31a:1-s 299 247 232 276 108
Total 7775 - J*---7.(-2 F," 7775 7537 5919
07 (5 Are Assistance
Yes 907 550 g-
,..,,„- 735 2653
No 512 551 59' 524 2' 23
131anlir c)C;7 9.,5 i 253 273 107-
Total 7311 13(35 1105 1532
8 record:
4.- true
Lt t'c'S t: