HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-03-06-ATE-Results 475 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING March 6, 1939 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting places in said Town on Monday, March the sixth in the year of our Lord nineteen 'hundred and thirty-nine at six o'clock in the forenoon. The following places were designated as the voting places for the various precincts: Precinct One, Adams School; Precinct Two, Three and Four, Cary Memorial Hall. The following election officers 1baving been duly appointed by the Selectmen, and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden Victor H. Harmon Frederick L. 'Murphy Inspector Lucius Austin George Foster Inspector Ruth Ray (Deputy) Mary E. Stankard Clerk John H. Dacey Mary A. Rowland Teller Arthur L. Hanson Donald Cameron Teller Edward McGrory Pauline A. Bartlett Teller Elizabeth Nourse George Stygles Teller Madeline Corbett Constance Thompson Teller Edward B. O'Connor Edith Kew Teller William S . Branba ll L. Ellsworth Pierce Teller Helen McCaffrey Arthur Hughes Teller Jesse Condinho Precinct Three Precinct Four Hiram W. Jackson, Jr. Warden Howard E. Custance Frederick Tullar Inspector Irene Robinson (Deputy) Cornelius P. Cronin Dep. Inspector Daniel A. Gorman, Jr. John McKearney Clerk Frank Maguire Agnes E. Richards Teller Mary E. Ferry Margaret E. Ormond Teller George A. Bullock Samuel Wellington Teller Charles P. McEnroe Emma Hovey Teller Carl Hauck John J. McCornPck Teller Robert L. Lowe Henry Meade Teller Agnes Hall Esther Graham Teller Robert Cady Alfred P. Tropeano Teller Madeline Peterson The polls were declared open in each precinct at six o' clock A.M. and remained open until eight o'clock P.M. , after which time after due notice, they were closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties . The ballots were counted by the election officers in each precinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The total registration of voters in each precinct was as follows: Precinct One 1468 One thousand four hundred sixty-eight Precinct Two 1267 One thousand two hundred sixty-seven Precinct Three 1336 One thousand gree hundred thirty-six Precinct Four 1389 One thousand three hundred ei bty-nine Total 5460 Five thousand four hundred sixty The ballots cast were counted, enclosed in envelopes, sealed, signed by the election officers, together with the unused ballots, and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office. 476 The Registrars of Voters and the Town Clerk canvassed the result as follows: Precinct One Ballots Cast 611 Six hundred and eleven Precinct Two Ballots Cast 637 Six hundred and thirty-seven Precinct Three Ballots Cast 702 Seven hundred and two Precinct Four Ballots Cast 696 Six hundred ninety-six (At the close of the polls the register of the ballot box stood at 697. The Ballot Box registered twice on one ballot.) Total vote cast: 2646 Two thousand six irandred and forty-six TON CLERK Pre. 1 Pre . 2 Pre. 3 Pre. 4 Total James J. Carroll 516 566 604 576 2262 Blanks 95 71 98 120 384 _ Total 611 637 702 696 2646 James J. Carroll was elected as Town Clerk for one year. SELECTMEN Richard E. Bourdon 45 32 33 59 169 *Errol H. Locke 255 375 445 352 1427 *George W. Sarano 239 372 325 348 1284 Matthew Stevenson 255 227 320 274 1076 Raymond L. White 273 163 147 225 808 Blanks 155 105 134 134 528 Total 1222 1274 1404 1392 5292 *Errol H. Locke and George W. Sarano were elected as Selectmen for three years . TOWN TREASUTUa James J. Carroll 539 577 627 598 2341 Blanks 72 60 75 98 305 Total 611 637 702 696 2646 James J. Carroll was elected as Town Treasurer for one year. COLLECTOR OF TAXES William S . Scamman 525 554 604 599 2282 Blairs 86 83 98 97 364 Total 611 637 702 696 2646 William S. Scamznan was elected as Collector of Taxes for one year. CEMETERY C OM1_'I S S IONER James J. Walsh 501 532 582 565 2180 John J. Dailey 0 0 4 3 7 Blanks 110 105 116 128 459 Total 611 637 702 696 2646 James J. Walsh was elected as Cemetery Commissioner for three years .. SCHOOL COMMITTEE Annie F. Putney 460 508 552 528 2048 Mary Murphy 1 0 0 0 1 Blanks 150 129 150 168 597 Total 611 637 702 696 2646 Annie F. Putney was elected to the School Committee for three years. 477 CONSTABLES Pre. 1 Pre. 2 Pre. 3 Pre. 4 Total *Patrick J. Maguire 471 534 599 578 2182 *John C. Russell 504 531 580 553 2168 Michael Powers 0 0 1 0 1 Blanks 247 209 224 261 941 Total- 1222 1274 1404 1392 5292 *Patrick J. Maguire and John C. Russell were elected as Constables _ for one year. MODERATOR Robert H. Holt 467 512 573 543 2095 Blanks 144 125 129 153 551 Total 611 637 702 696 2646 Robert H. Holt was elected as Moderator for one year. - pT,ANNING BOARD *William Roger Greeley 437 502 554 517 2010 *Edward W. Kimball 436 503 . 539 511 1989 George Foster 3 0 0 0 3 Blanks 346 269 . 311 364 1290 _ Total 1222 1274 1404 1392 5292 *William Roger Greeley and Edward Kimball were elected to the Plan- nirg Board for three years . Town Meeting Member for One Year Precinct One Matthew M. Zubowitch 415 — John Barry 1 Blani s 195 611 Matthew M. Zubowitch was elected Town Meeting Member for one year. Town Meeting Members For Three Years Precinct One Precinct Two *William M. Aquaro 366 *Walter C. Ballard 457 *Lyon Carter 381 ;;John. H. Devine 433 *James A. Guthrie 396 *Bartlett J. Harrington 408 *Arthur C. Dodge 444 *Lewis L. Hoyt 368 "-William Fp Downe 403 *Robert H. Eldridge 422 *J. Brace Lewis 342 *Clements H. Ferguson 447 *Charles B. Meek 388 *William Roger Greeley444 *Charles F. Mitchell 341 *Frederic B. Hunnema388 *Harold B. Needham 383 ;,Harold B. Lamont 403 *Clarence E. Smith 340 :Harold F. Lombard 415 *Clayton J. Sullivan 352 *Robert T. Person 411 ::Joseph Trani 368 *Roy C . Peterson 406 ::Richard A. Wason 347 *Clifford W. Pierce 425 *Alphonso B. West 356 *Elwyn G. Preston 429 *W. Stanley Wilson 392 *Randall W. Richards 427 *John A. Wilson 394 Albert A. Ross 322 *Walter H. Wilson 389 *Clyde E. Steeves 397 John Barry 1 *Edwin B. Worthen 458 Frederick Murphy 1 Blanks 3298 Blanks 4074 *Town Meeting Members elected for the term of three years . 478 Town Meeting Member for Two Years X Precinct Two F. Stanley Love 491 Blanks 146 Total 637 F. Stanley Love was elected Town Meeting Member for two years. Town Meeting MembeYs for One Year - Precinct Two Michael J. Hopkins 465 Irving A. Rich 463 Blanks 346 Total 1274 Mi chs el J. Hopkins and Irving A. Rich were elected Town Meeting Members for One Year. Town Meeting Member for One Year Precinct Three Alan G. Adams 526 Rebecca Adams 1 Blanks 175 Total 702 Alan G. Adams was elected Town Meeting Member for one year. Town Meeting Members For Three Years Precinct Three Precinct Four :.Nathan B. Bidwell 483 Lester Andrews 487 *Louis W. Bills 490 ;, William H. Ballard 449 *Charles M. Blake 477 * Robert C . Boleyn 365 *Laurence H. Burnham 481 * Walter C . Boone 444 *William I . Burnham 483 Winthrop H. Bowker 405 *Philip M. Clark 490 * Frederick S.Britton 446 *Norman A. Downs 465 * Francis E. Burke 441 *Everett S. Emery 477 * Herbert E. Bussom 354 George W. Emery 471 * W. Barren- Lustance 449 *Roy A. Ferguson 480 * Theodore. A. Custance 468 *C. Edward Glynn 482 Ralph B. Dibble 343 *George E. Graves 465 * Robert J. Fawcett 447 *Errol H. Locke 488 Frederic L. Fischer 409 *Lester T. Redman 475 :. Converse Hill 453 *George E. Smith 495 * Willard C . Hill 440 *Robert M. Stone 474 * Frederick B. James 397 *Robert Whitney 477 * William E.Mulliken /1414 Blanks 3781 Francis H. Ready 393 Blanks 4198 *Town Meeting Members elected for the term of three years . A true record. Attest: J Town ` erk r 506 SPECIAL =TING TO7N YEETTNG ITJEKIETqS 07 PRECINCT TOUR, 7717 lu.RCH 20, 1939 A. Randall Soderberg of 51 Dexter Road, was elected as a Town Meeting Member, term ending in 1941. Ralph B. Dibble of 1981 Massachusetts Avenue, vas elected as a Town Meeting Member, tern ending in 1940 . Elmer C. Houdlette Clerk March 30, 1939 To the Town Clerk: I, A. Randall Soderberg of 51 Dexter Road, Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Merber, held March 20 , 1939 , In Precinct Four for a tern of two years . A. Randall Soderberg March 30, 1939 To the Torn Clerk: I, Ralph B. Dibble of 1981 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby accept my election as a Torn Meeting Memer, held March 20th, 1939 , in Precinct Four, for a term of one year. Rallph. B. Dibble April 71, 1939 Mr, James J. Carroll To= Clerk Lexington, Mass . I hereby tender my resigration as a Town Meeting Member from Precinct 1, effective as of today. Lly term of office expires In 1941, 507 Cause: General letter form 240 . signed by Col. Harring- ton, V. D. A. Administrator, Tashington, D. C . Very truly yours, Leigh V. Farnham 814 TCas s. Ave. Lexington, Mass . -- I.D. 9190-574 July 28, 1939 Town of Lexington, Attention P:ir. J. J. Carroll, Town. Clerk, Lexington, Mass, Dear Mr. Carroll: I herewith tender my resignation as town meeting member from Precinct 3. This is necessary because of movi to Kingston, :lass . , making it impossible for me to contime to hold this position. Yours very truly, L. E. Burnham TOWN WARRANT Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, es. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet in the Cary Memorial Building, in said Lexington, on Monday, the 13th day of November, 1939 at eight o'clock P. M., then and there to act on the following articles: Article 1. To receive the reports of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the Town and to appoint other Committees. Article 2. To see if the Town will accept Chapter 91 of the Acts of 1939, as amended by Chapter 446 of the Acts of 1939, modifying the previous requirements for betterment assessments in the con. striation of sanitary sewers in Lexington so as to permit co-op- eration with Federal agencies. 505 Motion made, seconded and voted that the meeting be dissolved. 9:15 P. M. A tie record® Attest: • Town / erk SPECIAL hTING OF TOWN L.LL-ETTNG 1TEH3ERS PFECINCT TL-LrLEE, REIL-IRCE: 20, 1939 The following names were nominated from the floor for elec- tion as a Town Meeting Member for a term ending in 1942. James VT S Tr! th Fletcher T. Taft George P. Wadsworth James W. Smith of 6 Franklin Road was declared elected with eighteen votes . George M. Davis Clerk March 30, 1939 To the Towri. Clerk: I, James W. STnith of 6 Franklin Road, Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member, :held March 20, 1939, of Precinct Three for a term of three years. James W. Smith