HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-03-04-ATE-Results 518 tn ANNUAL TOWN MEETING March 4, 1940 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting places in said Town on Monday, March the fourth in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty at six o'clock in the forenoon. The following places were designated as the voting places for the various precincts: Precinct One, Adams School; Precinct Two, Three and Four, Cary Memorial Hall. The following election officers having been duly appointed by the Selectmen, and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden Irving B. Pierce Bartlett J. Harrington Inspector Lucius Austin George Foster Inspector Randall Richards Mary E. Stankard Clerk John H. Dacey Mary A. Rowland Teller Arthur L. Hanson Donald Cameron Teller Edward McGrory Harold MacGilvray Teller Elizabeth Nourse George F. Stygles Teller Madeline J. Corbett James Moakley Teller Madeline V. Peterson Helen B. Dolan Teller William S. Bramhall L. Ellsworth Pierce Teller Helen McCaffrey Arthur Hughes Teller Jesse Condinho Precinct Three Precinct Four Hiram W. Jackson, Jr. Warden Frederick S. Britton (Deputy) Mark L. Dodd, Jr. Deputy Inspector Dahiel A. Gorman, Jr. Charles E. Moloy, Jr. Inspector William E. Mulliken John McKearney Clerk Frank Maguire Cornelius P. Cronin Teller Mary J. Ferry Virginia :elch Teller Agnes Hall Samuel E. Wellington Teller William E. Dailey Emma Hovey Teller George A. Bullock John J. McCormack Teller Charles P. McEnroe. Henry Heade Teller Carl Hauck Esther Graham Teller Robert Cady William H. Stevenson Teller A. Thomas Ferry The polls were declared open in each precinct at six o'clock A.M. and remained open until eight o'clock P.M., after which time after due notice, they were, closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties . The ballots were counted by the election officers in each precinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The total registration of voters in each precinct was as follows: Precinct One 1361 One thousand three hundred sixty-one Precinct Two 1241 One thousand two hundred forty-one Precinct Three 1289 One thousand two hundred eighty-nine Precinct Faar 1347 One thousand three hundred forty-seven Total 5238 Five thousand two hundred thirty-eight 519 The ballots cast were counted, enclosed, in envelopes, sealed, signed by the election officers, together with the unused ballots , and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office. The Registrars of Voters and the Town Clerk canvassed the result as follows: Precinct One Ballots Cast 165 One hundred and sixty-five Precinct Two Ballots Cast 188 One hundred eighty-eight Precinct Three Ballots Cast 187 One hundred and eighty-seven Precinct Four Ballots Cast 174 One hundred and seventy-four 1 6-b the close of the polls the register of the ballot box stood at. 175 . The Ballot Box registered twice on one ballot) . Total vote case: 714 Seven hundred and fourteen 'TOWN CLERK Pre. 1 Pre. 2 Pre . 3 Pre, 4 Total James J. Carroll 161 177 172 160 670 Blanks 4 11 15 14 44 Total 165 188 187 174 714 James J. Carroll was elected as Town Clerk for one year. SELECTMAN Archibald R. Giroux 159 169 172 168 668 , Blanks 6 19 15 6 46 Total 165 188 187 174 714 Archibald. R. Giroux was elected as Selectman for three years. TOWN TREASU HER James J. Carroll 158 175 171 161 665 Blanks 7 13 16 13 49 Total 165 188 187 174 714 James J. Carroll was elected as Town Treasurer for one year. COLLECTOR OF TAXES William S. Scamrpan 156 166 174 163 659 Blanks 9 22 13 11 55 Total 165 188 187 174 714 William S. Scamman was elected as Collector of Taxes for one year. CEMETERY COMMISSIONER John E-. Gilcreast 149 154 165 151 619 Blanks 16 34 22 23 95 Total 165 188 187 174 714 John E . Giicreast was elected as Cemetery Commissioner for three years . SCHOOL CO=ITTEE Tracy V. Ames 146 156 165 157 624 Blanks 19 32 22 17 90 Total 165 188 187 174 714 Tracy W. Ames was elected to the School Committee for three years. _ _ 520 01 = MODERATOR ›‹.4 Pre. I Pre, 2 Pre. 3 Pre, 4 Total Robert H. Holt 147 157 167 153 624 Blanks 18 31 20 21 90 Total 165 188 187 174 714 Robert H. Holt was elected as Moderator for one year. PLANNING BOARD Donald E. Nickerson 145 151 158 150 604 Edwin B . Worthen, Jr. ^ 143 156 159 155 613 Blanks 42 69 57 43 211 Total 330 376 374 348 1428 Donald E . Nickerson and Edwin B. Worthen, Jr. were elected to the Planning Board for three years . CONSTABT7s Alfred Kargaard 38 52 55 58 203 *Patrick J. Maguire 119 145 139 130 533 *John C . Russell 156 145 151 132 584 Blanks 17 34 29 28 108 Total 330 376 374 348 1428 * Patrick J. Maguire and John C. Russell were elected as Constables for one year. TRUST.L,E OF PUBLIC TRUSTS Howard S. O. Nichols 134 147 149 145 575 Blanks 31 41 38 29 139 Total 165 188 187 174 714 Howard S. 0. Nichols was elected as Trustee of Public Trusts for six years . TOWN 77,ETING MEMBERS For Three Years Precinct One Precinct Two *Gilbert A. Arnold 122 *Harold C. Ashley 133 *Henry Brask 119 *Charles S. Beaudry 136 _ *John Milton Brown 120 *Walter G. Black 121 *Ernest Cutter 134 William E. Bennett 93 *Joseph L. Dahlstrom 126 *William E. Chamberlain 132 *Allan G. Galt 117 *Lester F. Ellis 135 *Frederick M. Gay 119 Thomas E . Fitzgerald 93 *Lincoln C . Grash 125 *John E . Gilcreast 132 *Dary D. Hatch 115 *George H. B . Green 111 *Arnold E. Howard 117 *Willi - G. Grinnell 109 *George M. Hynes 144 *William M. Hall 103 *Harold. S . Liddick 109 *Norman M. Hill 117 *Ralph F. Little 114 Michael J. Hopkins 78 *Eugene L. Morgan 127 *Arthur H. LicLearn 107 *Harold D. Morgan 105 *Marjorie Pierce 110 *Lyle J. Horse 133 *Henry W. Robertson 114 *Louis J. Reynolds 128 *George C. Sheldon 118 Frank L. Schiorring 77 H. Webster Thomas 95 Blanks 654 *James J. Walsh 119 *Paul Whipple 109 *Edwin B. Worthen, Jr. 145 Blanks 786 * Town Meeting Members elected for the term of three years . 521 TOWN MEETING =1.BEESFOR orE YEAR Precinct One *Thomas J. Donnelly, Jr. 140 *Dominic F. Ross 135 *Olive McGuire Wheeler 123 *George B . Wilson 132 Blanks 130 Total 660 *Town Meeting Members elected for the term of one year. TOWN 1 ..ETING MEIZERS For Three Years Precinct Three Precinct Four *Wilbur H. Abbott 100 D. Jack Allia 114 *Alan G. Adams 139 Walter S . Beatty 101 *Alfred A. Adler 123 *Carl E . Bryant 119 *Ronald D. Brown 135 *Howard E. Custanc e 145 *Albert H. Burnham 138 *Paul F. Dempsey 132 *George M. Davis 137 *Ralph B. Dibble 118 *Charles H. Fernald 113 *GeorgeM. Fuller 136 Clayton A. Hilliard 97 *John T. Hinchey 113 *Norman C . Hooper 113 *Jolln E. Hossfield 133 , James H. Lewis 112 *Elmer C . Houdlette 121 Charles Irving Lohr 36 *Leonard Jellis 120 Clifford M. Martin 82 *Alfred Kargaard 113 *Richard W. Maynard 124 *George A. Manion 118 *Robert D. Mayo 122 *Everett E . Morrill 127 *Neil McIntosh 113 *Donald E. Nickerson 124 *Clayton M. Morse 129 *Eugene H. Partridge 138 George P. Morey 85 *James E . Spellman 116 *George B. Sargent 112 *Raymond L. White 132 Charles H. Schofield 89 Blanks 738 *Clarence Shannon 123 *William H. Sburtleff 115 *Ralph H. Tucker 105 Henry P. Meade 1 • Blanks 736 Town, Meeting Members elected for the term of three years . To= MEETING MEMBER FOR ONE YEAR Precinct Three Richard E. Rowse 149 Blanks 38 Total 187 Richard E. Rowse was elected Town Meeting Member for one year. TOWN MEETING Li.b,..1BER FOR TWO YEARS Precinct Three George P. Wadsworth 154 Blanks 33 Total 187 George P. Wadsworth was elected Town Meeting Member for two years . 522 TOWN MEETING MEMBER FOR T70 YEARS Precinct Four George R. -Fuller 141 Blanks 3.3 Total 174 George R. Fuller was elected as Town Meeting Member for two years . A true record. Attest: //-, OJr'- Town Cl/ TOWN WARRANT Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss, To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in the Cary Memorial Building, in said Lexington, on, ITODDAY, the twenty-fifth DA1C of NTRCH, 1940 at eight o r clock P. K® , then and there to act on the following articles: Article 1® To see if the Town will appropriate money to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purchase of materials and equipment and for wages of superintendence on public works for which the Town has power to appropriate money to be designated by the Selectmen, in which works recipients of welfare aid from the Town may be required to work, or take any action in reference thereto. Article 2® To see if the Town ,•gill. authorize the Selectmen to install street lights in the following unaccepted streets: Hillcrest Street; games Street; Wright Street; or take any action in reference thereto® Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to abandon certain rights and easements taken by eminent domain by the Town in an order of taking of a temporary leasehold interest in certain lands in connection with the Vine Brook Drain and Sewer Project. 9