HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-11-08-SE-Results 454 WARRANT FOR STATE ELECTION COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County; Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Elections to meet in • ADAMS SCHOOL, East Lexington ( Precinct 1) CARY -MEMORIAL BUILDING, Lexington Center ( Precinct 2, Precinct 3, and Precinct 4) on TUESDAY, the EIGHTH day of NOVE;vSER 1938, at eight o'clock A.M. to cast their ballots for the following officers: Governor; Lieutenant Governor; Secretary; Treasurer; Auditor; Attorney General; Congressman; Councillor; Senator; Two Represent- atives in General Court; District Attorney; County Commissioner; Sheriff; One Clerk of Courts ( to fill vacancy) . And to take action on the following questions: QUESTION NO. 1. PROPOSED AMENDLENT _TO TmE CONSTITUTION. Shall an amendment to the Constitution providing for biennial sessions of the General Court and for a biennial budget which is further described as follows: This amendment annuls all existing provisions of the Consti- tution and its prior amendments which require annual sessions of the General Court, commonly known as the Legislature, and provides for biennial sessions in their place. It also provides that the budget of all proposed expenditures of the Commonwealth shall be so prepared as to cover two fiscal years instead of only one as at present required, - which proposed amendment was approved by the General Court and in a joint session of the two branches held May 27, 1936, received 141 votes in the Yes ■ affirmative and 117 in the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held May 19, 1937, re- No c ei ved 158 votes in the affirmative and 112 in the negative, - be approved? QUESTION NO. 2. LAW PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION. Shall the proposed measure which provides that in any city or town which accepts its terms, the licensing authorities shall establish free public taxicab stands for the use of all taxicabs and motor vehicles for hire whose owners are licensed within such city or town, and shall abolish all other forms of taxicab stands on any public highway within such city Yes ■ or town, - which was disapproved in the House of Rep-resen a ives by a vote of 96 in the affirmative and 109 in the negative and in the Senate by a vote of 4 No in the affirmative and 35 in the negative, - be approved? • To obtain a full expression of opinion, voters should vote on all three of the following questions:- (a) If a voter desires to permit the sale in this city ( or town) of any and all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on and off the premises where sold, he will vote "YES" on all three questions. (b) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and malt beverages only. to be drunk on and off the premises where sold he will vote "NC on question one, "YES"' on question two and "NO" on - question three. 455 (c) If he desires to permit the sale herein of all alcoholic beverages but only in packages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on questions one and two and "YES" on question three. (d) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and malt beverages to be drunk on and off the premises where sold and in addition other alcoholic beverages but only in packages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on question one and "YES" on questions two and three. ( e) If he desires to prohibit the sale herein of any and all alcoholic beverages whether to be drunk on or off the premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on all three questions. 1. Shall licenses be granted in this city ( or town) for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages (whiskey, Yes ram, gin, malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic No beverages) ? 2. Shall licenses be granted in this city ( or town) Yes for the sale therein of wines and malt beverages (wines and beer, ale and all other malt beverages) ? No 3. Shall licenses be granted in this city ( or town) Yes for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages in pack- ages, so-called, not to be drunk on the premises? No 1. Shall the pari-mutuel system of betting on licensed Yes horse races be permitted in this county? No 2. Shall the pari-mutuel system of betting on licensed Yes dog races be permitted in this county? No QUESTION OF PTBLIC POLICY "Shall the Representatives of this District be instructed to urge and support all efforts to relieve this Commonwealth by urging through every lawful means upon. Congress the adoption of legislation designed to provide for ALL United States Citizens the privilege of retiring after the age of sixty years from gainful occupation upon a federal annuity that shall maintain them EQUALLY upon living standards equal to whatever general contemporary standards of living at any time prevail; said system of security to be provided by appropriate Yes national taxation designed to effect an increase there- No by or purchasing power throughout the Nation?" QUESTION OF PUBLIC POLICY "Shall the Representative to the General Court from this district be instructed to vote in favor of legislations Yes barring from employment, in the public service, married No women whose husbands are employed?" The polls will be open at 8:00 A. M. and will remain open until 8:00 P.M. And you are directed to serve this Warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as provided in the By-Laws of the Town. 456 cn a4 Hereof, fail not, and make due return on this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands, at Lexington, this twenty-fifth day of October, A. D. , 1938. ARCHIBALD -R. GIROUX A.. EDWARD ROWSE SELECTMEN PHILIP M. CLARK OF WILLIAM G. POTTE.L1 LEXINGTON ALBERT A. ROSS October 31, 1938. To the Town Clerk, . I have notified the irbabitants of Lexington by posting printed copies of the foregoing Warrant in the Post Office, in the vestibule of the Town Office Building and six other public places in the Town, and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the Town seven days before the time of said meeting. Attest: Patrick J. Maguire _ Constable of Lexington 457 STATE ELECTI©N November 8, 1938 The following election officers had been appointed by the Selectmen and were assigned to duty at the four precincts as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two Charles Dailey Warden Irving B. Pierce Bartlett J. Harrington Inspector Lucius A. Austin George E. Foster Inspector Randall Richards Mary E. Stankard Clerk John H. Dacey Mary A. Rowland Teller Arthur L. Hanson Julia L. Deacon Teller Elizabeth B. Nourse Pauline E. Bartlett Teller Madeline J. Corbett George F. Stygles Teller Edward B. O'Connor Frpn14. A. Cook Jr. Teller William S. Bramhall Constance L. Thompson Teller Helen A. McCaffrey L. Ellsworth Pierce Teller Jesse E. Condinho Arthur Hughes Teller Edward McGrory Additional officers Additional officers added by Warden added by Warden Edith T. Ke - Teller Victor H. Harmon Frances Harrington Teller Mary E. Manley Frederick L. Murphy Teller Richard E. Truesdell Teller Precinct Three Hiram W. Jackson Warden Howard E. Cu s tanc e Frederick H. Tullar Inspector William E. Mulliken Charles E. Moloy, Jr. Inspector Katherine E. Kiernan John F. McKearney Clerk Frank H. Maguire John Corcoran Teller James J. Waldron Agnes E. Richards Teller George A. Bullock Samuel W. Wellington Teller Charles P. McEnroe Emma Hovey . Teller Carl Hauck John J. McCormack Teller Mary Gaynor Henry P. Meade Teller Agnes G. Hall William H. Stevenson Teller Robert Cady Esther P. Graham Teller Madeline Peterson Teller Caroline Deloury Additional officers Teller Mary Spellman added by Warden Clarence E. Collieson Teller Margaret E. Kinneen. Teller Town Clerk James J. Carroll read the Warrant for the State Election until further reading was waived by motion of Irving B. Pierce, which was seconded and declared a unanimous vote. The polls were declared open in each precinct at eight A. M., and remained open in each precinct until eight P.M., at which time after due notice, they were closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithf�.i.l performance -__ of their duties. The ballots were counted by the election officers in each precinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The total registration of voters was 5737 ( five thousand seven hundred thirty-seven) . Precinct 1. Total number of voters: 1563 Fifteen hundred sixty-three Precinct 2. Total number of voters: 1318 Thirteen hundred eighteen Precinct 3. Total number of voters: 1389 Thirteen hundred eighty-nine Precinct 4. Total number of voters: 1467 Fourteen hundred sixty-seven 458 01 The Town Clerk and Board of Registrars canvassed the result as follows: Precinct 1. Ballots cast: 1389 Thirteen hundred eighty-nine Precinct 2. Ballots cast: 1203 Twelve hundred three Precinct 3. Ballots cast: 1236 Twelve hundred thirty-six Precinct 4. Ballots cast: 1276 Twelve hundred seventy-six (At the close of the polls the register of the ballot box stood at 1278. The Ballot Box registered twice on two ballots.) Total vote cast: 5104 Fifty-one hundred and four Governor Pre. 1 Pre.2 Pre. 3 Pre. 4 Total Henning A. Blomen 4 1 0 0 5 Roland S. Bruneau 0 0 2 0 2 Jeffrey W. Campbell 2 4 4 2 12 James M. Curley 418 219 282 266 1185 William. A. Davenport 0 0 3 2 5 Otis Archer Hood 1 1 1 1 4 Charles L. Marler 0 1 0 1 2 William H. McMasters 1 7 1 3 12 Leverett Saltonstall 954 956 936 979 3825 George L. Thompson 0 0 0 2 2 Blanks 9 14 7 . 20 50 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 Lieutenant Governor Manuel Blank 4 2 4 1 11 James Henry Brennan 415 229 270 291 1205 Horace T. Cahill 930 944 934 951 3759 Freeman W. Follett 8 1 4 5 18 Joseph F. Massidda 5 3 3 3 14 George L. McGlynn 4 2 3 0 9 Blanks 23 22 18 25 88 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 Secretary Frederic W. Cook 977 974 955 972 3878 Hugo DeGregory 2 2 2 5 11 Katherine A. Foley 363 203 250 265 1081 Eileen O'Connor Lane 5 3 5 3 16 Malcolm T. Rowe 7 2 2 2 13 Blacks 35 19 22 29 105 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 Treasurer Frank L. Asher 3 1 1 2 7 . Albert Sprague Coolidge 6 6 5 8 25 Owen Gallagher 351 194 238 232 1015 John J. Hurley 12 9 9 14 44 William E. Hurley 978 967 950 986 3881 Ralph Pirone 2 3 2 2 9 Blanks 37 23 31 32 123 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 Auditor Thomas H. Buckley 432 249 288 292 1261 Michael C. Flaherty 8 4 5 6 23 Horace I. Hillis 3 1 1 2 7 Michael Tuysuzian 0 1 1 2 4 Guy S . Williams 3 9 4 11 27 Russell A. Wood 894 902 908 923 3627 Blanks 49 37 29 40 155 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 459 Attorney General • Clarence A. Barnes 776 828 841 852 3297 Paul A. Dever 561 351 365 386 1663 Joseph C. Figaeiredo 3 1 1 3 8 George F. Hogan 1 0 1 3 5 Alfred Baker Lewis 6 9 6 5 26 Fred E. Oelcher 3 1 0 0 4 Blanks 39 13 22 27 101 -- Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 Congressman Francis J. Roane. 282 176 200 208 866 Edith Nourse Rogers 1073 1002 1011 1037 4123 Blanks 34 25 25 31 115 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 Councillor Eugene A. F. Burtnett 857 898 884 886 3525 Edward A. Rose 466 244 291 320 1321 Blanks 66 61 61 70 258 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 Senator Joseph R. Cotton 976 941 935 950 3802 P. Harold Ready 372 234 261 286 1153 Blanks 41 28 40 149 . Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 _ Representatives in General Court Nelson B. Crosby 822 876 873 879 3450 Joseph 3. Delaney 377 247 271 290 1185 Hollis Y. Gott 734 760 753 751 2998 Albert D. Leary 424 216 232 258 1130 Blanks 421 307 343 374 1 Total 2778 2406 2472: 2552 10208 District Attorney Robert F. Bradford 918 949 942 937 3746 Joseph V. Carroll 416 230 260 294 1200 Blanks 55 24 34 45 158 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 County Commissioner Thomas B. Brennan 409 251 266 293 1219 Sylvester J. McBride 12 9 48 8 77 Charles C. Warren 891 907 875 914 3587 Blanks 77 36 47 61 221 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 • Sheriff Oliver W. Anderson 10 5 8 9 32 Michael 3. Dee 367 214 252 267 1100 Herbert Harris 14 2 4 9 29 Joseph M. McElroy 944 941 940 939 3764 Blanks 54 41 32 52 179 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 Clerk of Courts Edward L. Ford 419 238 271 295 1223 Frederic L. Putnam 897 922 917 921 3657 Blanks 73 43 48 60 224 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 460 QUESTION NO. 1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TEE CONSTITUTION BIENNIAL SESSION. Pre. 1 Pre. 2 Pre. 3 Pre. 4 Total Yes 611 585 612 564 2372 No 381 336 309 367 1393 Blanks 397 282 315 345 1339 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 QUESTION NO. 2 LAW PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION TAXICAB STANDS Yes 518 382 414 498 1812 No 583 605 618 562 2368 Blanks 288 216 204 216 924 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 LIQUOR LICENSE NO. 1 Yes 473 281 289 368 1411 No 720 758 803 738 3019 Blanks 196 164 144 170 674 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 • LIQUOR LICENSE NO. 2 Yes 491 341 340 401 1573 No 671 684 733 682 2770 Blanks 227 178 163 193 761 Total . 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 LIQUOR LICENSE NO. 3 Yes 818 615 688 701 2822 No 442 474 438 454 1808 Blanks 129 114. 110 121 474 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 PARI-MUTUEL SYSTEM NO. 1 HORSE RACES Yes 659 478 525 546 2208 No 548 550 557 570 2225 Blanks 182 175 154 160 671 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 PARI-MUTUEL SYSTEM NO. 2 DOG RACES Yes 525 366 413 434 1738 No 632 632 640 662 2566 Blanks 232 205 183 180 800 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 QUESTION OF YU±LIC POLICY leEDERAL ANNUITY Yes 837 609 663 739 2848 No 218 309 297 244 1068 Blanks 334 .285. 276 293 1188 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 QUESTION OF PUBLIC POLICY MARRIED WOMEN Yes 779 587 629 663 2658 No 376 411 408 385 1580 Blsr,kg 234 205 199 228 866 Total 1389 1203 1236 1276 5104 A true record. Attest: ( ./../.6‘...e ., _ ......61.,..""'" ' r, Town Cler/